Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its ...

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Inoue, & Seo, 1999; Nunes & Bryant, 1996; Tudge & Doucet, 2004). ... In a study conducted in New York City, primary-school children (aged from 6–12 years) ...
Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic

Oxford Handbooks Online Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic Minna M. Hannula-Sormunen Online Publication Date: Mar 2014

Subject: Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199642342.013.018

Abstract and Keywords This chapter reviews recent research investigating children’s Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity (SFON) and considers the role it might play in the development of counting and arithmetical skills. SFON refers to a process of spontaneously (i.e. not prompted by others) focusing attention on the exact number of a set of items or incidents. This attentional process triggers exact number recognition and using the recognized exact number in action. The chapter describes how SFON tendency can be assessed, and suggests the measures of it to be indicators of the amount of a child’s selfinitiated practice in using exact enumeration in his or her natural surroundings. The studies show that SFON tendency in early childhood is positively and domain-specifically related to the development of numerical skills up to the end of primary school. Promoting SFON tendency could be a potential way of preventing learning difficulties in mathematics. Keywords: Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity (SFON), counting, arithmetical skills, young children, development, mathematical skills, subitizing, assessment, enhancement

Introduction In this chapter, both the theoretical and methodological issues of the formation of individual differences in Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity (SFON) as a part of numerical development will be reviewed. In one of the first tests in the set of these studies, the experimenter introduced a toy parrot and his favourite berries to the child and said: ‘Watch carefully what I do, and then you do just like I did.’ Then the experimenter put two berries, one at a time into the parrot’s mouth, and asked the child to do exactly like she had done. It appears that in this test there are 3- to 5-year-old children who immediately, without any guidance, notice the exact number of berries the experimenter gave and systematically give the same amount of berries. However, some children of the same age do not pay attention to the number of berries, but instead focus on other aspects, such as the way in which the experimenter held the berries and gave them to the bird. These children do not give the exact number of berries the experimenter give but many more, or just one berry to the parrot. These differences between children appear despite the fact that they do not differ from the other group on measures of attention or motivation to complete the task, and they are able to recognize and produce sets of two when asked. SFON has been defined as a process of spontaneously (i.e. in a self-initiated way, not prompted by others in a certain situation) focusing attention on the aspect of exact number of a set of items or incidents (Hannula, 2005; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2001, 2005). Because exact number recognition is not a totally automatic process that would take place every time a person faces something to enumerate (Railo, Koivisto, Revonsuo, & Hannula, 2006; Trick & Pylyshyn, 1994), focusing of attention is needed for triggering exact number recognition processes and using the recognized exact number in action. This proposal is based on the notion that number is not a property of the physical world itself, but is rather determined as a result of how we—based on our goals—choose to carve up the physical world into individual elements (e.g. Wynn, 1998). Sometimes sets of objects are readily distinct from other sets, but often not. In our natural surroundings, we have to focus our attention on the aspect of number in the set of items in question, and define the set of items (i.e. which kind of targets belong to the set) before we can determine the exact number of items in a set. This is different from most experimental settings in enumeration studies, which typically present sets of items in such a way that the set to be enumerated is clearly distinct and already defined. The concept of a ‘set of individuals’ is central to counting, simple addition and subtraction, and all natural number concepts (Spelke, 2003). The development of this concept is crucial for a young child’s development in understanding what oneness, twoness, and threeness mean (Spelke, 2003). It is also essential for focusing on the aspect of numerosity, because numerosity (i.e. cardinality) is a quality of a set requiring focusing on the set of individuals, not only on the individuals. SFON tendency refers to a generalized tendency to spontaneously focus attention on exact number across different contexts and time (Hannula, 2005; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2001, 2005). The measures of SFON tendency are an indicator of the amount of a child’s self-initiated practice in using exact enumeration in his or her natural surroundings (Hannula, Mattinen, & Lehtinen, 2005). SFON tendency is strongly related to the development of verbal-counting skills, which are the building blocks for the natural number concept and numeracy and have been reviewed, for example, in Fuson (1988) and Gelman and Gallistel (1978). According to Gelman and Gallistel five principles govern and define counting, and even form the innate basis for counting. The first three deal with rules of how to count, the fourth with the definition of what to count, and finally the fifth involves a composite of the features of the other four principles. Mastering these five principles provides accurate counting skills: one to one, the stable-order, cardinality, abstraction, and order-irrelevance principle. In addition to these principles, Hannula (2005) suggested that an additional relevant aspect of cardinality recognition based on counting—SFON—needs to be taken into account if we want to understand the formation of developmental differences in early counting skills. Namely, before a set of items can be enumerated, attention needs to be focused on the aspect of exact numerosity in the set of items. Focusing of attention on the aspect of numerosity is thus needed for exact number PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 04 April 2014

Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic recognition. As well, practice with enumeration skills produced by children’s SFON is needed for the normal development of counting skills before school age. The research of SFON originated in research questions aimed at discovering the reasons for large individual differences in young children’s mathematical skills and mathematical learning difficulties emerging already at the beginning of the school career, which suggest that there are kindergartners who lack the basic counting skills and arithmetic knowledge necessary for later development in mathematics (Aunola, Leskinen, Lerkkanen, & Nurmi, 2004; Hanich, Jordan, Kaplan, & Dick, 2001; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009ab). There are ample research projects investigating individual differences in domain-specific and domain-general aspects of early numeracy and counting (e.g. Dowker, 2008; Lepola et al., 2005; Sarnecka & Carey, 2008). Typically most studies of early numeracy either use tasks in which a child’s attention is specifically guided toward numerosity (e.g. Huttenlocher, Jordan, & Levine, 1994; Jordan et al., 2006) or the tasks do not differentiate between mathematical skills and attentional processes needed to trigger mathematical thinking within the task (e.g. Aunola et al., 2004; Baroody, Li, & Lai, 2008). Thus, these studies are not able to capture the individual differences in children’s mathematically relevant attentional focusing processes that may trigger the use of early numerical skills across different early learning environments. This results in a lack of knowledge of all the necessary and mathematically meaningful learning processes, particularly regarding individual differences in the amount to which these activities take place in everyday surroundings. Children’s everyday surroundings are a potentially rich arena for their mathematical thinking and embedded informal mathematical knowledge (e.g. Ginsburg, Inoue, & Seo, 1999; Nunes & Bryant, 1996; Tudge & Doucet, 2004). Indeed, preschool and home learning environments have been shown to influence mathematics achievement up to the age of 10 years (Melhuish et al., 2008). Likewise, the amount and quality of parents’ number-related talk has also been shown to be related to early numerical development (Gunderson & Levine, 2011; Levine, Suriyakham, Rowe, Huttenlocher, & Gunderson, 2010).

Individual Differences and Stability in SFON Results of previous SFON studies suggest that it is possible to distinguish, within a person’s existing mathematical competence, a distinct SFON process and also measure individual differences in this attentional tendency. Results show that there are significant individual differences in SFON tendency in children without diagnosed learning impairments or developmental disorders at the ages of 3–12 years in Finland and in the USA (Edens & Potter 2013; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005; Hannula, Lehtinen, & Räsänen, in preparation; Hannula, Lepola, & Lehtinen, 2010; Hannula, Räsänen, & Lehtinen, 2007; Potter, 2009). Likewise, in a large sample of 2-year-old children, substantially prematurely born children and full-term children did not differ from each other in their SFON tendency, yet there were individual differences overall in children’s SFON tendency (Takila, Hannula, & Pipari Study Group, 2004). In a study conducted in New York City, primary-school children (aged from 6–12 years) showed substantial individual differences in two SFON tasks (Choudhury, McCandliss, & Hannula, 2007). Dyscalculic children had weaker SFON tendency than the control children at the age of 7-11 years (Kucian et al., 2012). In these studies, there has been within-subject stability either across two or three different SFON tasks or even across years of time, like in Hannula and Lehtinen (2005) from the age of 4 to the age of 5 years, and in Hannula-Sormunen and colleagues (in preparation) from the age of 4 to the age of 12 years.

