Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and micropalaeontology of the Upper ...

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Upper Triassic reefal series in Eastern Sulawesi (Indonesia). Rossana Martini a,,,1 Daniel Vachard b,2 Louisette Zaninetti a Simonetta Cirilli c,3. Jean-Jacques ...

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128 (1997) 157-174

Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and micropalaeontology of the Upper Triassic reefal series in Eastern Sulawesi (Indonesia) Rossana Martini a,,,1 Daniel Vachard b,2 Louisette Zaninetti a Simonetta Cirilli c,3 Jean-Jacques Corn6e d,4, Bernard Lathuili6re e,5, Michel Villeneuve d a D@artement de Gkologie et Palkontologie, 13 rue des Marafchers, 1211 Genkve 4, Switzerland u C N R S URA 1365, PalOontologie et PalkogOographie du Paldozorque, Univ. de Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, Cedex, France ° Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, 4piazza Universitgt, 06100 Perugia, Italy d C N R S URA 1208, Dynamique desplates-formes carbonatkes, Univ. de Provence, 13331 Marseille, Cedex 03, France e C N R S URA 157, Laboratoire de Gkologie des ensembles skdimentaires, B.P. 239, 54506 Vandoeuvres-Lks-Nancy, Cedex, France Received 14 February 1996; revision 26 June 1996; accepted 29 July 1996


An Upper Triassic (Upper Norian-Rhaetian) carbonate complex, composed of open marine to reefal deposits, has been investigated for the first time in Eastern Sulawesi. The age is based on the occurrence of benthic foraminifera, and also of the Upper Sevatian to Rhaetian conodont Misikella posthernsteini Kozur and Mock. Palynological assemblages contain Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic palynomorphs. The scleractinian coral Retiophyllia seranica and the chaetetid sponge Blastochaetetes intabulata, together with Solenoporacean algae, are the main framebuilders of the reefal facies. The entire carbonate series, composed of conodont bearing limestones, reefal deposits, and intertidal/supratidal cryptalgal laminites, shows a general regressive trend from a marginal to an inner platform environment. The relationship between microfaunal distribution and sequence analysis is discussed. The Upper Triassic foraminifers and palynomorphs of Eastern Sulawesi show affinities to microfaunas of the Australian-Indonesian southern Tethyan domain, and the general organisation of the platform should be investigated through further studies from Banda Sea dredgings. Keywords: Upper Triassic; stratigraphy; sedimentology; foraminifers; palynology; Indonesia

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 1Fax: (41)-22-320 57 32. 2Fax: (33)-20-43 69 00, E-mail: [email protected] 3Fax: (39)-75-585 32 03. 4Fax: (33)-91-649 964, E-mail: [email protected] 5Fax: (33)-83-90 25 60. 0031-0182/97/$17.00 Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PH S0031-0182(96)00105-8


R. Martini et al./Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128 (1997) 157-174

1. Introduction

The present-day structural framework of Indonesia has been generated by the relative convergence of three main plates since Mesozoic times: the Philippine Plate, the Indian-Australian Plate, and the Eurasian Plate (Hamilton, 1979; Rangin et al., 1990; Daly et al., 1991). In Indonesia this convergence strongly dismembered the margins of the continental plates into "microcontinents", and several marginal basins opened, especially during Miocene times. Sulawesi is composed of four main structural zones (Hamilton, 1979; Silver et al., 1983; Sukamto, 1990; Davies, 1990): --the Western Zone (northern and southwestern arms) is a Cenozoic volcanic arc which developed on a Lower Cretaceous collision complex that had drifted from southeastern Kalimantan (Hamilton, 1973; Sukamto, 1990; Katili, 1978). --the Central Zone is made up of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and metamorphosed ophiolites, including blueschist facies. Metamorphism developed during Early Cretaceous (Aptian~lbian) and Oligocene/Lower Miocene (Parkinson, 1991). The Central Zone is a major suturing contact between the Eurasian Plate and fragments of the Australian Plate. --the Ophiolitic Zone (eastern and southeastern arms) is composed of a dismembered ophiolitic complex which was obducted onto Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Although the sedimentary rocks are not well known, they are generally considered as Australian in type. --the Banggai-Sula Zone (eastern and southeastern arms) is composed of a continental basement overlain by passive margin type sedimentary rocks which were deposited throughout Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. The investigated area is located on the western margin of the Ophiolitic Zone, between Kolonodale and Tomata (Fig. 1). There, we recognized an Upper Triassic carbonate complex (Cornde et al., 1994; Martini et al., 1995), previously investigated by Von Loczy and Schaad (1928), Kundig (1956), Surono (1989), and also by the Geological Survey of Indonesia (1:250,000 Malilli geological map). This complex has been generally considered as Jurassic in age. Upper

