Science Fair Contacts

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Science Fair Project Instruction ... Doing a science project is an integrated learning experience with a worthwhile ..... (A sample abstract follows this page.) IX.
Pol k County School s El ementary Sci ence Fai r Rul es and Gui del i nes

A Gui de to the El ementary Sci ence Fai r Revised July 2009


SCH OOL BOA RD M EM BERS Frank J. O'Rei l l y Lori Cunni ngham H azel Sel l ers D i ck M ul l enax K ay Fi el ds M argaret Lof ton Ti m H arri s

SUPERI N TEN D EN T OF SCH OOLS D r. Gai l M cK i nz ie

D r. Sherri e N i ck el l A ssoci ate Superi ntendent f or Learni ng A ni ta Lyl e, D i ana M yri ck , and Charl ene Bri nson Seni or D i rectors f or El ementary Educati on Li nda V endur Seni or Curri cul um Coordi nator El ementary Sci ence


I. Polk County Elementary Science Fair General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Rules and Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


II. Science Fair Project Instruction Components of a Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 •



M aterials


Step-by-step directions




Construction and Display of Investigation



Suggestions for School-level Science Fairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Project H andouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

GEN ERA L I N FORM A TI ON Phi l osophy The Science Fair concept has been established to: 1.

provide a medium for students to apply learned know ledge and skills in order to solve problems and answ er real w orld questions.


strengthen student motivation and interest in science.


promote teacher and public recognition of outstanding student effort.

Why parti ci pate? Doing a science project is an integrated learning experience w ith a w orthw hile educational payoff. Successful completion of a project requires application of language skills (w riting, expressing thoughts orally), and mathematical skills (quantifying data, interpreting data, problem solving). Students must also exhibit self-discipline and study habits necessary to complete a long-range study, search out resource material, and carry out the investigation. Who can enter the Fai r? Public, charter and private elementary schools may enter the Fair. Each entering school w ill be assigned a set number of project spaces for grades housed w ithin the designated facility. Students must parti ci pate i n a school f ai r bef ore they are el i gi bl e to enter the Pol k County El ementary Fai r.



H ow many proj ects may a school enter? The school quotas are: Fourth Grade


3 individual projects

Fifth Grade


3 individual projects

A SCH OOL M A Y N OT EN TER M ORE TH A N TH E QUOTA FOR EA CH GRA DE LEVEL. H ow are the proj ects j udged on the county l evel ? Judging is probably the most important aspect of the Fair. It establishes standards by w hich all students can improve the quality of their w ork. The role of judging is not to distinguish w inners and losers, but to recognize students w ho achieve standards of excellence. By encouraging students to strive for their best effort, all participants are w inners and grow from the experience. A team of judges is assigned to each grade level. Students remain w ith their projects during judging to explain their study. A l l others (sponsors, teachers, parents and other students) are not permi tted i n the proj ect area w hi l e j udgi ng i s i n progress. A ny vi ol ati ons of thi s pol i cy can resul t i n the di squal i f i cati on of the proj ect.

Guidelines for Awarding Ribbons Two independent judges will judge each project. If there is a large disparity between scores, a third judge will review the project. Scores from the two judges will be added together to arrive at the total score. Of the possible 200 points (100 pts. per judge), 56 points (28 pts. per judge) are determined by the student’s responses to specific questions. If a student is not present during the judging, he/she will receive a zero for all questions that specifically require a student response. Judging sheets and students’ scores will not be released.

Ribbons will be awarded based on the following point scale. 180 - 200 150 - 179 125 - 149 0 – 124


(90%) Superior (Blue Ribbon) (75%) Excellent (Red Ribbon) (63%) Outstanding (Yellow Ribbon) (less than 63%) Merit (White Ribbon)


Elementary Science Fair Elementary Science Fair Judging Form Judge # __ Grade _____

Project #_____

Purpose/Hypothesis 1. How well is the purpose question stated? 2. 3. 4. 5.

