seismic upgrading of existing buildings

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estrategia eficiente de rehabilitaci6n y de diferentes tecnicas que se pueden usar para la estrategia elegida. Ocho t~cnicas basadas en soluciones elastica.

SEISMIC UPGRADING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS Vitelmo V. Berterol and Andrew S. Whittaker2

!Director, Earthquake Engineering Research Center University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. 2senior Engineer, Forell/Elsesser Engineers San Francisco, CA 94107, U.S.A.


This paper discusses the selection of efficient strategies and techniques for seismic upgrading of existing buildings. After emphasizing the importance of developing and implementing effective ways of upgrading earthquake hazardous structures, problems involved in the assessment of earthquake hazard and seismic vulnerability of existing buildings are summarized. Guidelines for selection of proper upgrading strategy are given. A specific building is used to illustrate the development of an efficient upgrading strategy and different schemes that can be used to implement such a strategy. Eight different schemes based. on elastic and dissipating energy solutions are considered. Although an elastic solution based on the use of high strength post-tensioned steel cables appears to be the most economical solution, the scheme based on use of steel plate energy dissipators seems to be the most reliable one.


Se describe la seleccibn de estrategias y t~cnicas para la rehabilitacibn de edificios existentes. Despu~s de enfatizar la importancia del desarrollo e implementacibn de maneras eficientes de rehabilitar estructuras peligrosas bajo acciones sfsmicas, .se resume los problemas que se encuentran en la valoracion del riesgo sfsmico y de la vulnerabilidad de edificios existentes. Se dan gu{as para la selecci6n de estrategias adecuadas para la rehabilitaci6n. Un edificio es usado para ilustrar el desarrollo de una estrategia eficiente de rehabilitaci6n y de diferentes tecnicas que se pueden usar para la estrategia elegida. Ocho t~cnicas basadas en soluciones elastica y de disipacibn de energ{a son consideradas. Aunque la solucion elastica basada en el uso de cables pretensados es la solucion mas econ6mica, la tecnica basada en el uso de disipadores de energ{a de placas de acero parece ser la mas confiable.