Triassic shallow water carbonate platforms were already mentioned in East Indonesia (Buru, Seram, Misool), but they were poorly studied. Since their discovery in Banda Sea dredgings (Villeneuve et al., 1994) and in Sulawesi (Corn6e et al., 1994), all of these platforms are considered as a guide for geodynamic reconstructions, because they were deposited prior to the main tectonic events in East Indonesia and North Australia. It is consequently important to know their anatomies and their palaeogeographical positions, which are studied in Sulawesi for the first time. Upper Triassic rocks in Eastern Sulawesi (Kolonodale area) are represented by a wide carbonate platform that is 200-250 m thick and at least 20 km long (Corn6e et al., 1994; Martini et al., 1995). The Late Triassic (Late Norian Rhaetian) age of this carbonate complex is based on a rich assemblage of benthic foraminifers and palynomorphs, and also on the occurrence of the youngest Mesozoic (Upper Triassic, Upper Sevatian to Upper Rhaetian) conodont Misikella posthernsteini Kozur and Mock (Corn6e et al., 1994). The most representative Triassic sections are located on the road from Tomata to Kolonodale, between the villages of Kolaka and Bunta; some isolated samples, collected on the cliff along the Bay of Kolonodale (Fig. 1), have also been studied (Fig. 1). The Upper Triassic carbonate complex of the Kolonodale area, is composed of two parts (Fig. 2): --the lower part, 100 m thick, is represented by din-thick beds of dark grey micritic limestones strongly affected by secondary silicification. Mudstone and wackestone are the dominant microfacies, and they contain small calcified radiolaria, filaments, and fragments of echinoderms. Near the top, the skeletal grains become more abundant, and consist of serpulids, brachiopods, and remains of corals and sponges. Based on the occurrence of the conodont Misikella posthernsteini Kozur and Mock the age of the lower part of the carbonate complex is Late Sevatian to Late Rhaetian. --the upper part, described below as the "Reefal complex", is 150 m thick; it is composed of"Reefal limestone" (massive white to light-grey bioclastic

tL Martini et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128 (1997) 157-174



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Triassic outcrops

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Fig. 1. Location map of the Upper Triassic outcrops in Eastern Sulawesi Kolonodale area).

limestone), overlain by "Intertidal limestone" (thin bedded cryptalgal laminated limestones, and marls) (Fig. 2). In the Reefal limestone, packstones and grainstones are the dominant microfacies; both contain a rich assemblage of foraminifers, with abundant Aulotortidae (Aulotortinae, Auloconinae and Triasininae) and Ammodiscidae (Pilammininae); associated mudstones, wackestones, and algal-coral boundstones also occur. The boundstone microfacies is characterized by porcelaneous foraminifers, mainly representatives of Galeanellidae and Ophthalmidiidae. The microfacies of the Intertidal limestone are mudstone, wackestone with fenestrae, and oolitic wackestone.

2. The reefal complex 2.1. Lithotypes

It is composed of the Reefal limestone and Intertidal limestone. The term "reefal" is used in

its broadest meaning and does not involve any suggestion with regards to action of waves nor detailed organization of the platform. The following lithotypes (LI-L9, Fig. 2) are recognized: L1. Meter-thick beds of white to pink reefal limestone (bioclastic packstone to grainstone, framestone to bafftestone), often recrystallized and/ or dolomitized; small coral patch-reefs are occasionally exposed; other skeletal grains are sponges, crinoids, and large brachiopods; cavities and interstices are filled with grey to brownish biodetritic limestone (bioclastic packstone partly grainstone). L2. Decimeter- to meter-thick beds of micritic grey bioturbated limestone (mudstone, foraminiferal wackestone to packstone); large megalodonts bivalves are common; bioturbation cavities and the megalodont shells are also filled with grey to brownish, biodetritic limestone. L3. Thick-bedded grey micritic limestone (mudstone) with detrital quartz grains; the siliciclastic content generally affects the top of the beds.


