Social Cognition in Major Depressive Disorder: A New ... - UNM Biology

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can reproduce daily life situations in laboratory settings. The evidences we review, together with the rich literature on the protective ... disorders. Pablo Billeke1*.
Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  


Social  Cognition  in  Major  Depressive  Disorder:     A  New  Paradigm?   abstract Social co gn itio n refers t o the brain m e c h a n is m s by which we p ro ce s s social in fo r m atio n a b o u t o t h e r h u m a n s and o u rselve s. Alte ratio n s in inte r p e r s o n a l and social fu n c tio n in g are co m m o n in major d e p re s s ive d iso rd e r, t h o u g h only poorly a d d re s s e d by c u r re nt p h a r m a co t h e r a p ie s. Fur ther s t a n d a rd i ze d t e s t s, such as d e p r e s s io n ratin g s or n e u ro p s yc h o lo gic t e s t s, used in ro u tin e p ra c tice p rov id e ver y little in fo r m atio n on social skills, s c h e m a s, at t r ib u tio n s, s te re o t y p e s and j u d g m e n t s re l a te d to social int e ra c tio n s. In this ar ticle, we review re c e n t lite rat u re on how h e a l t hy h u m a n brains p ro ce s s social d e c is io n s and how t h e s e p ro ce s s e s are a l te re d in major d e p r essive d iso rd e r. We especially focus on inte ra c tive p a ra d igm s (e.g., g a m e t h e o r y b a s e d tasks) t h a t can re p ro d u ce d a ily life s itu atio n s in la b o rato r y s e t t i n g s. The e v id e n ce s we review, to g e t h e r with the rich lite ratu re on the p ro t e c tive role of social n e t w o r k s in h a n d lin g stress, have im plications for d e ve lo p in g more ecologically-valid b io m a r kers   and interventions in order to optim ize functional recovery in depressive disorders.


Pablo Billeke1* Samantha Boardman2 P. Murali Doraiswamy3 Centro de Investigación en Complejidad Social (CICS), Facultad de Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile 1

Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA 2

Department of Psychiatry and Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA 3

include both understanding other people’s

decisions (see Figure 1) [9–12]. On the other

emotions, intentions and actions, and acting

hand, social skills that enable people to perform

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious

in social settings. Key elements of social

cooperative and

disabling illness of very high prevalence [1]. MDD

cognition include encoding, storage, retrieval,

to be altered in several psychiatric diseases,

is associated with high chronic physical disorder

and processing of information relating to our

like MDD. These social impairments impact

comorbidities and alterations in multiple other

social interactions. In classical social cognitive

deeply the quality of life of these people[13]

domains, including interpersonal and social

theory, information is represented in the brain

and can be a key factor in rehabilitation and

functioning [2]. For example, individuals with

as cognitive components that may include

the evaluation of treatments (see Figure 2)

mood disorders often experience a reduction in

schemas (i.e., how

are categorized),

[14]. Nonetheless, the tasks used to study

the frequency of social and leisure activities[3]

attributes, stereotypes, etc. The use of this

social cognition in laboratory settings, such as

as well as less fulfillment from social and family

information enables us to understand others

theory of mind (ToM), emotion recognition,

relationships [4]. Indeed, social anxiety disorder

in a specific context. However, social cognition

empathy, and new interactive paradigms (e.g.,

is an important and consistent risk factor for

is more than figuring out other people; it also

game theory based tasks, see below), are most


depression [5].

involves developing an understanding with

different from the typical tests administered in


others [7]. Thus, social cognition allows us to

clinical settings (e.g., depression rating scales,

are few studies addressing the underlying


neuropsychologic tests) and in clinical trials,

biological mechanism and possible therapeutic

with others, understand each other, and act

generating a gap


together [8].

research and clinical practice.

development of severe

Despite these well known




improving social



interactions, develop


Interestingly, this interactive aspect of social


behaviors seem

between neurobiological

In this article, we first review briefly the

Social cognition is a concept introduced to

cognition has recently been enjoying renewed

role of social support in wellness

examine the underlying mechanisms of social

interest in neuropsychiatry with the advent

neurobiological bases

impairment in neuropsychiatric disorders. It

of functional imaging tools. On the one hand,

social decision making in healthy people. We

generally refers to the sum of those processes

neurobiological studies in healthy people

next discuss current literature that deals with

which allow individuals of the same species to interact with one another [6]. These processes

have revealed that several brain networks are consistently recruited when people face social

social alterations in MDD patients, focusing on interactive paradigms. Finally, we propose

