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Jay S. White a,*, Suzanne E. Bayley a, P. Jeff Curtis b ... J.S. White et al. / Ecological Engineering ...... The role of Delaware River freshwater tidal wetlands in the.
Ecological Engineering 14 (2000) 127 – 138

Sediment storage of phosphorus in a northern prairie wetland receiving municipal and agro-industrial wastewater Jay S. White a,*, Suzanne E. Bayley a, P. Jeff Curtis b a b

Department of Biological Sciences, Uni6ersity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada Earth and En6ironmental Sciences, Okanagan Uni6ersity College, 3333 College Way, Kelowna, British Columbia V1V 1V7, Canada

Received 13 August 1997; received in revised form 14 September 1998; accepted 27 October 1998

Abstract The ability of wetlands to function as sinks for phosphorus (P) has been the subject of much debate. We measured the ability of a 1246 ha restored northern prairie wetland to store P from beef slaughter and municipal sewage wastewater. Sediment cores were collected from the Frank Lake marsh to quantify P accumulation, sedimentation rates and sediment adsorption ability. Approximately 60% of P inputs into the marsh since restoration in 1990 have been stored in the sediments (79 662 kg out of 141 760 kg applied). Sites near the wastewater inflow had greater sedimentation rates (3.0 cm year − 1) and P burial rates (38.5 g P m − 2 year − 1) than other sites across the marsh (24 g P m − 2 year − 1). Surface sediments from the marsh and reference wetlands were collected and spiked experimentally with 25–500 mg l − 1 P (as NaH2PO34 − ) to determine the ability of the sediments to take up additional P. Sorption isotherms showed that the sediments near the inflow had a limited ability for additional P-sorption. When exposed to 500 mg l − 1 P, inflow sites sorbed a maximum of 1000 mg P g sediment − 1. In contrast, the rest of the sites in the marsh sorbed up to 1700 mg P g sediment − 1, while nearby reference wetland sites sorbed more than 2500 mg P g sediment − 1. Approximately 66% of the marsh sediments still had high sorption ability. Inflow sites had a reduced ability for additional P uptake due to the high P loadings applied to that area. Frank Lake has provided effective P retention, however, future treatment efficacy may decrease if the remaining sediments become saturated. Continued high P loading to the marsh may lead to eutrophication problems and downstream P export from the wetland. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Phosphorus; Sediment; Prairie; Wetland; Wastewater; Management; Phosphorus sorption; Eutrophication

1. Introduction The use of constructed and natural wetlands is a cost-effective alternative for tertiary wastewater * Corresponding author.

treatment and is an established practice in many temperate and subtropical climates (Kaynor et al., 1985; Reddy and Smith, 1987; Hammer, 1989; Knight et al., 1993). The capacity of wetlands to transform and store nitrogen (N) is usually very high, and may provide long term wastewater treatment (Hammer and Knight, 1994). However,

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J.S. White et al. / Ecological Engineering 14 (2000) 127–138

the ability of wetlands to transform and store phosphorus (P) over the long term is generally much lower (Kadlec, 1989) due to differences between N and P cycles (Johnston, 1991). P has no significant atmospheric flux and has a much longer temporal biogeochemical cycle than N (Froelich, 1988). Despite this difference, effective P storage has been shown in natural and constructed wetlands (Boyt et al., 1977; Kadlec, 1978; Tilton and Kadlec, 1979; Nichols, 1983; Bayley et al., 1985; Richardson and Craft, 1993; Davies and Cottingham, 1993; Hammer and Knight, 1994), even during the winter in northern climates (Reed et al., 1984; Gover, 1993; Jenssen et al., 1993; Reed, 1993). P retention in wetland systems depends on a balance of P-scavenging and P-mobilization. Scavenging occurs in three reversible processes: sorption (physical adherence to organic material), precipitation (the formation of minerals or salts), and incorporation (biological immobilization) (Tofflemire and Chen, 1977). All three processes convert soluble forms of P into particulate forms that can be buried by sedimentation (Kitchens et al., 1975; Spangler et al., 1977; Boto and Patrick, 1978; Watson et al., 1989). The ability of a wetland to scavenge P is related to the forms of P in that wetland. The majority of wastewater P is the inorganic form of soluble reactive P (SRP), which is a biologically available form of P that is incorporated by biota. When P scavenging exceeds mobilization in a wetland, the wetland functions as a P sink (Bostrom et al., 1982; Swindell and Jackson, 1990). P scavenging is countered by P mobilization, the breakdown or decomposition of organic P (including desorption and dissolution). Both processes of scavenging and mobilization are driven by the mass of nutrient loading into the system. Nutrient addition from wastewater can alter the balance of these processes. When mobilization exceeds scavenging, the system may become a P-source and export the accumulated phosphorus (Kadlec and Hammer, 1982). For example, net P export has been shown to continue in wetlands after wastewater loadings have ceased due to P mobilization (Kadlec and Bevis, 1990). In some cases, the capacity of a wetland to provide