How creative is the approach used to answer the questions? How well does the hypothesis relate to the purpose? Student Response Question (TBA) Student Response Question (TBA)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4


Subtotal Variable/Constant/Control 6. How thorough was the materials list? ( using metric units) 7. Did student identify the one variable changed in the experiment? 8. Did student identify all factors held constant in the experiment? 9. Did student identify the control or state “No Control”? 10. Student Response Question (TBA)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4


Subtotal Procedure 11. Are step-by-step directions sequenced and clear so that anyone can set up the experiment? 12. Do procedures include specific directions including metric units? 13. How detailed was the log or notebook kept? 14. How well do the displayed procedures and log indicate the amount of trials completed (minimum of 3)? 15. Student Response Question (TBA)

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4


Subtotal Graph/Data 16. Were data measurements done precisely and related directly to the hypothesis? 17. Was the data collected in quantitative, metric units? 18. Does the graph show evidence of three trials and an overall average of those trials? 19. Does the graph have a title and correctly labeled axes? 20. Student Response Question (TBA)

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 ______

Subtotal Conclusion 21. Is there a clear statement that shows support or non-support of the hypothesis? 22. Is there evidence stated in the abstract/log of student research? 23. Is a complete and organized abstract included? 24. Student Response Question (TBA) 25. Student Response Question (TBA)

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4



Total Score:




Scori ng Rubri cs Judges use the scoring rubrics below w hen evaluating projects. A ll questions assessing the project itself are scored using the Project Display Rubric. A ll questions requiring a student response are scored using the Student Response Rubric.

Project Display Rubric

Student Response Rubric


No evidence or incorrect


A weak attempt made/ many errors or major flaws


Partial evidence/ some flaws or Student has some knowledge but omissions lacks complete understanding. Clear evidence/minor flaws or Student is able to articulate an omissions adequate understanding.

3 4

Clear evidence/no flaws

Student has no understanding or is unable to respond. Student has little knowledge or flawed understanding.

Student able to articulate a clear understanding.

A w ards A ll students w ho participate in the Polk County Elementary Science Fair receive a certificate of participation and a ribbon. Four levels of ribbons w ill be aw arded: Superior, Excellent, Outstanding, M erit. Recipients of Superior ribbons w ill also be

aw arded a medallion at a reception for parents, teachers, and students.

Parent I nvol vement Since components of the science project may be completed at home, parents need to be informed as to how they can help their children. They need to provide guidance, encouragement, praise and necessary materials. A parent meeting early in the year that explains the components of a project and outlines limits of parental involvement can be very helpful to a smooth running fair. If parents understand w hat a project consists of, they can help monitor their child's progress through to the end. . Prohibited Projects for Elementary Science It is the teacher’s responsibility to approve science project ideas early in the process.



Projects involving a controlled substance, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects that involve harming or endangering humans or vertebrates are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving blood and pathogenic agents, such as bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving weapons (any kind of gun, arrows, knives, darts, paint guns, etc.) or explosives (including rocketry engines) are prohibited at the elementary level. Any objects that could cause bodily harm are prohibited.



RULES A N D GUI D ELI N ES Entri es 1. Each student w ho enters the Polk County Elementary Science Fair must be selected by his/ her school. It is the school's responsibility to verify that the project is the w ork of the student and satisfied all science fair guidelines. 2. Students in grades 4-5 enter as individuals. 3. A ll projects must be registered, signed in and set up in accordance w ith all deadlines to be eligible for judging. 4. It is the teacher's responsibility to inform and provide copies of these rules and guidelines to the entrants. It is the student's responsibility to be know ledgeable of these rules and guidelines. There w ill be no excuse f or vi ol ati on of rul es and gui del i nes by students or thei r parents.

Proj ects 1. A n investigation should clearly demonstrate the components of a science experiment as outlined in this H andbook. 2. Students in grades 4-5 should complete a scientific experiment, maintain a log/ journal on the progress of the experiment and construct a display. A research paper i s not requi red. H ow ever, an abstract is required for all projects.