* E-mail: [email protected]


and the

of both MDD and

Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  


Figure 1. Brain areas that participate in social processing. A simple classification of brain areas involved in social processing differentiates regions that participate in three related systems. The motivational and reward system (red) that includes cortical areas, such as the amygdala (AMY), the anterior insula (AI), the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). These cortical structures interact with subcortical structures, such as the ventral striatum (VS) and the hypothalamus (HTH). The cognitive control system (blue) participates in goal-directed and adaptive behaviors. This system includes areas such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), the dorsal anterior cingulated cortex (dACC), and the dorsal striatum (DS). Finally, the social attribution system includes areas that participate in the perception of social stimuli, such as the extra-striate body area (EBA) and the fusiform face area (FFA). There are other areas, such as the ventral premotor cortex (vPMC) and the cortex around the superior temporal sulcus (STS), that participate in the perception of intentions of the motor actions (“mirror system”). The attribution system also includes areas that participate in mentalizing processes, such as the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), the precuneus (PC), the temporal pole (TP), the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ).

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the putative social alterations in major depressive disorder (MDD) across different levels of analysis. Even though the causal relations between these levels are complex, the interventions in one of the levels have repercussions in the others. For a discussion of the relations of these levels, see [145].


Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  

  interpretations of the findings

as well as

impact on the spread of depressive symptoms

abnormal increases of amygdala, ventral

possible future directions of the research being carried out in the area.

[26]. So, understanding both the cognitive and

striatal, and medial PFC activities related to

biological mechanisms

negative emotional and social stimuli [39–

Role of social support in wellbeing

of successful social

interactions and the specific alterations that

42]. Thus,

are presented in depression may thus offer new

emotional dysregulation present

avenues for optimizing therapeutic outcomes in people with MDD (see Figure 2).

patients can be related to frontostriatal and

Neurobiology of depression: altered reward and punishment sensitivity

negative self-referential memory observed in

Both common sense and empirical data tell us that high-quality relationships matter in everyday life and

during periods of stress.

Supportive others can,

in fact, alter


anhedonia, maladaptation, and in MDD

amygdala dysfunctions. On the other hand, excessive rumination and depressed individuals have been linked to the function of the default mode network (DMN)

perception of everyday events in such a way

[30]. The DMN consists of several brain regions

that they are not perceived as threats or

In recent years, the possible neural differences

that exhibit patterns of temporally coherent

stressors. For example, observers perceive a hill

responsible for the symptoms of mood disorder

neural activity. These brain areas increase their

they have to climb as less steep if they are with

have been extensively studied. These studies

activity when

a friend rather than alone [15]. Moreover, the

suggest that both the brain monoamine and

decrease their

presence or the physical contact of a loved one

frontostriatal system involved in motivation

engaged in an external task [43]. The most

reduces the perception of physical pain and the

and reward [27–29], and the neuronal network

robust regions considered as part of this

neuronal response to a painful stimulus [16,17].

related to resting state [30] play a causal role in the symptoms of depression.

network are the medial PFC, the rostral part of

Behavioral studies depressed subjects


In addition, studies show that perception of social

connections and

increase physical

positive emotions these factors





subjects are

the ACC, the precuneus, the posterior cingulate and




maladaptive responses to punishment (negative feedback)

cortex and

and hyposensitive responses to reward (positive

emotional stimuli, the DMN is overactive[44]


feedback). Patients with MDD do not improve

and its activity is correlated with the level of

emotional wellbeing is, perhaps, best

their performance after a negative feedback

depressive rumination [45]. Interestingly, MDD

demonstrated by a study that followed 268

and tend to increase the likelihood of making a

patients show alterations in the deactivation

Harvard sophomores from the late 1930s over

subsequent error [31]. This tendency is specific

of the DMN in the transition from rest to task

the course of their adult lives. The single most

to depressive patients, and is correlated with

that can be improved by pharmacotherapy

important predictor of successful aging, defined

the severity of the symptoms, although it is also

[46]. Patients with depression display increased

as being physically

mentally healthy,

present in remitted subjects [32,33]. Further,

metabolic activity in the rostral ACC, and

and satisfied with life at age 75 was neither

patients with MDD tend to not choosing stimuli

deep brain

cholesterol level, nor treadmill endurance, nor

associated with reward [34,35]. The failure to

produces therapeutic effects [47]. Therefore,

intelligence - it was close relationships. Based

learn from feedback of depressive patients

the functional coupling between the rostral

on the extensive data collected over seven

might relate to frontostriatal dysfunction. For

ACC and other parts of the DMN, which is

decades, the authors concluded that the only

example, there is reduced ventral


greater in patients with depression [48], might

things that matter in life are our relationships

activity during perception and anticipation of

correspond to the interface between excessive

with other people [19]. Hence, experiences of

reward stimuli in adults and adolescents with

social disconnection are processed as a survival

depression [34,36]. Subjects with MDD have

self-referential thoughts and emotional consequences.