wastewater treatment can be predicted from the loading rates applied (Nichols, 1983). In wetlands, there is little direct uptake of P from the water column by emergent vegetation (Sculthorpe, 1967) and more than 95% of P is stored in the sediments (Hammer, 1989) due to the long turnover time of sediment nutrients (Johnston, 1991). P storage in wetland ecosystems over the long term is ultimately limited by sedimentation (Dolan et al., 1981; Kadlec and Hammer, 1982; Nichols, 1983; Richardson, 1985). Slow water flow through a wetland is essential for settling of particulate P (van der Valk et al., 1978). Even when other P-storage pools become saturated, sediment burial can continue to effectively remove P at a rate similar to the sedimentation rate (Howard-Williams, 1985). In recently created wetlands, P removal is initially high, but declines as the marsh ‘ages’ (Dolan et al., 1981; Nichols, 1983; Kadlec, 1985; Richardson, 1985; Mann, 1990), due to saturation of finite adsorption sites (Howard-Williams, 1985; Richardson, 1985; Faulkner and Richardson, 1989; Breen, 1990; Kadlec, 1997). For example, chronic high nutrient loadings can reduce the capacity of a wetland to store P (Simpson et al., 1983) and when sediments at the inflow region become P-saturated, a zone of sediment saturation may spread throughout the marsh (Hammer and Kadlec, 1983; Richardson, 1985; Kent, 1987; Hiley, 1995). The present study is an analysis of sediments from a recently restored northern prairie wetland (Frank Lake, Alberta, Canada) to determine the P deposition, sediment deposition and P sorption ability of sediments. Frank Lake is unique because it is the largest Canadian marsh to be restored with wastewater. Further, it is managed to both improve water quality and provide a high quality wildlife habitat. To quantify the capacity of Frank Lake to retain P, we: (1) determined the spatial distribution of P and sediment deposition in the two main basins of Frank Lake, (2) compared the sorption ability of Frank Lake sediments with nearby wetland sediments, and (3) extrapolated the capacity of Frank Lake sediments to provide continued P retention. A previous study of Frank Lake surface water chemistry

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from July 1994 to June 1995 concluded that the marsh provided seasonal reduction of N and P concentrations as water flowed through the marsh (White, 1997). However, persistent high SRP concentrations were identified at the wastewater inflow region. This study tests the hypothesis that inflow site sediments have higher P deposition and a lower ability for sorbing added P than other sites in the marsh or nearby reference wetlands. This research quantifies the historic sedimentation and P burial in the marsh to yield an estimate of the long term P storage ability of the wetland for continued wastewater treatment.

2. Methods

2.1. Study area Frank Lake, Alberta is a 1246 hectare (ha) bulrush-dominated marsh that had dried for a long period before restoration by Ducks Unlimited Canada. Restoration began in 1989 using municipal and agro-industrial wastewater and the main two basins had been refilled by late 1993. The three-basin wetland complex has a drainage area of 342 km2 and lies 60 km south of Calgary, Alberta (50° 33’ N, 113° 42’ W) in the Foothills Fescue Prairie Ecoregion (Poston et al., 1990). This arid region of southern Alberta is characterized by hot summers, cold winters and temperatures modified by frequent Chinook winds. January temperatures range from −45 to 20°C and average −11°C. July temperatures range from 9 to 34°C, and average 15°C (Environment Canada, 1982). Evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation by 34.7 mm year − 1 (Environment Canada, 1982). The region has a high water table with thin Black Chernozemic soils (Ducks Unlimited, 1993). Winter ice and snow-pack cover the marsh from November to mid-April. Mean water depth in Basin 1 is 0.67 m (Fig. 1) and mean ice depth is 0.57 m. The wetland is managed as a hemi-marsh with an even ratio of open water and emergent vegetation (Sadler et al., 1995). Vegetation is primarily hardstem bulrush (Scirpus acutus Muhl.), sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.), northern water milfoil (Myriophyllum ex-