D i spl ay 1. Display must be self-standing of reinforced cardboard, plyw ood, or other materials. The project cannot lean on the table, w all, or other projects. N ail, glue or tape cannot be placed onto tables. 2. M aximum area for display is 40cm deep, 122cm w ide, and 100cm high. 3. The display board and log book are the only items to be displayed at the fair. The display board must not di spl ay actual materi al s used in the project; i.e., foodstuffs, seeds, crystals, etc. 4. I M PORTA N T: Only paper and pictures should be on the display board. There should not be any other items attached to the board, such as 3-dimensional objects, vines, foam board backing, aluminum foil, fabric, lights, etc. Items other than paper and pictures w ill be removed. Corrugated border or paper border is acceptable. Please, no headers that attach to the top of the display board.

5. Students w ill remain w ith their display during the judging to answ er questions. 6. Student and school names should be placed in the center on the backside of the display board. Students should place their name on inside back cover of their logbook. 7. The Polk County Elementary Science Fair Directors w ill not take responsibility for any loss of materials from the project displays. M18E-2


8. The Polk County Elementary Science Fair Directors reserve the right to reject projects they deem inappropriate and remove items not in compliance.

I mportant!! Whi l e i t i s exp ected that proj ects be neat and l egi bl e, a Sci ence Fai r proj ect i s not an art proj ect. Rather than spendi ng ti me on the appearance of the di spl ay, students shoul d be encouraged to i mprove thei r proj ect by conducti ng more research f or thei r abstract, perf ormi ng more tri al s, addi ng more detai l s to thei r procedures, etc. The emphasi s shoul d be on understandi ng and appl yi ng the sci enti f i c process. Pl ease note that no i tems shoul d be attached to the di spl ay board except f or paper and photographs. Pl ease do not attach any 3-di mensi onal i tems, l i ghts, al umi num f oi l , f abri c, etc. to the di spl ay board. School sci ence contacts are requi red to screen al l di spl ay boards f or such i tems bef ore they come to the D i stri ct Sci ence Fai r. I f i n doubt, pl ease remove i t.





Good science projects are based on topics. These topics should be grade appropriate so that students can investigate on their ow n. A good w ay for students to start developing topics is by asking themselves questions that can be answ ered through measurable experimentation. • Brainstorm for topic ideas as a class. Don't discard any ideas for now . List topics or questions just the w ay that the students suggest them. • Discuss the qualities that make a topic good or poor. Product compari sons (w hi ch brand of batteri es l ast l ongest) are not el i gi bl e to compete at the di stri ct l evel . I t i s the school ’ s deci si on w hether or not to al l ow product compari sons at the school l evel . • Use a bulletin board to motivate students to select their science project topics. A s students turn in a w ritten copy of their ideas, w rite their topic titles and names on a strip of construction paper and display on the board. Caption the board "Our Science Project Topics." The ideas displayed on the board may spark ideas in other students. • H ave students list all the science projects that they have seen or done in the past. Encourage them to come up w ith a new "tw ist" on an old idea and not to do a project for w hich they know the outcome - regardless of w hether they have seen or done it before. They should be learning something new . Prohibited Projects for Elementary Science

It is the teacher’s responsibility to approve science project ideas early in the process.

Projects involving a controlled substance, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects that involve harming or endangering humans or vertebrates are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving blood and pathogenic agents, such as bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving weapons (any kind of gun, arrows, knives, darts, paint guns, etc.) or explosives (including rocketry engines) are prohibited at the elementary level. Any objects that could cause bodily harm are prohibited.



This component of a science investigation explains in one statement w hy you are doing the experiment. The purpose can best be stated in the form of w onderment or a cause and effect statement.



The hypothesis is a statement that explains w hat you think might happen based on general understanding of the topic. It is not a w ild guess or theory.



The procedure includes a quantitative list of the materials used in the investigation, a numbered step-by-step description of the investigative method used, and the identification of the experimental variable, the control, and factors that are held constant. If the experiment does not have a control (See p. 30), it should be noted in the procedure. The student should understand w hat a control is and w hy it w as not appropriate for his/ her project.