SFON Assessments Over the course of conducting the research studies on SFON, more than two dozen behavioural tasks and observational methods have been designed as SFON assessments. In the following section the principles of SFON assessments will be described. The aim of SFON assessments is to obtain a reliable indicator of a child’s general SFON tendency across different task contexts. This kind of indicator is aimed at capturing the extent of a child’s self-initiated focusing on numerosity, and thus the amount of practice acquired in utilizing enumeration skills in his or her surroundings. In order to enable the measuring of children’s spontaneous behaviour the tasks must be novel and not be explicitly mathematical. Furthermore, when presenting a SFON task, no use can be made of any phrases that could suggest that the task is somehow mathematical or quantitative. Neither can the experimenter give any feedback during the testing of SFON that could help the child figure out which are the relevant aspects of the task1. The consenting procedures and practical arrangements of the testing situations need to take account that participants of SFON studies do not expect to be faced (only) with mathematical or counting tasks. In practice, using larger projects including both mathematical and non-mathematical tasks is a way to avoid participants expecting to be tested on their numerical skills, especially, if only non-mathematical tasks are presented before SFON tasks. Each SFON task trial is presented only when the experimenter has got the child’s full attention on the task, so that the child’s general attentional state, or task motivation, does not explain individual differences in SFON. In order to hinder the confounding effect of number recognition skills on the measure of SFON, the SFON task may include only such small numbers of items or incidents that all children should be able to recognize. Moreover, the SFON task should not exceed children’s memory capacity, visuo-motorical, or verbal comprehension skills, so that if the child focuses on number in the task, she or he is capable of proceeding in the task in accordance with his or her numerical focusing target. One way of directly testing whether the prerequisites of SFON tasks are at a low enough level is to provide a guided focusing version of the SFON task to those children who did not produce accurate numbers of items or incidents involved in the SFON task, and who did not make any observable enumeration attempts during the SFON task. This was done in the study by Choudhury and collegues (2007), Hannula and Lehtinen (2005), and in Hannula-Sormunen, Lehtinen, and Räsänen (submitted). This was done to ensure that all children had the enumeration and cognitive skills needed for the SFON task, and thus the individual differences in the SFON tasks would be a result of differences in SFON, and not other skills. The guided numerical focusing task versions included the same materials and settings as the SFON tasks except that children were given explicit instructions to focus on numerosity. Results of the guided versions of the SFON tasks show that children who had earlier not focused on numerosity in the SFON task got substantially higher scores on the guided numerical focusing task version than their previous 0 scores from the SFON task version. This suggests that the results of SFON tasks reflect individual differences in SFON, not in enumeration or other cognitive skills required for completing the tasks.