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, Miliolidae and Nodosariidae. All these foraminifers also occur in the Late Triassic of the Kolonodale area. The age diagnostic


R. Martini et al./Palaeogeogruphy, Palueocl#natology, Palaeoecology 128 (1997) 157-174





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R. Martiniet al./Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology128 (1997) 157-174

species Triasina oberhauseri Koehn-Zaninetti and Bronnimann, 1968, reported from various Norian localities of the Western Tethys, and also from the Wombat Plateau (Zaninetti et al., 1992), has not been found in the Late Triassic of Sulawesi, possibly for stratigraphic reasons. However, in Indonesia, Triasina oberhauseri Koehn-Zaninetti and Bronnimann, 1968, is present in Upper Triassic rocks dredged from the Banda Sea (Sinta Ridge, Villeneuve et al., 1994), where it is found associated with numerous Aulotortus sinuosus Weynschenk, 1956 (large forms), Duostominidae, Miliolidae, "Textulariidae" and Nodosariidae. 3.3. Palynologieal analysis

Palynological studies have been carried out in the marly intervals which occur in the Intertidal limestone. All the investigated strata resulted rich in organic matter, but only the palynofacies PF4 at the top of the sequence yielded a biostratigraphically significant palynological assemblage. The lack of palynomorphs throughout the section prevented a refined palynostratigraphic zonation, while the estimation of the total organic matter content and its origin gave good palaeoenvironmental indications. The palynological assemblage found in PF4 is represented by high percentage of sporomorphs and other particulate terrestrial material. The most representative species are Anapiculatisporites dawsonensis Reiser and Williams, 1969, Anapiculatisporites sp., Baculatisporites sp., Calamospora tener (Leschik) De Jersey, 1962, Calamospora sp., Combaculatisporites mesozoicus Klaus, 1960, Cycadopites follicularis Wilson and Webster, 1946, Cycadopites sp., Lycopodiacites rugulatus (Couper) Schulz, 1967, Lycopodiumsporites sp., Neoraistrickia ramosus


(Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960, Neoraistrickia cf. ramosus (Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960, Neoraistrickia sp. 1, Neoraistrickia sp. 2, Neoraistrickia cf. truncata (Cookson) Potoni, 1956, Punctatisporites sp., Uvaesporites argenteaeformis (Bolkhovitina) Schulz, 1967, and Uvaesporites verrucosus (De Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 1971b. Smooth spores are abundant and acritarchs, mostly represented by Micrhystridium sp., Balthisphaeridium sp. and Cymatiosphaera sp., are present. Tasmanites sp. rarely occurs. The palynological assemblage is dominated by thick ornamented spores, mostly represented by Neoraistrickia ramosus (Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960, Neoraistrickia sp. 1, Neoraistrickia sp. 2, Baculatisporites sp., and Uvaesporites verrucosus (De Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 1971b. Anapiculatisporites dawsonensis Reiser and Williams, 1969, Anapiculatisporites sp., Calamospora tener (Leschik) De Jersey, 1962, Calamospora sp. are present in a high percentage. All of the other species of the cited palynomorphs are subordinate. 3.4. Palynological comparison with other Upper Triassic Eastern Tethyan localities

Correlations with Upper Triassic Lower Jurassic palynological assemblage of Australia and New Zealand show close affinities. Neoraistrickia ramosus (Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960, occurs in the Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic strata of several areas in the world. This species has been recorded in the Upper Triassic Callide Coal Measures, East-Central Australia (De Jersey, 1974; Stevens, 1981) and in the Late Triassic-Earliest Jurassic of New Zealand (De Jersey and Raine, 1990). Neoraistrickia cf. truncata (Cookson) Potoni, 1956, is rare in the present assemblage.

Plate I 1A, 8, 14. Triasina hantkeni Majzon. 1A, 8, sample SW21/1; 14, sample SW19/2. 1B, 2-5A, 6, 7, 9, 10. Aulotortus ex gr. sinuosus Weynschenk. 1B, sample SW21/1; 2, sample SW21/2; 3, 7, sample SW41/3; 4, 5, 9, sample SW41/12; 6, sample SW41/ll; 10, sample SW41/10.5B, 16. Pilamminasulawesiana Martini, Vachard and Zaninetti. 5B, sample SW41/12; 16, holotype,sample SW41/7. 11, 18. Aulotortus aft. tenuis (Kristan). 11, sample SW41/10; 18, sample SW41/7. 12. Duostominidae. 13, 19, 20. Auloconuspermodiscoides (Oberhauser). 13, sample SW41/8; 19, sample SW41/ll; 20, sample SW41/2. 15, 17. Aulotortusfriedli (Kristan-Tollmann). 15, sample SW40/6; 17, recristallizedtest, sample SW10/1. Scalebar is 1 ram.