Data refers to the measurable information gathered in an investigation. These may include: H and Written Scientific Journal (sloppy copy or log) Draw ings M easurements (metric) Photographs Tables, graphs Draw ings Photographs The follow ing items should be thoroughly explained and emphasized: • Precision in recording data • Consistent use of uniform intervals of time • Specific labeling of groups, specimens, subjects, etc. • A n adequate number of trials (3 or more depending on problem) • A veraging of data w here appropriate • Use of photographs • A ppropriate graphs

V I . GRA PH S Graphs are an organized w ay to display the data collected during an investigation. They enable the student to see the relationship betw een the variable and the results.

V I I . CON CLUSI ON S Consider the analysis of the data as it relates to the "purpose" or question w hen forming the conclusion. The conclusion may include a statement of support or non-support for the hypothesis.

V I I I . A BSTRA CT The abstract is a one-page summary to include the purpose, hypothesis, procedure, conclusion and a bibliography. The abstract must be placed in the low er left corner of the board. (A sample abstract follow s this page.)

I X. D I SPLA YI N G PROJECT The manner in w hich students display their project should neatly and accurately exhibit their w ork and know ledge. These guidelines and suggestions are intended to give all students an equal starting point. M aximum size for any display is 40 cm deep, 122 cm open w idth and 100 cm high. You may w ish to indicate these maximums on overhead number 13 as you discuss display dimensions. Only paper and pictures should be on the display board. There should not be any other items attached to the board, such as 3-dimensional objects, vines, foam board backing, aluminum foil, fabric, lights, etc. Items other than paper and pictures w ill be removed. Corrugated border or paper border is acceptable. A t the school level of competition, it is suggested that students use 2 overlapping legal size folders. Only projects selected by schools for district level competition are required to be displayed on the large display board. N o plants or animals can be part of a M18E-2


student's exhibit at the district level.

I mportant!! Whi l e i t i s exp ected that proj ects be neat and l egi bl e, a Sci ence Fai r proj ect i s not an art proj ect. Rather than spendi ng ti me on the appearance of the di spl ay, students shoul d be encouraged to i mprove thei r proj ect by conducti ng more research f or thei r abstract, perf ormi ng more tri al s, addi ng more detai l s to thei r procedures, etc. The emphasi s shoul d be on understandi ng and appl yi ng the sci enti f i c process. Pl ease note that no i tems shoul d be attached to the di spl ay board except f or paper and photographs. Pl ease do not attach any 3-di mensi onal i tems, l i ghts, al umi num f oi l , f abri c, etc. to the di spl ay board. School sci ence contacts are requi red to screen al l di spl ay boards f or such i tems bef ore they come to the D i stri ct Sci ence Fai r. I f i n doubt, pl ease remove i t.



A BSTRA CT TITLE (A LL IN CA PITA L LETTERS) Student N ame First paragraph includes the purpose and hypothesis. Second paragraph is the procedure, do not number. Third paragraph is the conclusion. Bibliography: The bibliography should be at least three (3) sources. A bstract must be placed in the bottom left corner of the display board.



NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ STUD EN T PROJECT CH ECK LI ST 1.

This project is not a model, a demonstration, or a product comparison.


Can your question be answ ered through an experimentation process?


Do you have a materials list?


Can you identify the Variable?




Factors being held constant?



Could someone else set up and carry out your experiment from your stepby-step directions?


Can your investigation be measured in specific metric units?


A re you keeping an investigation log/ journal?


H ave you collected data and displayed it on a graph?


Is your conclusion a reflection of the data?


Is your abstract in the bottom left hand corner?


Did you include a bibliography on your abstract?


Is your project sturdy and free-standing?



