Shifts in resolutions of multigraded modules - UNL Math Department

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When I is an ideal generated by monomials in the variables x1,...,xn, the ring R ... the entries in the multigraded resolution of a monomial ideal divide the least.
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 121 (1997) 437–441 SHIFTS IN RESOLUTIONS OF MULTIGRADED MODULES

Srikanth Iyengar Abstract. Upper bounds are established on the shifts in a minimal resolution of a multigraded module. Similar bounds are given on the coefficients in the numerator of the BackelinLescot rational expression for multigraded Poincar´ e series.

Let K be a field and S = K[x1 , . . . , xn ] the polynomial ring with its natural n-grading. When I is an ideal generated by monomials in the variables x1 , . . . , xn , the ring R = S/I is n-graded for the induced grading. We denote by deg[y] the degree in Zn of a homogeneous element y in an n-graded R-module. 0 L An n-graded finite R-module M is known to have a free resolution with i th module j Rei,j , where the basis elements are n-homogeneous, and differentials ∂i of degree 0, given by matrices whose entries are monomials in the variables. Furthermore, the resolution may be chosen such that Ker ∂i−1 is minimally generated by {∂i (ei,j )}j . Such a minimal resolution is unique up to n-graded isomorphism. 1. Shifts For F a minimal resolution of M , the Betti numbers βi = rank(Fi ) and the shifts deg[ei,j ] = ai,j = (ai,j (1), . . . , ai,j (n)) ∈ Zn are invariants of M . We consider Zn with the product order: c < d if c(k) ≤ d(k) for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n and c 6= d. Every set {c1 , . . . , cm } ⊂ Zn has a least upper bound c = lub{c1 , . . . , cm }, where c(k) = max{c1 (k), . . . , cm (k)}. When a ∈ Zn , we denote the a(1) a(n) monomial x1 · · · xn by xa . We write buc for the greatest integer less than or equal to u and due for the least integer greater than or equal to u. In the recent paper [2], Bruns and Herzog have obtained upper bounds on the shifts in F. We present a new, more direct approach to this problem, which leads to sharper bounds in the case of infinite resolutions. Theorem 1. Let I be an ideal in the ring S = K[x1 , . . . , xn ], minimally generated by monomials xb1 , . . . , xbm and set R = S/I. For an n-graded finite R-module M with shifts ai,j , there are inequalities ai,j ≤ a +

i 2 b

for all

i, j ≥ 1,

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13A02, 13D02. Typeset by AMS-TEX 1



where b = lub{b1 , . . . , bm } and a = lub{a1,1 , . . . , a1,β1 }.   If I 6= 0, then for each even i there is a k such that ai,j (k) < a(k) + 2i b(k).

The statement of Theorem 1 was suggested by the work of Bruns and Herzog [2]. As noted in [2, (3.2)], the case I = 0 of the theorem has the following consequence: Corollary. Let M be a finite n-graded module, over the polynomial ring S, with shifts ai,j . If cxa , where c ∈ K, is a non-zero entry of some ∂i in the multigraded resolution of M , then xa | lcm(xa1,1 , . . . , xa1,β1 ). In particular, the entries in the multigraded resolution of a monomial ideal divide the least common multiple of the generators of the ideal.  The following example shows that, for each n, the bounds obtained in Theorem 1 are the best possible, in terms of a and b. Example 1. Let R = K[x1 , . . . , xn ]/(x1 · · · xn ) so that b = (1, . . . , 1). The R-module M = R/(x2n )R has a minimal resolution F:

x1 ···xn−1

x1 ···xn−1



n n · · · −→ R −−−−−−→ R −→ R −−−−−−→ R −→ R −→ 0.

So a = (0, . . . , 0, 2) and there are inequalities ai,1 =

i b for odd i ≥ 1,  2i  a + 2 b − (0, . . . , 0, 1) for even i ≥ 2. a+

Thus the shifts attain the upper bound of Theorem 1 when i is odd, and are equal to them in all but the last coordinate when i is even. Remark. Theorem 1 coincides with [2, (3.1)] when I = 0 and gives sharper bounds than [2, (3.4)] when  i  I 6= 0. Indeed, for M and R as in the example above, [2, (3.4)] yields ai,1 ≤ a + 2 b + (1, . . . , 1).