albescens Fern.) and Richardson’s pondweed (P. richardsonii (Benn.) Rydb.). A comprehensive list of the flora and fauna of Frank Lake is available in Wallis et al. (1996). Frank Lake presently provides critical wildlife habitat for thousands of breeding and migratory waterbirds and for several rare, threatened and endangered species (White and Bayley, 1999). Secondary treated wastewater from both a Cargill Foods Ltd. beef slaughterhouse (3000 head day − 1) and a local municipality (population 6000) are combined and discharged into Frank Lake. Wastewater flows of more than 5000 m3 day − 1 (1.12 mgd) averaging 11.14 mg l − 1 SRP (White, 1997) are discharged at a single point source. Additional sources of water into Frank Lake come from agricultural runoff and two small creeks (Fig. 1). An area of impact previously described by White (1997) called Cargill Bay (CB) comprises 33% of Basin 1. Water flows through Basin 1 to Basin 2 (360 ha), then Basin 3 (139 ha), then travels over land before discharge into the Little Bow River. Basins 2 and 3 are small and shallow with less vegetation than Basin 1. Weirs control water levels in each basin. The marsh was restored from bare mineral soil, so any organic matter accumulation could only have occurred since the addition of wastewater. Reference wetlands were sampled: (1) 11 km south of High River on Highway No.2 on the east and (2) west sides of the road, (3) at 152nd Street East at 532 Avenue (east of High River), and (4) the Town of High River cemetery wetland. These pothole wetlands were situated close to Frank Lake and had similar plant communities, but were all smaller (1–5 ha) than Frank Lake. Surface water chemistry parameters for Frank Lake and the reference wetlands are given in Table 1.

2.2. Field sample collection Sediment cores were collected by hand in a stratified random method from Frank Lake and the reference wetlands on 15–19 June 1995 with an acrylic core tube (diameter= 5 cm). Nineteen sites across Frank Lake and one site from each of the three reference wetlands were sampled. At each site, a full sediment core down to the mineral


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soil and a second surface sample core (0.5 cm thick) were collected. The sampling procedure created minimal disturbance at the sediment – water interface. Collected samples were quickly extruded from the corer, emptied into pre-labeled Ziploc® bags, double-bagged and frozen in coolers with dry ice. The coring tubes were rinsed in lake water before resampling. At each site, a water sample was collected in a 1 l amber acid washed Nalgene™ HDPE bottle. Water samples were kept at + 4°C and the sediment samples

were frozen at − 4°C preceding analysis at the University of Alberta.

2.3. Sediment P analysis Within a month of collection, full cores were thawed and the gross wet mass was determined to 0.1 mg (approximately 9 10% of wet mass) on a Mettler AT 261 DeltaRange balance. The samples were homogenized in plastic containers with a hand held blender on low speed for 20 s, and a 10

Fig. 1. The 1246 ha wetland complex at Frank Lake, Alberta, with sediment collection sites indicated. Basin 1 division identifies the zone of impact based on sediment thickness and TP concentrations.

J.S. White et al. / Ecological Engineering 14 (2000) 127–138 Table 1 Water quality parameters sampled at the time of sediment collection as means ( 9 S.D.) from White (1997). Parameters


n 4 NH3-N (mg l−1) 2.6 −1 ) 7.7 NO− 3 -N (mg l SRP (mg l−1) 7.7 TP (mg l−1) 8.7 Conductivity 1.8 Ca (mg l−1) 73.4 K (mg l−1) 46.2 Mg (mg l−1) 45.1 Na (mg l−1) 288.6