threat, thus constituting a risk for physical and

a hypersensitive response to the rewarding

psychiatric diseases [20,21]. For example, low

effects of dopaminergic drugs with altered

social support predicts high risk for both a first

brain activity in the striatum and the medial

episode of major depression and recurrence

prefrontal cortex (PFC). Remitted depressive

[22–25]. Interestingly, using

social network

patients present a decrease of the striatum

analysis, a study showed that people with

and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) activities

looser ties have higher depression scores and

elicited by primary reward stimuli, and an

the tendency to cut any remaining ties that

increase of striatum activity elicited by aversive

they have left. Further the depression of these

stimuli [37]. Interestingly, some studies have

individuals is correlated with the future scores of

shown an uncoupling between PFC activity

their friends within the network. This suggests that isolation as well as clustering may have an

and both striatum and amygdala activities [38]. In addition, converging findings suggest

influence one

health, and

have have

subjects are resting, whereas

another in a self-sustaining

upward-spiral dynamic [18]. The and





hippocampal formation. While

individuals with depression are evaluating

stimulation of this brain




Neurobiology of social decision making in healthy people Social neuroscience studies have shown that there are three main brain systems implicated in maintaining a social interaction (Figure 1). One of these neural systems is the mesolimbic reward system that is consistently activated during decision making. The components of this system are involved in processing the possible outcomes of the decision, computing the


Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  

  probability and variability of the outcomes, and encoding the saliency of reward. This system also participates in the process of updating behavior, if the outcomes are not as expected [49]. The reward system involves dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area in

in social interactions, and is not observed when participants play the same game with a computer partner. The former suggests that cooperation has a rewarding value over and above the material rewards obtained from unilateral defection[ 12,56]. In



have found that the medial frontal negativity, an event-related potential associated with prediction error and generated in the dorsal ACC [66,67], can be observed when the partner in an interactive game makes an unexpected or unfair social decision [68–70]. The theta


activities in the medial region of the PFC and in the dlPFC are associated with the probability

including the

cooperation strongly activates the reward system in spite of the fact that there are no

ACC [50]. This circuit is involved in affective

monetary rewards involved [57]. The reward

are greater in those subjects that expect a

and appetitive behaviors, and in motivation.

system is more activated when people receive

behavioral change in their partner. Thus, these

Interestingly, the reward system

may play

money from a fair distribution than when


a critical role in the process of evaluating

they receive the same amount of money from

cognitive control system that enables us to

whether expectations are met. Thus, dopamine

an unfair distribution [58]. Finally, making

both update our social expectations and adapt

neurons signal the prediction error, since they

charitable donations also activates the reward

our behaviors concordantly.

increase their activity in proportion to a reward

system together with the rostral ACC [59]. The

that is better than expected, whereas decrease

preceding is an oxytocin-rich area connected to


it when an expected reward is omitted [51].

the mesolimbic dopamine reward system that

related to identifying social relevant stimuli,

is implicated in social attachment formation.

understanding the intentions of other humans,

the midbrain. The dopaminergic projections loop through the ventral striatum and connect to medial

prefrontal areas,

In the context of social interaction, studies

of receiving a negative feedback [68], and

are probably participating in the

Finally, there exists that involves

a social attribution several



have shown that the reward system is activated

In spite of the fact that the reward system

and enabling us to participate in on-line social

in pro-social behaviors. For example, several

is necessary for developing social behavior,

interactions. There are specialized brain areas

works have used game theory based tasks,

it is not enough per se. In addition to the

that are involved in identifying social relevant

such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma which has been

medial dopaminergic system involved in the

stimuli. As examples, the fusiform face area

used to investigate cooperation and altruism.