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The specimens (Plate III, 2, 3) have been assigned to Neoraistrickia cf. truncata (Cookson) Potoni, 1956, because the incipient radially orientated ridges on the proximal face are not easily recognizable. Neoraistrickia truncata (Cookson) Potoni, 1956, has been found in the Jurassic of Australia. Hill et al. (1966) considered the range as Lower Jurassic to Cretaceous in the Queensland successions. Uvaesporites verrucosus (De Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 1971b, is a common element of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic palynological assemblage from the Southern hemisphere: the Upper Triassic Callide Coal Measures and Lower Jurassic Precipice Sandstone of the Callide area, Queensland (De Jersey, 1974; Stevens, 1981) and the Triassic of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia (Dolby and Balme, 1976). In New Zealand, De Jersey and Raine (1990), reported Uvaesporites verrucosus (De Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 1971b, at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Combaculatisporites mesozoicus Klaus, 1960, is present in the Late Triassic and Lower Jurassic of Australia (De Jersey, 1971a,b). Anapiculatisporites dawsonensis Reiser and Williams, 1969, has been found in the Latest Triassic and Early Jurassic of the Callide basin in East-Central Queensland (Stevens, 1981). Another important consideration concerns the absence of Corollina spp. and other species such as Retitriletes austroclavatoides (Cookson) Doring, Krutzsch, Mai and Schutz, 1963, Retitriletes semimuris (Danz6-Corsin and Laveine) Mc Kellar, 1974, and Zebrasporites interscriptus (Thiergart) Klaus, 1960, that are instead present in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic in Europe. This group of species is also absent in the same stratigraphic interval in Australia and New Zealand, and it


makes its first appearance within the Early Jurassic of New Zealand and in approximately coeval sediments in South Eastern Queensland (Filatoff, 1975; Stevens, 1981; De Jersey and Raine, 1990). These considerations are in agreement with the Australian affinities of the Triassic carbonate platform of Sulawesi, deduced from the foraminiferal assemblages. 3.5. Framebuilders

In lithotype L1 of the Reefal limestone, three different framebuilders have been distinguished: a phaceloid branching scleractinian coral, Retiophyllia seranica (Wilckens, 1937), a massive chaetetid sponge, Blastochaetetes intabulata (Wanner, 1907), and an unidentified calcisponge. This low diversity might be related to sampling constraints. Retiophyllia seranica (Wilckens, 1937), used to occur in autochthonous coral thickets which acted probably as bafflers. The internal structure of the coral is generally strongly recrystallized, the corallites appear as sparitic tubes in a micritic matrix; only few protected parts allow the recognition of taxonomic criteria. Retiophyllia is a well known scleractinian genus whose remarkable geographic distribution goes beyond the Tethys, and whose stratigraphic extension is known from Norian to Rhaetian. The species of this genus have been defined in such a typologic way that many names still remain in the literature which certainly hide the wide distribution of the indonesian species R. seranica (Wilckens, 1937). There is no morphofunctional evidence to consider this coral as a zooxanthellate form. According to Stanley and Cairns (1988), the

Plate II 1, 2B, 3. GaleaneIlapanticae Zaninetti and Bronnimann. 1, sample SW6B; 2, sample SW4; 3, sample SW6A. 2A. Pseudocucurbitidae indet.; sample SW4. 4, 5. Galeanella laticarinata A1-Shaibani, Carter and Zaninetti. 4, sample SW5B; 5, sample SW5A. 6. Cucurbita sp.; sample SW6A.7, 8. Spiriamphorella sp.; sample SW6B. 9. Costifera battagliensis Senowbari-Daryan; sample SW6B. 10, 11, 15. Agathammina sp. 10, 15, sample SW19/2; 11, sample SW10/2. 12, 17, 18. Duotaxis birmanica Zaninetti and Bronnimann. 12, sample SW41/12; 17, sample SW41/3; 18, sample SW40/7.13?, 14. Miliolidaeindet. 13, sample SW6A; 14, sample SW21/1.16. Ophthalmidium sp.; sample SW6B. 19. "Trochamminidae"; sample SW41/1. 20. Duotaxis? sp. sample SW40/12. 21, 25, 26. "Tetrataxis" inflata Kristan. 21, sample SW40/12; 25, sample SW21/1; 26, sample SW41/12.22, 23. Gandinellafalsofriedli (Salaj, Borza and Samuel). 22, sample SW23/2; 23, sample SW41/10.24. Endotriada tyrrhenica Vachard, Martini, Rettori and Zaninetti; sample SW21/2.27. Incertae sedis; sample SW41/Y Scale bar is 0.15 mm.