6 (1.3) 1.2 (6.2)* 0.9 (0.4) 3.4 (0.4) 3.9 (0.7) 1.6 (4.7) 80.1 53.9 (9.5) (4.3) 51.3 (68.2) 324.9

Reference sites 8 (0.2) 1.6 (0.2) (0.8) 0.6 (0.3) (0.2) 3.8 (0.2) (0.1) 4.6 (0.3) (0.3) 3.3 (3.2) (11.5) 76.0 (2.7) (8.7) 75.7 (6.7)* (8.9) 100.4 (12.7)* (64.1) 408.4 (148.4)*

* Denotes sites significantly post-hoc test (Fisher’s LSD).

ml subsample of sediment was taken with a modified syringe. The subsample was split and 5 ml was placed in a flamed, tared crucible and the gross wet mass recorded. The other 5 ml of sediment was placed in a 10 ml glass scintillation vial and capped with a folded kim-wipe tied with an elastic band. Both samples were frozen for 48 h before freeze drying in a Labconco FreeZone 12 l freeze drier at − 30°C for 24 h and + 4°C for 72 h. After freeze drying, the sediments were analyzed for total phosphorus (TP) by the nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) digestion method of Mayer and Williams (1981). Accumulation of P in Frank Lake was extrapolated to the rest of the marsh area using Eq. (1): mg P g sediment ×Area (m2) × g sediment Area (m2)


The samples in crucibles were reweighed to within 0.1 mg to determine percent moisture loss (APHA, 1992). The organic matter content of the sediments was determined by mass loss of dried samples after 1 h at 550°C in an NEY 2-525 series II muffle furnace. Samples were stored in a dessicator overnight before determination of sedimentary CaCO3 by heating the samples at 950°C for 3 h in the muffle furnace (Wetzel, 1970).


2.4. Surface sediment adsorption experiments The methods of Sundby et al. (1992) were used to determine the residual P uptake capacity of Frank Lake and the reference surface sediments. Within 3 months of collection, the surface sediment samples were thawed to room temperature and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 min on an IEC Centra MP4R centrifuge. The supernatant pore water was withdrawn from the pellet by syringe and filtered through a 0.45 mm Millipore filter for SRP analysis (Menzel and Corwin, 1965). Nine subsamples of the sediment pellet (approximately 10 mg wet mass each) were individually placed into plastic 50 ml centrifuge tubes. The nine pieces of sediment were suspended in 10 ml of filtered site-specific surface water that was collected at each site at the time of coring. This water had been amended (spiked) with NaH2PO34 − to SRP concentrations of 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 mg P l − 1 (Nyffeler et al., 1984). Another nine tubes containing only spiked Frank Lake water were paired and used as mudless controls to estimate adsorption of P to filters and glassware. The tubes were equilibrated for 2 h by shaking on a Burell model 75 wrist action shaker at room temperature. After shaking, the tubes were centrifuged for 20 min at 3000 rpm and the supernatant drawn off with a syringe and filtered through a 0.45 mm filter. The sediments were not kept under anoxic conditions. The supernatant was put in a scintillation vial, refrigerated at 3°C and SRP analyses were done within 24 h. Adsorption of P to filters and glassware was calculated by subtraction from the paired treatment tube. P adsorbed to the sediment particles was found by the difference of the P added to the sediment and P remaining in the water after shaking. The sediment was freeze dried and weighed by the methods above so that sorption could be expressed per unit dry mass. The samples were analyzed for Ca, K, Mg and Na by digesting with a 1:1 concentrated HCl– HNO3 solution for 16 h at 20°C and 2 h at 90°C. The extract was filtered through a Whatman No. 44 filter, diluted with double distilled water and analyzed for Ca, K, Mg and Na on a Perkin-Elmer model 3300 atomic absorption spectrophotometer.


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2.5. Statistical tests Sampled sites were pooled into groupings based on water quality and geography (White, 1997). These groupings were: (1) the inflow sites (CB), (2) the remaining Basin 1 sites (RB1), Basin 2 (B2), the and reference sites (reference sites) (Fig. 1). Due to the similarities of B2 and the reference sites, they were further pooled for analyses. Sediment thickness, Ca, CaCO3, K, Mg, Na, organic C and TP concentrations of the full cores were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA across the three groupings. SRP concentrations of sediment pore water between the three groupings were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA. Fisher’s post-hoc LSD tests were applied to significant ANOVA tests.