process of reward, there exists a lateral one

in the temporal lobule is activated by the

In this game, the two participating players may

that interconnects substantia nigra with the

presence of faces [71]; the cortex around

independently choose to either cooperate or

dorsal striatum and the PFC, including the

the superior temporal sulcus is activated by

defect. Both will be awarded a sum of money

dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC), the dorsal ACC and

biological coherent movements [72]. Recent

in function of the choices made. Each player

the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). The dlPFC

meta-analyses reveal that two brain structures

receives the highest payoff by defecting, if the

is an important component of the working

are crucial to and specific for mentalizing

other player chooses to cooperate. However,

memory and executive functions [60], and

about others’ intentions, beliefs, or moral traits,


player’s payoff is higher for mutual

participates in the impulse control in order

namely the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and

cooperation than it is for mutual defection.

to resist immediate selfish urges to realize

the medial PFC [73,74]. The TPJ is closely related

Hence, a dilemma is created. If the game is



to the “mirror system” and likely participates

played once and the players care only about

or in a later time [61,62]. Interestingly, this

in a more perceptual level of representation,

their own payoffs, both players should defect.

area also participates when it is necessary to

whereas the

This is the dominant strategy because, heedless

inhibit pro-social impulses in order to favor

information at a more abstract cognitive level

of the other player’s strategy, a rational player

personal interests [63]. Further, the dorsal ACC

[12,75]. This system

has no incentive to deviate from this choice

is involved in conflict monitoring whenever

and social decision-making mainly through

[52]. Nevertheless in laboratory experiments,

there are competing motives, such as those


these assumptions are frequently violated and

presented in social dilemmas [55,63]. Finally,

Thus, the medial PFC is involved in explicit

humans often cooperate whether the game is


impression formation [77]; the more implicit

one shot or repeated [53]. Interestingly, most

punishment threats that are strong incentives


participants report that they found mutual


trustworthiness) relies on the TPJ [78,79]. Using

cooperation the




lateral OFC participates in evaluating maintaining cooperation [64].



PFC integrates social influences cooperation







personal satisfactory

during social dilemmas this system seems to

interactive paradigms, several

outcome, despite the fact that this alternative

register the presence of conflicting incentives

found that games with other humans generate

studies have

is not


and modulate decisions toward the rational

activity in these social attribution areas [80].

neurobiological studies have shown that only

best response in a specific context [65]. Thus,

Interestingly, when people are engaged in

reciprocal cooperation activates both the

this system seems to compute the cognitive

a social interaction, TPJ activity is correlated


striatum and the ventromedial PFC

effort to make a rational decision whether it be

with the subsequent decision only when this

[54,55]. In addition, the activation of the ventral striatum is restricted to mutual cooperation

a selfish or a pro-social one [12]. Using electroencephalography (EEG), studies

interaction is with another human [81]. In an EEG study, the fall in alpha activity (which likely






Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  

  reflects a neuronal activity increase[82]) in the

the amygdala [103,104]. On the other hand,

responders accept unfair

TPJ is correlated with both the expectative

these patients present an increase of functional

healthy people tend to reject them [120]. These

of the other’s behavior and the behavioral

connectivity between the rostral ACC and the

unfair offer acceptances would appear more

adaptations in the subsequent interaction [68].

hippocampus, which are two important areas of

“rational” from a standard economic standpoint

Thus, the medial PFC and the TPJ play a key role

the DMN, together with structural alterations in

(i.e., maximizing payoffs). Indeed, MDD patients

in both the understanding of others’ intentions and the maintaining of a social interaction.

the white matter that correlate with symptom

made more money in the game. Notably, the

Social cognition in major depressive disorder



severity [105]. Taken together, these results

acceptance rate correlated with cardiac vagal

could reflect the lack of prefrontal regulation

control, which is a peripheral measure of

over subcortical and cortical regions involved

emotional regulation, notwithstanding that

in social appraisal and emotional generation

MDD patients report higher levels of disgust,

systems [106].

anger and surprise upon receiving unfair offers.