Proof of Theorem 1. We have to show that for each k there is an r such that ai,j (k) ≤ i a1,r (k) + 2 b(k). The inequality is clear for i = 1. For i ≥ 2 it is enough to prove:

(1) (2)

If i is even, then for each k there exists an s such that ai,j (k) ≤ ai−1,s (k) + b(k). If i is odd, then for each k there exists an r such that ai,j (k) ≤ ai−2,r (k) + b(k).

Indeed, if i is odd, then repeated application of (2) yields the desired inequality. If i even, then using (1) find an s such that ai,j (k) ≤ ai−1,s (k) + b(k). When  i = 2 we are done, else (i − 1) ≥ 3 is odd, so there is an r with ai−1,s (k) ≤ a1,r (k) + i−1 2 b(k). Thus, ai,j (k) ≤ a1,r (k) +

 i−1    b(k) + b(k) = a1,r (k) + 2i b(k). 2

The proof of (1) and (2) uses the following observation which is verified directly: (3)


If F is a free R-module and u ∈ F , then xk


u = 0 implies xk

u = 0.



Fix a segment FP i −→Fi−1 −→Fi−2 of the minimal resolution F. Let ν(ei,j ) = and µ(ei−1,j ) = s µsj ei−2,s . Note that (4)

ai,j = deg[ν(ei,j )] = deg[νsj ] + ai−1,s

for all s




νsj ei−1,s

with νsj 6= 0.

If i ≥ 2 is even and (1) fails, then choose k such that for all s, 1 ≤ s ≤ βi−1 , we have ai,j (k) > ai−1,s (k) + b(k). Together with (4) this implies that, for d = b(k), the monomial 0 νsj is of the form xd+1 νsj for all s. Set k w=


0 νsj ei−1,s ∈ Fi−1


y = xdk w ∈ Fi−1 .


Note that xd+1 µ(w) = µ(ν(ei,j )) = 0. In view of (3), this shows that xdk µ(w) = 0. Therek fore, µ(y) = 0, that is, y ∈ Kerµ. But now ν(ei,j ) = xk y ∈ m Kerµ, where m = (x1 , . . . , xn ) is the homogeneous maximal ideal of R. As F is minimal, this is a contradiction. This completes the proof of (1). Assuming i ≥ 3 is odd and (2) fails, choose k such that (5)

ai,j (k) > ai−2,r (k) + b(k) for all 1 ≤ r ≤ βi−2 .

If ai−1,s (k) ≥ ai,j (k) for some s, then from (5) we get ai−1,s (k) > ai−2,r (k) + b(k), for all r. Since (i − 1) ≥ 2 is even, this contradicts (1). Thus, for each s we have, 0 ai,j (k) > ai−1,s (k). Hence, using (4), we write each monomial νsj in the form xk νsj . Two applications of (4) yield ai,j = deg[νsj ] + deg[µrs ] + ai−2,r whenever νsj 6= 0 and µrs 6= 0. With (5) this shows that, for d = b(k), the monomial νsj µrs is of the form xd+1 λsr k for all r and s. Consider the elements w=

X r,s

λsr ei−2,r ∈ Fi−2

and y =


0 νsj ei−1,s ∈ Fi−1 .


A straightforward computation shows that xdk w = µ(y). As in the proof of (1), we see that xd+1 w = µ(ν(ei,j )) = 0. By (3), this implies µ(y) = xdk w = 0. Thus y ∈ Kerµ and k hence ν(ei,j ) = xk y ∈ m Kerµ. Again, we get a contradiction to the minimality of F. Thus (2) holds. To complete the proof of Theorem 1 we need to prove that when I 6= 0 i and i is even, ai,j < a + 2 b.   Assume to the contrary. Choose j such that ai,j = a + 2i b. As F is minimal, there is a νs,j 6= 0. From (4) we get ai,j = deg[νs,j ] + ai−1,s . Hence a+

i  i−1  i b = deg[ν ] + a ≤ deg[ν ] + a + b = deg[ν ] + a + s,j i−1,s s,j s,j 2 2 2 b−b

Therefore deg[νs,j ] ≥ b and so νs,j = 0. This contradicts the choice of νs,j . Thus Theorem 1 is proved.



