SpaceWx app SpotOnNow app

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iPhone, iPad and Android app. • SpaceWx has become the premier real-5me space weather app for smart phones and tablets. Originally released in 2009, there ...
W. Kent Tobiska, Robert W. Schunk, Jan J. Sojka, Herbert C. Carlson, Larry C. Gardner, Ludger Scherliess, Lie Zhu, Vince Eccles, Don Rice, Jared Fulgham, Eric Hunsaker, David Hansen, Jinni Meehan, Landry Heaton, Shawna Johnson Utah State University Space Weather Center hOp://

Real-)me Space Weather

SpaceWx app

HF frequency availability

HF (high frequency) radio propaga)on frequency availability is released through the website hOp://

GPS loca)on accuracy

SpotOnNow app

Existing correction

• The capability for HF radio frequency availability at the current moment, as well as in historical and forecast 0me periods, is a priority for emergency responders, corporate communica0ons network opera0ons and amateur radio operators (hams). SWC has developed two formats for providing improved HF radio frequency availability knowledge: Mode 1 (point-to-point calcula0ons) and Mode 2 (network table lookup). Mode 1 is available at Q-up and Mode 2 will be available in Q1 2012. • Q-up has been rolled-out by the SWC as a Utah company dedicated to serving the user base iden0fied above., a subscrip0on website, provides real-0me HF radio propaga0on frequencies that account for the effects of space weather upon the ionosphere.

New GAIM correction

Real-)me GAIM ionosphere informa)on is provided globally and regionally on the SpaceWx iPhone, iPad and Android app.

High accuracy posi)on informa)on is now available on iPhone and Android smart phones with the Spot On Now app.

• SpaceWx has become the premier real-0me space weather app for smart phones and tablets. Originally released in 2009, there have now been 3500 sales of the $1.99 iPhone and iPad versions through Apple’s iTunes and nearly 2000 downloads of the free ad-based Android version through Google’s Android Market.

• Users in 51 countries can now access 122 real0me datasets for informa0on about four major domains of space weather: the Sun, solar wind, magnetosphere, and Earth atmosphere. SWC partners with 19 different ins0tu0ons, including government agencies, universi0es and companies, to provide this informa0on service to professional and public users alike. • Highlights of the app include the real-0me avia0on radia0on dose and dose rate environments for pilots, frequent flyers, and prenatal flyers as well as the up-to-the-moment HF availability for regions hit with natural disasters.

Hurricane Irene emergency preparedness with HF communica)ons availability for emergency responders

• Spot On is a demonstra0on iPhone and Android app that has been developed and released in the Fall 2011. It provides significantly improved GPS posi0on accuracy based on correc0ons to a user’s generic loca0on. The app displays a user’s accurate loca0on to within a few meters on the Google Maps API. • The correc0on informa0on comes from using accurate GAIM data. SWC produces GPS correc0on maps and this nearly instantaneous informa0on is provided to GPS devices via wifi or cell phone connec0ons. The result is corrected posi0on to within a few meters.