There has recently been growing interest in

In order to participate in the rich human

The above finding indicates that depressive

the study of social skill alterations in MDD

social life, it is necessary not only to perceive

subjects use emotional regulation processes

patients [13]. These alterations have


others, but also to understand them. Crucially,

when making social interactive decisions that

observed during mood alteration

we attribute an inner mental world to social

may, in fact, help them in managing emotional reactions and, in turn, lead to more acceptances


of them can persist

agents, and we infer their intentions, beliefs, and

during euthymic states. One of the social skills

wishes through several sources. The ability to

[120]. The induction of sad moods in healthy

most studied in depressive patients is face

do so allows us to maintain social interactions.

people generates the

perception. An important characteristic of the

Several behavioral works show

that MDD

that is, more rejection of unfair offers [121],

human face is the transmission of emotional

patients present ToM deficits [107–113]. These

together with an increase of anterior insula

states, and thus the ability to recognize the

deficits can persist after depressive symptom

activation and a decrease of ventral striatum

emotions displayed by others is crucial to

remission and their intensity correlates with the

activation. However the use of reappraisal,

social interactions. Patients with MDD present

risk of recurrence [114,115].

periods, though some

emotion recognition deficit

that is mainly


opposite behavior,

that is, evaluating an emotional situation as

there is an interesting line of

more positive, generates more unfair offer

characterized by a bias toward the recognition

evidence that arises from studies dealing with

acceptances together with a modulation in

of negative emotions. Thus, these patients tend

the performance of MDD in social dilemmas.

both the dlPFC and the insular cortex [122].

to not recognizing happy faces and recognizing

An important characteristic of social dilemmas

Notably, other studies that evaluate more

neutral faces as sad faces [83]. Notably, MDD

is that there exist goals which tend to clash;

severe depressive patients show equal [123]

patients also have an attentional bias toward

hence, the

of social

or more [124] rejections of unfair offers. In

sad faces [84,85].

dilemmas increases. For example, the pursuit

addition, as proposers, MDD patients give more money than healthy people do [123].



Neurobiological studies have shown that

of self-interest can often be accomplished

patients with MDD present a special pattern

with the use of coercion or deception, yet

This evidence suggests that MDD patients

of brain activity elicited by emotional facial

such behaviors tend to have the effect of

avoid social rejections, and yet the precise

expressions. They have an increased activity

eroding social bonds [116]. In the Prisoner’s

in the amygdala, the ventral

striatum and

Dilemma (see above), people with subclinical

the OFC, especially to sad faces [86–95]. The

depression behave in such a way that they

behavior seems to depend on mood symptom severity. Interestingly, studies on individuals who exhibit subthreshold depression

hyperactivity of the

optimize their payoffs [117]. Moreover, other

(dysphoria) show that they perform better than

is reverted

studies exploring the effects of mood in social

non-dysphoric controls at ToM and other social

is absent in

dilemmas have shown that healthy participants

cognitive tasks, such as detecting deception

tend to cooperate regardless of the social

[125–128]. Thus, some authors suggest that the


increasing activity in DMN, which contributes



amygdala to negative sadness,

by antidepressive drugs,






Interestingly, euthymic patients show





increase in dlPFC activity that seems to be a

modulate their behavior in more rational ways


compensatory cortical control mechanism that limits emotional dysregulation in limbic

[118,119]. Another example is a study that uses

spontaneous cognition, could also account for

the Ultimatum Game. In this game, one player

the fact that depressed individuals perform

regions, like the

(the “proposer”) makes an offer to another

better in sequential decision-making tasks

patients with acute mood episodes show reduced dlPFC activity during tasks that



and analytical thinking [129,130]. In this way,

split an amount of money between them.

depression (at least at first) induces cognitive

require emotional regulation and emotional anticipation [99–102]. In addition, patients show reduced functional connectivity among the OFC, the dorsal ACC, the precuneus, and

The responder can either accept the offer, in

changes that enhance capacities for analysing

which case the money is split as proposed, or

and solving key social problems, suggesting a

reject it, in which case neither player receives any money. Patients with MDD playing as

“social rumination function” that could facilitate behavioral adaptation in difficult social

amygdala. Nonetheless,

(the “responder”) regarding how

task-relevant mental simulation and


Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl  Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437– 447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  

  situations [129,131]. Interestingly,




the person to flourish. Nevertheless, only few

of these behaviors and potential targets of


clinical trials in depression emphasize outcomes

medical intervention [141]. Additionally, the

hyperactivity of the DMN, which correlates with

of cognition or social functionality [137]. As

performance of the people in these games

rumination and presents a very similar spatial

our review indicates, MDD patients present

reflects their behavior in daily life [142].

pattern to that of the areas activated by ToM

significant alterations in social cognitive skills

tasks. In fact, some authors indicate that this

that can impact deeply in their quality of life.