3. Results

3.1. P deposition and sediment accumulation The CB sites had significantly higher sediment thickness (15.4 cm) and therefore, sedimentation, than the rest of the Basin 1 sites (RB1, 10.1 cm) (1-way ANOVA; P B0.05). The RB1 sites had significantly higher sediment thickness than those in Basin 2 (2.0 cm) and the reference wet-

Fig. 3. TP accumulation in Frank Lake sediment by region since restoration in 1989 ( 91 S.D.). Total Input=TP stored by 2 basins (sum of CB+ RB1 +B2).

lands (0.9 cm) (1-way ANOVA; PB 0.05; Fig. 2). Similarly, mean sediment TP concentration in CB (2.57 mg P g sediment − 1) was significantly higher than the mean TP concentration at RB1 sites (1.04 mg P g sediment − 1), B2 sites (1.1 mg P g sediment − 1), and the reference wetlands (0.99 mg P g sediment − 1) (1 way ANOVA, P= 0.04; Fig. 2). By multiplying the sediment thickness by the area of that region, we determined the amount of sediment accumulated (in kg) since restoration began in 1990. Using the sediment P content, we determined the accumulation of P since restoration: 31 923 kg of P have accumulated in the CB sediments, 39 861 kg of P have been buried in RB1 and 7878 kg of P have been buried in Basin 2 (Fig. 3). These estimates were found by averaging the P concentrations across all sites within a region and multiplying by the size of that region (Eq. (1)).

3.2. Sediment adsorption ability

Fig. 2. Sediment thickness and TP (mean 9 1 S.D.) across Frank Lake and the reference wetlands. Ref, reference sites.

The P sorbing capacity of CB sediments was lower than RB1 and the reference sediments. When exposed to 500 mg PO34 − l − 1, the CB sediments had a maximum sorption ability of approximately 1000 mg PO34 − g sediment − 1, while the reference sediments sorbed more than 2500 mg P g sediment − 1, and the RB1 sites sorbed greater than 1500 mg PO34 − g sediment − 1 (Fig. 4). All the sediments except

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3.3. Sediment composition There were no significant differences in sediment concentrations of Ca, K, organic C, or CaCO3 among CB, RB1, B2 or the reference wetland sites. However, the reference wetlands had significantly higher Mg and Na concentrations than the CB and RB1 sites (both 1-way ANOVA; PB 0.001), post-hoc tests revealed that the CB and RB1 sites did not significantly differ for Mg or Na (Table 2). CB had significantly higher TP than RB1 or the reference sites (1-way ANOVA; PB 0.05).

4. Discussion

4.1. P deposition and sediment accumulation

Fig. 4. Phosphate sorption isotherms for sediments collected 18 June 1995. P was added as NaH2PO4 to 10 mg (wet mass) sediment, standardized to dry mass (mean 9 1 S.E.) uptake.

sediments from the CB region showed a trend of increasing P sorbed with amount of P added. The CB sediments had little P uptake until very high concentrations were added, and were saturated at 400 mg PO34 − l − 1. Despite the loss of ability to take up additional P (based on the P sorption experiments), pore water mean SRP concentrations did not significantly differ in the CB sediments (8098 mg l − 1), RB1 (5128 mg l − 1) or the references (5044 mg l − 1) (1-way ANOVA; P = 0.055).

The inflow region (CB) identified by White (1997) that was characterized by high surface water SRP concentrations, was found in this study to have high sediment accumulation, high pore water SRP concentrations, high sediment P load, a minimal capacity for additional P-uptake, and high TP burial. Sediment burial has been the major mechanism of P storage in Frank Lake since marsh restoration in 1990. As much as 79 662 kg have accumulated in Frank Lake sediments from the total 1990–1995 input load of 141 760 kg. Approximately 38.5 g P m − 2 year − 1 (105.4 mg P m − 2 day − 1) have been deposited in the CB area, while 24 g P m − 2 year − 1 (65.7 mg P m − 2 day − 1) have accumulated at the other Basin 1 sites and 0.43 g P m − 2 year − 1 (0.001 mg P m − 2 day − 1) have accumulated in Basin 2 since 1990. Basin 1 is responsible for retaining 51% and Basin