SELECTI N G A TOPI C 1. To f i nd a topi c: Read sci ence book s, magazi nes, new spapers Tal k to your teacher, f ami l y members, or f ri ends V i si t prof essi onal peopl e and museums 2. Sel ect a topi c that i nterests you. Sel ecti ng somethi ng new may arouse your curi osi ty. 3. Sel ect a topi c that you k now somethi ng about, but you w ant to i nvesti gate f urther. 4. Sel ect a topi c that w oul d have resul ts that can be measured. Prohibited Projects for Elementary Science

It is the teacher’s responsibility to approve science project ideas early in the process. Projects involving a controlled substance, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects that involve harming or endangering humans or vertebrates are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving blood and pathogenic agents, such as bacteria, mold, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. are prohibited at the elementary level. Projects involving weapons (any kind of gun, arrows, knives, darts, paint guns, etc.) or explosives (including rocketry engines) are prohibited at the elementary level. Any objects that could cause bodily harm are prohibited.





1. What i s the ef f ect of the mass of the bob on the peri od of a pendul um?

1. H ow vol canoes erupt?

Thi s i s a good topi c because i t requi res experi mentati on that you can do yoursel f . You must use the sci enti f i c method i n compl eti ng thi s proj ect.

Thi s topi c w i l l not al l ow experi mentati on w i thout vi si ti ng real vol canoes. M ak i ng a model that erupts i s a demonstrati on not an experi ment. 2. M i croscopes

2. H ow does the pH of the medi um af f ect the reproducti on rate of the yeast?

Thi s topi c i s too general . Tel l i ng how one w ork s i s not experi mentati on.

Thi s topi c suggest the use of an experi mental method. A sk i ng a questi on i s a good approach tow ard devel opi ng your topi c.





The purpose can be stated: "I w onder w hat w oul d happen i f


or "What i s the ef f ect of



Thi s one sentence shoul d expl ai n w hy you are doi ng the exp eri ment. I f your purpose i s w el l w orded you w i l l have l i ttl e di f f i cul ty w ri ti ng a ti tl e f or your proj ect.




The hypothesi s states w hat you thi nk mi ght happen based on the general understandi ng of your topi c. H ere i s an exampl e: Purpose:

I w onder w hat w oul d happen to pl ants w hen exposed to di f f erent i ntensi ti es of l i ght?

H ypothesi s:

I hypothesi z e that bri ght l i ght w i l l af f ect the w ay a pl ant grow s.




Li st al l materi al s used i n your exp eri ment. I ncl ude w hat, how much, and w hat k i nd of materi al s you used. K eep i n mi nd quanti ti es are very i mportant. Remember to use metri c uni ts. GOOD LI STI N G


250 ml graduated beak er

measuri ng cup

750 ml w ater 20 degrees C

w ater

1-20 x 20 cm sq cak e pan

contai ner

Cel si us thermometer


cl ock w i th a second hand

cl ock





V ari abl e –The one "thi ng" you change on purpose i n an exp eri ment.


Constants – Factors that throughout the experi ment.


Control – The control i n an i nvesti gati on i s the tri al done w i thout changi ng the ori gi nal f actors. (See p. 30.) I f the exp eri ment does not have a control , i t shoul d be noted i n the procedure. The student shoul d have an understandi ng of w hat a control i s and w hy i t w as or w as not appropri ate f or hi s/her proj ect.



hel d




D i recti ons shoul d be sequenced and cl ear so that anyone coul d set up the exp eri ment (l i k e a reci pe). Remember to use metri c uni ts f or measurements. Exampl es of Good D i recti ons

Exampl es of Poor D i recti ons

1. A dd 3 mL magnesium sulfate solution to one test tube.

1. Put magnesium sulfate solution into a test tube.

2. Observe the contents for 5 minutes.

2. Observe the contents.

3. Wear safety goggles.

3. Use safety equipment.




D ata ref ers to i nf ormati on gathered duri ng your experi ment. Wri ti ng i n a notebook i s the most conveni ent w ay to k eep a l og. Remember thi s i s a rough draf t so do not go back and change any of your previ ous thoughts. Turn i n your ori gi nal “ sl oppy copy” f or your l og. Your l og shoul d i ncl ude: 1.

A l i st of al l the materi al s you use.


N otes on al l the preparati ons you made pri or to starti ng your exp eri ment.


D ay-by-day notes on the progress of your proj ect.


D ata that you gather f rom your exp eri ment.


Be sure that you date each entry i n your l og.