2. Poincar´ e Series For each i ≥ 0, the K-vector space TorR i (M, K) is multigraded with homogeneous basis elements of degrees ai,j for j = 1, . . . , βi . The multigraded Poincar´e series of M in the P R variables t and s1 , . . . , sn is defined by PM (s, t) = ri (s)ti , where i>0

ri (s) =


d dimK TorR i (M, K)d s

d∈Zn ±1 is a Laurent polynomial in Z[s±1 1 , . . . , sn ]. Note that by setting s1 = · · · = sn = u R one obtains the usual Poincar´e series PM (u, t) of the graded R-module associated to the ±1 n-graded R-module M . We denote by degk (f ) the degree of f ∈ Z[s±1 1 , . . . , sn ] in the variable sk . R Theorem of Backelin and Lescot [1,5]. If M is finitely generated, then PM (s, t) is a rational function of the form Pp M i R i=0 fi (s)t P PM (s, t) = , q 1 + j=1 gjR (s)tj

R with fiM ∈ Z[s±1 . . . , s±1 n ] and gj ∈ Z[s1 , . . . , sn ]. The denominator is independent of M 1 ,P and satisfies q ≤ k b(k) and degk (gjR ) ≤ b(k) for k = 1, . . . , n where b = lub{b1 , . . . , bm }.

It should be noted that the assumption that M is n-graded is essential. Indeed, Jacobsson [3, Corollary 2.3] constructs a graded module M over an n-graded ring R such that R PM (u, t) is not a rational function. Using Theorem 1, we establish upper bounds on degk (fi ) and simplify a crucial step in the proof the Backelin and Lescot’s result. Theorem 2. If M has no free direct summand, then there are inequalities: degk (fiM ) ≤ a(k) + d 2i eb(k)



0 ≤ i ≤ p.

Proof. We keep the notation from the proof of Theorem 1, and write fi and gi for fiM and giR respectively. Thus, a1,j = deg[µsj ] + a0,s for all s with µsj 6= 0. As M has no free summands, for each s there is a j with νsj 6= 0 and hence, a0,s ≤ a1,j . Coupled with Theorem 1, this yields degk (ri ) ≤ a(k) + 2i b(k) for all i ≥ 0. By Backelin’s result degk (gi ) ≤ b(k) for all i ≥ 1. In view of these inequalities we get X  i−1     degk rj gi−j ≤ max{degk (rj gi−j )} ≤ max{a(k)+ 2j b(k)+b(k)} ≤ a(k)+ i−1 b(k). 2 j=0

j m. Set Rk = K[x1 , . . . , x ˆk , . . . , xn ]/(xb1 , . . . , xbm )


A = Rk [xk ].

Then A is an n-graded ring and R ∼ = A/xk J as n-graded rings. If {ci,j } are the shifts of M considered as an A-module, Theorem 1 yields ci,j (k) ≤ c(k) + 2i d(k), where d = lub{b1 , . . . , bm } and c = lub{c1,1 , . . . , c1,β1 }. Clearly d(k) = 0 and ci,j (k) ≤ c(k) for all i, j ≥ 1. Thus, with r 0 = c(k), we get (6)


A PM (s, t) = g0 + g1 sk + · · · + gr0 srk


gi ∈ Z[[t, s1 , · · · , sˆk , · · · , sn ]]

The remainder of the proof is as in [5]. As A = Rk [xk ] and Rk is an (n − 1)-graded ring (7)

Rk A PK (s, t) = (1 + sk t)PK


Rk PK ∈ Z[[s1 , . . . , sˆk , . . . , sn , t]]

A As Ker(TorA → TorR ∗ (M, K) − ∗ (M, K)) is an n-graded subspace of Tor∗ (M, K), its ntuple Hilbert series B(s, t) is in Z[[s1 , . . . , sˆk , . . . , sn , t]][sk ]. This series appears in the following expression


R R A A PM (s, t)/PK (s, t) = [PM (s, t) − (1 + t)B(s, t)]/PK (s, t)

which is the n-tuple version of [6, Chapter 4, (4.1)], and is due to the fact that A − → R is a Golod homomorphism [6 , Theorem 2.3]. The proposition follows by combining relations (6), (7) and (8). Acknowledgement. I am indebted to my thesis advisor Luchezar Avramov for the many helpful discussions concerning this paper.



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