Table 2 Mean sediment composition of study regionsa Site






Organic C

CO2− 3 C

CB RB1 Reference sites

2.58 (0.92)* 1.04 (0.17) 1.04 (0.08)

38.8 (8.9) 29.8 (5.8) 34.8 (7.3)

8.9 (0.8) 8.1 (0.7) 11.5 (1.3)*

0.78 (0.1) 0.72 (0.1) 2.46 (1.7)*

6.8 (1.7) 5.8 (0.9) 7.6 (2.1)

53.1 (10.4) 43.3 (6.7) 52.7 (13.3)

57.6 (33.0) 42.8 (8.2) 49.0 (15.7)

* Denotes sites significantly post-hoc test (Fisher’s LSD). Data from full core samples. Results are in mg g−1 (9 1 S.D.).



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2 is responsible for retaining 6% of the total point source P load (from wastewater) that has been added to Frank Lake. P accumulation estimates of CB are slightly higher than the 22 mg P m − 2 day − 1 value reported for a Great Lakes coastal wetland (Mitsch and Reeder, 1991), but much smaller than the 30 000 mg P m − 2 day − 1 estimate of a New Zealand wetland that had received sewage effluent for over 10 years (Cooke, 1992). However, the latter wetland was reported to have very high sediment iron concentrations, which would increase the P binding ability. Richardson and Craft (1993) suggest that permanent storage of P in natural wetlands averages 0.5 g P m − 2 year − 1, while modeling simulations predict 1.05 g P m − 2 year − 1 are permanently retained in wetland sediments (Mitsch and Reeder, 1991). Frank Lake may have the ability to permanently store greater amounts of P than suggested by Richardson and Craft (1993) due to the high sediment accumulation in the lake. Accelerated sedimentation is at least partially responsible for P storage in Basin 1. CB has accumulated 3 cm of sediment per year since restoration and the RB1 sites have accumulated 2 cm per year, while Basin 2 has accumulated less than 0.5 cm per year. Basin 1 sedimentation rates are similar to the 2.9 cm per year sedimentation rate of eutrophic Lake Apopka in Florida (Lowe et al., 1992), which receives P loading from floodplain farms. Increased sedimentation in Basin 1 of Frank Lake is likely due to accelerated biological processes, resulting in increased detrital and sediment accumulation. Mass increase of the detrital components over time following nutrient addition is predicted in models by Dixon and Kadlec (1975), and is supported by our findings. Long hydraulic residence times in the marsh (as the marsh was being refilled) may have also increased sedimentation rates because no water left the marsh from 1990 to 1994.

4.2. Sediment adsorption ability Adsorption isotherm curves support our hypothesis that the inflow region sediment has a decreased ability to scavenge P. CB sites were

only able to take up additional P (as phosphate) at very high loadings before saturating, suggesting that the CB sediments have fewer available sorption sites. In contrast, RB1 and the reference sites increased uptake with increasing levels of phosphate added and had at least twice the phosphate uptake ability of the CB sediments. However, the CB sediment had sedimentation rates six times higher than the RB1 sites, so the CB sediments may have a greater overall capacity to sequester P. Although our handling of the sediments may have altered the phosphate adsorption capacity, it seems unlikely that the relative sorption capacity would differ between samples. Sediments exposed to oxygen during the spiking experiments may have an altered equilibrium to those in situ. However, these sites were compared relatively, and we do not infer that our sorption values will be the maximum sorption capacities of sediments from these regions. In fact, the amount of P adsorbed by sediments after 2 h may represent only 60% of the maximum capacity of sediments (Kadlec and Hammer, 1982), because longer term processes bind sediment with greater amounts of P over time (Barrow and Shaw, 1975; Van Riemsdijk et al., 1977). Differences in amounts of phosphate taken up are assumed to be due to the availability of adsorption sites. However, reference sites had significantly higher sediment Mg concentrations, and this can increase the amounts of P-sorbed in aerobic sediment systems (Patrick and Khalid, 1974; Cembella et al., 1984). Since CB and RB1 had similar Mg sediment concentrations, the difference in phosphate sorbing ability must be due to the availability of binding sites. Therefore, the reference wetland sediments have the greatest amount of residual P-adsorption sites, followed by the RB1 sites. The CB sediments have fewer available sites of P adsorption and may be saturated due to the high P loadings being applied to Basin 1. Diminished sorption capacities of the inflow sediments suggest that a P-saturation plume could be moving into the marsh. The progression of a saturation front in sewage-treating wetlands is consistent with the concept of equilibrium P ad-