QUA N TI FI CA TI ON OF D A TA The data col l ected duri ng the course of your experi ment needs to be measurabl e. Sci enti sts use metri cs w hen mak i ng thei r measurements. They do not use standard measurements and then convert them to metri cs. M etri c measurements are requi red. V OLUM E

mi l l i l i ter (ml ) l i ter (L)

1000ml = 1L


mi l l i meter (mm) centi meter (cm) meter (m) k i l ometer (k m)

10mm = 1cm 100cm = 1m 1000m = 1k m


mi l l i gram (mg) centi gram (cg) gram (g) k i l ogram (k g)

10mg = 1cg 100cg = 1g 1000g = 1k g



GRA PH I N G TH E D A TA A graph i s a di spl ay of data to mak e i nf ormati on easi er to read and understand. Graphs are al so used to mak e predi cti ons. A graph shoul d be neat and easy to read. TI TLE: The ti tl e i s a short descri pti on of the data bei ng di spl ayed on the graph. H ORI ZON TA L A XI S: I s cal l ed the X axi s; di spl ays i ndependent data (does not depend on other data). A ppropri ate uni ts di spl ayed on the hori zontal axis, i .e., ti me, days, w eek s, di stance. V ERTI CA L A XI S: Cal l ed the Y axi s; the measurements that happen as a resul t of w hat you changed. A ppropri ate uni ts di spl ayed on the verti cal axi s, i .e., grow th, w ei ght, hei ght, temperature. The Ef f ect of D epth on Water Pressure 12

10 Pressure (atm)


6 4

2 0

• 20



60 80 100 120 Depth (m)


GRA PH S BA R GRA PH S A bar graph i s used to di spl ay data that does not occur i n a conti nuous manner. LI N E GRA PH A l i ne graph i s used to di spl ay data that occurs i n a conti nuous manner. REM EM BER: A LL GRA PH S M UST H A V E TI TLES Each axi s must be l abel ed. The graph shoul d show the resul ts of each tri al and an overal l average of those trai l s.



CON CLUSI ON Your concl usi on shoul d i ncl ude: 1.

Statement of support or non-support of the ori gi nal hypothesi s (not "prove" or "di sprove").


D escri pti ons of any probl ems or unusual events that occurred duri ng your i nvesti gati on.


What you w oul d do di f f erentl y next ti me.

4. A ddi ti onal exp eri ments that can conti nue f rom present exp eri ment. 5. Who (or w hat i ndustry) coul d benef i t f rom your i nvesti gati on?



Suggesti ons f or School -l evel Sci ence Fai r The goal of a school Science Fair should be to involve as many students as possible in the process of conducting a science investigation. This is a M18E-2


culminating activity to reinforce the skills in Strand H – The Nature of Science. (Remember, Strand H is 25% of the 5th grade FCAT Science Assessment.)

Please Note: Students must participate in a school fair before they are eligible to enter the Polk County Elementary Fair.

Participating Grade Levels The only grades that are eligible to participate at the District Level Science Fair are Grades 4 & 5; however, we encourage schools to move towards including as many grade levels as possible in the school-level Science Fair. Recommendation: Grades K – 2 Class Projects Grade 3 Small Group Projects Grades 4 & 5 Individual Projects

School -l evel Gui del i nes While projects selected to come to the District Science Fair must comply with the district guidelines, schools can determine their own guidelines for their science fair. Example: No product comparison projects can be submitted to the District Level. However, schools might want to elect to allow product comparison projects for class projects in grades K-2 and ESE students. Example: All projects must be displayed on a backboard. However, schools can use file folder displays or notebooks for projects. The projects being submitted to the District level can then be mounted on a backboard.

School-level Science Fair Dates th

To assist 5 grade students on the Science FCAT, schools are encouraged to have their students complete projects prior to FCAT. Remember Strand H, The Nature of Science, is 25% of the 5th grade FCAT Science Assessment!!

