Rubric for Assessment of Digital Portfolios by M.Laura ...

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10-9 Exceptional. The Digital Portfolio is focused and coherently integrates examples, analysis and reflections. The posts demonstrate awareness of educational ...
Angelini, M.L (2014). Rubric for Assessment of Digital Portfolios by M.Laura Angelini is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4851.3600

Rubric for Assessment of Digital Portfolios. Teacher Training Degree.

10-9 Exceptional. The Digital Portfolio is focused and coherently integrates examples, analysis and reflections. The posts demonstrate awareness of educational matters and personal implications, and consider multiple perspectives when appropriate. The entries reflect in-depth engagement with the topics, methods and techniques suggested. Language use is totally appropriate and error-free. Wise selection of visuals and artifacts, intuitive navigation links and neat organization. 8-7 Very satisfactory. The Digital Portfolio is reasonably focused, and reflections and analysis are mostly based on examples. There exist connections between ideas, and though new insights are offered, they are not fully developed. The posts reflect evident engagement with the educational topics, methods and techniques suggested in the course. Language use is appropriate with some minor errors. Good selection of visuals and artifacts, fairly intuitive navigation links and neat organization. 6-5 Satisfactory. The Digital Portfolio is quite focused. There are some reflections and analysis though some are not fully developed. The posts reflect moderate engagement with the educational topics, methods and techniques suggested in the course. Language use is at times unclear or with considerable serious and minor errors. Some visuals and artifacts do not contribute to explain, demonstrate or analyze relevant topics related to education, rather confusing navigation links and organization uneasy to follow. 4-3 Underdeveloped. The posts are mostly ‘cut and paste’, descriptions or summaries, without consideration of alternative perspectives, methods or techniques suggested, and few connections are made between ideas. Language use is rather unclear and with considerable serious and minor errors. Most visuals and artifacts do not contribute to explain, demonstrate or analyze relevant topics related to education, confusing navigation links and organization uneasy to follow.

2-0 No Credit. The Digital Portfolio is unfocused, or simply rehashes previous posts and comments. It displays no evidence of student engagement with the topics, methods and techniques suggested in the subject. Language use is unclear and has plenty of serious and minor errors. Inappropriate use of visuals and artifacts which do not contribute to explain, demonstrate or analyze relevant topics related to education, confusing navigation links and organization uneasy to follow.

References:   

British council. Blogging for ELT Campbell AP (2003a). Blog-efl. Campbell AP (2003b). Weblogs for use with ESL classes.