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sorption (Kadlec and Hammer, 1982) when P loadings are greater than P-sinks. When sediments reach equilibrium with the overlying water, they are no longer able to remove P. These findings support those of Kadlec (1994) who found that surface water P concentrations are indicative of chemical and biological activity and directly proportional to the P deposition at a site. The sediment affects overlying water P concentrations through sediment sorption – desorption processes (Meyer, 1979; Mayer and Gloss, 1980; Hill, 1982), so greater SRP concentrations at CB indicate that the sediments in the inflow region may be at or near saturation. Saturated sediments would also necessarily have higher pore water P concentrations due to the lack of sorption sites. Higher (but not significantly higher) pore water SRP concentrations found in the CB sediments further support this hypothesis. At present, a zone of saturated sediments in Basin 1 of Frank Lake extends approximately 800 m into the marsh. However, data from more than one sampling period are required to determine if this zone is expanding. If this zone does extend to the outflow weir, lowered P removal by sediment adsorption processes may result in further degradation of marsh surface water quality.

4.3. Long-term P storage The data suggest that 66% of Basin 1 and all of Basin 2 of Frank Lake still have some sorption and burial capacity for further wastewater P loadings. Data from other heavily P-loaded wetlands suggests that the high P removal presently demonstrated by Frank Lake will not be sustainable. P removal occurs in Frank Lake by scavenging and sedimentation, processes that are enhanced by long retention times (Spangler et al., 1977; van der Valk et al., 1978). Since water began to spill from the marsh in 1994, the hydraulic residence times and subsequent P treatment are likely to decrease now that water is released from the marsh. In other wetland wastewater systems, P removal typically declines after 4 – 5 years of continuous loadings (Richardson, 1985; Kadlec, 1985). If Frank Lake follows this trend, the efficacy of P retention may decline. Removal efficiency has


been shown to be strongly dependent on the loading rate. In the literature, long term removal is achieved with less than 5 g P m − 2 year − 1 (Richardson, 1985). Since restoration, Frank Lake has received a mean loading of 4.7 g P m − 2 year − 1 from wastewater. Some studies of marshes in warmer climates have shown higher P storage capacities (Cooke, 1992), but due to the long Canadian winters (i.e. a long period of inactivity), we cannot recommend exceeding this loading rate in northern prairie wetlands. Even low level cumulative nutrient loadings have resulted in decreased P retention over time (Richardson and Nichols, 1985).

5. Conclusions The Frank Lake wetland is the largest project of its kind in Canada and provides insight into the high treatment ability of northern prairie marshes despite the short summers. The major mechanism of P storage in Frank Lake has been through P sedimentation. Fifty-seven percent of the total point source load of P added to Frank Lake from 1990–1995 was buried in the sediments. Sediments around the inflow point have high sediment pore water SRP concentrations and an impaired ability to take up additional P. This may be related to the high surface water SRP concentrations also seen in the inflow region. However, 66% of Frank Lake is not yet saturated with P and shows a great capacity for continued P uptake and provision of high quality waterfowl habitat. Based on the relationships between loading rates and water quality in other wetlands, Frank Lake may not provide continued P removal from wastewater at the high loadings being applied, and this may result in eutrophication and downstream water quality degradation.

Acknowledgements Funding was provided to SEB from Ducks Unlimited Canada and CAESA under the NAWMP, and an NSERC operating grant. Field assistance from Gary Larsen, Len Forrest and Al


J.S. White et al. / Ecological Engineering 14 (2000) 127–138

Alfano and technical assistance from Gertie Hutchinson, Brian Rolseth, Patricia Burgess, Rosalind Rudy, Brian Parker and Shannon Keehn were greatly appreciated. Comments from three anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript.

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