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homology with the non-zooxanthellate circalittoral to bathyal bioconstructions should be considered. These authors suggest that the example given by Zankl (1971) from the Austrian Northern Calcareous Alps, where Retiophyllia (Thecosmillia Auct. pro parte) is the main coral framebuilder, could be interpreted as non-zooxanthellate buildups. The non-zooxanthellate nature of Retiophyllia cannot be definitely excluded. Nevertheless, some facts should be emphasized: - - t h e colonies of Retiophyllia from Austria are accompanied by high level integration corals which remain unknown in Recent non-zooxanthellate corals (Coates and Oliver, 1973); - - t h e main Recent non-zooxanthellate framebuilders belong to several different families but display a common convergent habitus of the colony which is absent in Retiophyllia; - - a deep water situation cannot be accepted, autochthonous red algae being present in these meadows. Additionally, the review of the different occurrences of autochthonous Retiophyllia and their biocoenotic features all over the world leads as to consider that Retiophyllia is an infralittoral dweller. Blastochaetetes intabulata (Wanner, 1907) has been described from the Triassic of Seram, Indonesia (Wanner, 1907), and from the Carnian of Turkey under the junior synonym name of Blastochaetetes karashensis (Cuif and Fischer, 1974). There, this chaetetid is associated with Solenoporacean algae.

4. Discussion and conclusions

The Kolonodale carbonate complex appears to be only a part of a dismembered Upper Triassic platform. Anyway, it is an important witness for


pre-Cenozoic geodynamic reconstructions in Indonesia, as other fragments of Upper Triassic carbonate platforms were dredged off Eastern Sulawesi into the Banda Sea. 4.1. Micro facies and facies model

The palaeodepositional carbonate environment of the Norian-Rhaetian upper sequence of Kolonodale is characterized by patch reefs, lagoonal areas, oolitic bars, tidal flats with cryptalgal laminites. The limestones are essentially interpreted as bioclastic accumulations; the organic carbonate production is represented by small buildups developed in protected areas, and by the cryptalgal laminites. The microfacies M F 1 - M F 7 are reefal facies, lagoonal facies, and shoal facies. The reefal facies consist of algal-coral boundstones and bioclastic packstones to grainstones; the lagoonal facies is dominated by foraminiferal-peloidal wackestones to packstones. Both facies, which characterize the Reefal limestone, developped in an inner platform environment. The shoal facies are represented by oolitic grainstones, mudstones with terrigenous signature, marls, and cryptalgal laminites. This facies, typical of the Intertidal limestone, occur in a subtidal to intertidal environment. The general regressive trend of the Late Triassic of the Kolonodale area is documented by a gradual evolution from a marginal (lower part, Fig. 2) to an inner platform ("Reefal complex", Fig. 2), the latter being emphasized by small patch reefs alternating with calcareous mud containing the typical lagoonal megalodonts and Triasina hantkeni Majzon, 1954. The regressive trend is also underlined by the presence of detrital quartz disposed in thin horizontal laminae, at the top of the reefal massive limestone. The siliciclastic input constantly increases and sandy limestones are

Plate III The most representative species come from the palynological assemblage found in SW31. 1. Neoraistrickia ramosus (Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960. 2, 3. Neoraistrickia cf. truncata (Cookson) Potoni~, 1956. 4. Neoraistrickia cf. ramosus (Balme and Hennelly) Hart, 1960. 5. Neoraistrickia sp. 1. 6, 7. Uvaesporites verrucosus (De Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 1971b. 8. Neoraistrickia sp. 2. 9. Uvaesporites argenteaeforrnis (Bolkhovitina) Schulz 1967. 10. Apiculatisporites sp. All magnification 900 x. 11. Palynofacies from SW31 dominated by large fragments of cuticule debris, vitrinite, and subordinate equidimensionalinertinite and by high percentage of thick walled spores and pollens. Magnification 160 x.