however, are still incipient and have limitations

network is one of the general domain brain

Moreover, neurobiological evidence shows that

that are necessary to address in future research.

networks which is recruited by mentalizing processes [132].

these patients present abnormal engagements

For instance, most of the fMRI studies have

of the key brain systems implicated in social

small sample sizes and small effect size. Thus, it


is still necessary to replicate the results in order

Conclusions and implications for However, most of the studies dealing with social skills in MDD patients focus on individual treatment mechanisms and Human

beings are intrinsically social and

Most of the

evidences reviewed here,

to confirm the neurobiological mechanisms proposed. Another large

limitation is that

observational perspectives.

almost all of the findings are corelational in

There only exist few studies that explore

nature. In order to directly test the role of

gregarious, and virtually all of their actions

social skills using

interactive mechanisms.

social cognition and the neural circuitry that is

are directed toward others or produced in

Interactive experimental paradigms, like social

supporting it in depression, it is necessary both

response to others [133]. However, more than

games, have many advantages. One is that

to experimentally manipulate these processes

a third of the world’s population is affected by

these paradigms give us the possibility


and systems and to measure the effect of these

mental illnesses at some point in life, with social

evaluate social decision making in ecological

manipulations on symptoms and functioning

impairments being one of the most prominent

paradigms where the

of a player’s

of depressive patients. For example, using

and disabling features [134]. Social processes

decision depends on the decisions of the other

transcranial magnetic stimulation and direct

are also highly relevant for recovery.


player. Another advantage is that, in these

current stimulation, studies have revealed the

essence of psychosocial therapy should thus

games, normal people behave following both

causal role of dlPFC in reputation formation[143]

be a social interaction structured to benefit

the rational construction of the game and

and social norm compliance [144]. In Table 1 we

patients [135].

the social/moral norm (like fairness, inequity

point out some research needs in this area. We

aversion). Interestingly, these social norms vary

believe that the use of interactive paradigms

social functioning in MDD,

according to cultural differences[138–140] and

for studying social impairments in MDD is

treatments must not only target core depressive

represent the standard behavior of the social

a powerful tool to identify the underlying

symptoms, but also the significant impairments

group or community. Therefore, the behavior

cognitive and neurobiological alterations. The

in cognitive and social functioning experienced

represents an indicator of social adaptation.

development of translational studies focused

by people with depression. Indeed, patients

Still another advantage is that we can evaluate

on social cognition in MDD can generate novel

with MDD rate treatment outcomes, such as

how a specific population, like MDD patients,

therapeutic approaches addressed not only

wellbeing, quality of life, and functioning, as

behaves. Importantly, since these behaviors

to symptom reduction, but also to increasing

more important than symptom relief [136].

can be measured and correlated

with a

functionality, social integration and the quality

Moreover, the primary goal of depression treatment is restoration of functioning to allow

certain biological activity, these paradigms could help us to identify biological markers

of life of these patients. Thus, it is possible to elaborate integral therapeutic interventions at

Given the intimate association of depressive symptoms and


Table 1.

Social cognition in major depressive disorder: research needs 1

Studying the biological bases of social skills in depressive subjects using interactive ecological paradigms


Studying the evolution of social skills in depressive subjects with different symptom severity (disphoric, depressive and recovery subjects)


Elaborating population norms for social cognition – age, gender, culture, ethnicity effects


Elaborating a standard battery to measure social cognition in MDD research trials


Carrying out large sample studies of social cognition in acute MDD versus controls and other psychiatric diseases


Studying the effect of impaired social cognition on disability in MDD


Incorporating social cognition outcomes in registration clinical trials


Developing novel social interventions targeting social cognitive skills


Billeke  P,  Boardman  S,  Doraiswamy  PM.  Social  cognition  in  major  depressive  disorder:  A  new  paradigm?  Transl   Neurosci  2013;  4(4):  437–447.  Author’s  Manuscripts  (see  edited  version  in  DOI:  10.2478/s13380-­‐013-­‐0147-­‐9)  

  biological, psychological and social levels with

We want to thank Francisco Zamorano and

a solid scientific basis (see Figure 2). To achieve

Marina Flores for their support. This work

grants and served as an advisor or speaker

this, however, more research on neuroscience,

was supported by funds

psychological and required.

Technology, CONICTY, Chile, Grant Number 791220014, and Project “Anillo en Complejidad

to several healthcare and companies.


integration is

from Science and


Social” SOC-1101. PMD has received research

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