Science Fair Contacts Each school participating in the Polk County Science Fair must submit the name M18E-2


of a teacher as their science fair contact. Science Fair contacts receive a supplement at the end of the year if they meet the requirements below. Supplement Requirements  Teacher for the Polk County Public Schools  A ttend training session (approximately 3 hours)  Coordinate school level Science Fair  Coordinate school’ s participation in the District Science Fair Role of the Science Fair Contact  Coordinate the school’ s Science Fair  Screen projects submitted to the District Science Fair  Coordinate school’ s participation in the District Science Fair  Disseminate information regarding Science Fair, as appropriate



Proj ect H andouts




Title Purpose Hypothesi s Procedure


Data (Tables, diagrams, photos, etc.)

(variable, factors held constant, control, materials list, and step-bystep directions)

Concl usi on


Log Book

TH I S I S A SUGGESTI ON FOR PLA CEM EN T OF I N FORM A TI ON ON TH E D I SPLA Y. TH E D I SPLA Y SH OULD BE CLEA R A N D EA SY TO FOLLOW. Only paper and pictures should be on the display board. There should not be any other items attached to the board, such as 3dimensional objects, vines, foam board backing, aluminum foil, fabric, lights, etc. Items other than paper and pictures w ill be removed. Corrugated border or paper border is acceptable.


D ue

D one

Begin Log Brainstorm ideas for project M18E-2


Select topic Write the purpose Obtain teacher’ s approval Research topic Formulate hypothesis Plan your investigation Identify your variable Identify your control Identify factors held constant List and collect materials List step-by-step directions Begin investigation Collect data A nalyze data Graph data Write conclusion Write abstract Begin display board Science project due Science fair



Step-by-Step D i recti ons Explain how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandw ich. Your directions should be clear and exact so that someone else can follow them and make a sandw ich just like yours. You may w ant to number the steps. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



Log Book You should begin your journal or log when you are assigned this project. Everything you do or think of concerning your project should be entered, by date, into your journal or log. Date: Today:



RESEA RCH YOUR TOPI C You should find out as much as you can about your topic. You may use several sources that include teachers, professionals, librarians, books, encyclopedias, magazi nes, new spapers, videos, etc. Take notes by w riting dow n the most important facts.

Source of I nf ormati on: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

I mportant Facts: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

M ateri al s Li st List all materials need for your investigation. Your list should be exact, M18E-2


including how much and w hat size. Poor Li sti ng

Good Li sti ng

measuring cup w ater container thermometer

250 mL graduated beaker 750 mL w ater 20 cm x 20 cm cake pan Celsius thermometer























V ari abl es and Factors H el d Constant When testing your hypothesis, your test must be valid. There are many variables, things that you can change or have some control over, in an experiment. You must change onl y one vari abl e w hen testing your hypothesis. Below are examples of possible science projects. The purpose is w ritten for you. Write a hypothesis for the experiments. Then list the variable you w ill use w hen testing your hypothesis and the factors held constant.

Purpose: To find out if the number of propeller w inds on a rubber band pow ered plane has an effect on the distance traveled by plane. H ypothesi s: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

V ari abl e: _______________________________________________________ Factors H el d Constant: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Purpose: To find out if, w hen released on an inclined plane, the circumference of the w heels on a race car w ill have an effect on the distance the car travels. H ypothesi s: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

V ari abl e: _______________________________________________________ Factors H el d Constant: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

THE CONTROL The control in an investigation is the trial done w ithout changing the original factors. For example, if you are investigating w hether fertilizer affects the grow th of plants, then the trials done w ithout fertilizer w ould be your control. If you are investigating w hether salt has an effect on the freezing rate of tap w ater, then the control w ould be the trials done using M18E-2


plain tap w ater, no salt. There could be investigations w ithout a control, for example, in the fields of engineering, physics and mathematics. If you are investigating w hether the number of propeller w inds on a rubber band pow ered plane has an effect on the distance the plane travels, there w ill be no control. You are not going to have any trials w ith zero w inds (this w ould be the absence of the variable.) You are investigating w hether soap has an effect on the number of w ater drops that w ill fit on a penny. Should there be a control? If so, w hat w ill it be?