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deposited at the base of the upper portion of the sequence. In this part of the sequence, algal laminites and fenestrae indicate intertidal to supratidal environmental conditions; intercalations of marls show palynofacies typical of shallow water environment near to the shoreline. 4.2. Biostratigraphy The micropalaeontological analysis emphasizes the presence of a lagoonal and a reefal foraminiferal associations. The lagoonal association, dominated by the family Aulotortidae, is characteristic of the mud facies with megalodonts (foraminiferal wacke- to packstone MF4); this indicates a low energy lagoonal to back reef environment. In the

pack- to grainstone (MF5), where this association is also present, the lagoonal foraminifers are reworked. The reefal association contains dominant porcelaneous foraminifers such as the genus Galeanella which is typical of the algal-coral boundstone (MF7) and of the bioclastic pack- to grainstone ( M F 5 ) that fills the reefal cavities. The age indicated by both--Aulotortidae and porcelaneous foraminifers--associations is Late Norian to Rhaetian (Triasina hantkeni Biozone) (Fig. 2). A rich palynological assemblage contains Rhaetian to Lower Jurassic palynomorphs mostly represented by Neoraistrickia spp., Uvaesporites verrucosus ( D e Jersey) Helby in De Jersey, 197 lb, and Combaculatisporites mesozoicus Klaus, 1960.





Fig. 5. Correlation between: (A) the sequence stratigraphy interpretation of the Upper Norian Rhaetian carbonate complex of Kolonodale, and (B) the Haq et al. (1987) cycle chart. Concerning the age of the Norian-Rhaetian sequence boundary, this age could be at 212 Ma instead of 215 Ma, according to Marcoux et al. (1993) who recently proposed a numerical age of 215 212 Ma for the substage Sevatian, from now on representing the Late Norian (decision of the Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy).

R. Martini et al./Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128 (1997) 157-174

The framebuilders Retiophyllia seranica (Wilckens, 1937), a phaceloid branching coral, and Blastochaetetes intabulata (Wanner, 1907), a massive chaetetid sponge, together with solenoporacean algae are recognized in the algal-coral buildups; they acted probably as bafflers, The Norian Rhaetian genus Retiophyllia indicates an infralittoral environment. The Kolonodale U p p e r Triassic ( U p p e r Norian to Rhaetian) faunal and palynological content shows the closest affinities to coeval associations from the Australian-Indonesian carbonate platform.

4.3. Sequence stratigraphy

A correlation of the U p p e r Norian to Rhaetian "Reefal complex" of Kolonodale with the cycle chart of H a q et al. (1987) is tentatively proposed on the basis of the micropalaeontological data. The N o r i a n - R h a e t i a n sequence boundary (for H a q et al., 1987:215 M a SB) of the cycle chart probably corresponds to the boundary between the lower part of the carbonate series, and the "Reefal complex" (Fig. 5): - - t h e dark grey limestone with conodonts of the lower part of the U p p e r Triassic carbonate complex has been deposited during the highstand systems tract ( H S T ) of the UAA-4 second-order cycle; - - t h e Reefal limestone has been deposited during the UAB-1 second-order cycle: the massive limestone at the base represents the early highstand systems tract, and the oolitic and sandy limestones at the top the late highstand systems tract; As already mentioned by Marcoux et al. (1993), " a Late Norian highstand system is well demonstrated by strongly prograding carbonate platforms" within the western Tethys (Northern Calcareous Alps, Carpathians, Northern Dinarids, Taurids, etc.). This HST, also identified in the W o m b a t Plateau, off N W Australia (R6hl et al., 1991, 1992), and in Sulawesi, is in accordance with a major global event (for H a q et al., 1987:215 M a SB), recognized in the Western and in the Eastern Tethys as well. - - t h e overlying Intertidal limestone could reflect


the sea-level lowstand of the base of the UAB-2 second-order cycle. Concerning the age of the N o r i a n - R h a e t i a n sequence boundary, this age could be of 212 M a instead of 215 Ma, according to Marcoux et al. (1993) who recently proposed a numerical age of 215-212 M a for the substage Sevatian, from now on representing the Late Norian (decision of the Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy).

Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (L.Z. Grants No. 20-32368.91; 20-41881.94), the French PICSIndonesia Project, and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LiPi: L e m b a g a Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), Jakarta and Bandung.

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