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Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic Whether SFON tasks capture domain-specific, numerical focusing differences, or if they just measure more general ability to focus on a task-relevant aspect remained an open question to our team until the Hannula and colleagues (2010) study. In this study, it was tested whether children’s focusing on some other non-numerical aspect (i.e. focusing on spatial locations) would iron out individual differences in their SFON tendency and whether the relationship between SFON and mathematical skills is explained by children’s individual differences in spontaneous focusing on spatial locations (SFOL). For this purpose, the SFON Model task of Hannula and Lehtinen (2005) was used. In the task, similar pictures of dinosaurs were placed on the table. The child was told that in this task the experimenter would make her dinosaur into a model and would then turn the model upside down. After this, the child would be asked to make his or her dinosaur look exactly like the model one. After introducing the task in this way, the experimenter said, ‘Now, watch carefully. I am making this dinosaur into a model’. After stamping six nodes going from the head of the dinosaur to the dinosaur’s back and pausing for 5 seconds to let the child memorize the model, the experimenter turned her model upside down, gave the stamp to the child, and said, ‘Now, make your dinosaur look like the model dinosaur’. The procedure was repeated with seven spikes placed onto the back of the dinosaur as the second item and five spikes placed onto the tail of the dinosaur as the third item. For the SFOL measure, it was analysed how precise the location of the child’s set of stamps was by measuring the location of the first and last stamps of the row of stamps compared to the ones on the experimenter’s model sheet. Results showed marked individual differences in children’s SFOL, but in a way that did not negate the relationship between counting skills and SFON (Hannula et al., 2010). When using the Model task as a SFON measure, the scoring has been based on analyses of video-recorded task situations or in structured observations following the same criteria as the analyses of video-recordings. All the child’s (1) utterances including number words (e.g. ‘I’ll give him two candies’), (2) use of fingers to express numbers, (3) counting acts, such as a whispered number word sequence and indicating acts by fingers and/or head, (4) other comments referring to either quantities or counting (e.g. ‘Oh, I miscounted them’), or, (5) interpretation of the goal of the task as quantitative (e.g. ‘I gave an exactly accurate number of them’) were identified. The child was scored as focusing on numbers, if she or he produced the correct numerosity, and/or if she or he was observed presenting any of the aforementioned (1–5) quantifying acts. Due to the tasks being within all children’s enumeration range, more than 90% of all SFON scores have resulted from the children’s accurate production of the same number of objects as the target set. Observations of quantifying acts work as additional criteria for making sure that if the child makes an enumeration mistake, his or her focusing on numerosity is noticed. Furthermore, in some SFON tasks for children over 6 years of age, a stimulated recall interview about the child’s focusing targets and solution strategies immediately after the task was used to evaluate if the child had considered number in the task (Choudhury et al., 2007; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). In order to explore whether SFON assessments are a valid indicator of a child’s more general SFON tendency, observational data on children’s SFON in day-care settings, in addition to the SFON assessments, were gathered as part of a SFON enhancement study of 3-year-old children by Hannula and colleagues (2005). The analyses showed a positive correlation (r = 0.55) between children’s spontaneous, i.e. self-initiated, focusing on numerosity observed by day-care personnel in day-care settings such as free play, lunch, outdoor activities, and dressing up and their SFON scores in the experimental SFON tasks. This suggests that the proposal of SFON tasks being indicators of the amount of children’s spontaneous focusing on numerosity in their everyday life is justifiable.

The Need for More Specific Measures of SFON: Brain Imaging Studies Many SFON tasks, such as the bird task and the dinosaur task described in this chapter, used imitation as the main context for activity. Because of this, the interpretations of SFON in these assessments were based on the child’s performance that takes place after the experimenter’s model performance; thus it remained unclear whether the differences in SFON are due to the encoding of the number of stimuli or the recall and use of the number of stimuli in action. Therefore these purely behavioural SFON tasks could not exhaustively solve the question of whether or not there are perceptual differences during encoding of the stimuli. This led our research team to look for methods that would reveal whether the differences in SFON are due to differences in the phase of perception and encoding of the stimuli in the task and/or due to differences in the phase of recall and utilizing of numerosities in action. Therefore we explored electroencephalography (EEG) responses during encoding and perception of photos of natural scenes as a part of our 9-year longitudinal study with children of 12 years of age (Hannula-Sormunen, Grabner & Lehtinen, in preparation). Similarly, we investigated adults’ neural correlates of SFON with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) while the participants were memorizing photos ((Hannula, Grabner, Lehtinen, Laine, Parkkola, & Ansari, 2009; Hannula-Sormunen, Grabner, Lehtinen, Laine, Parkkola, & Ansari, in preparation). The results show that the distinct nature of SFON can also be captured by brain imaging methods, such as EEG and fMRI, revealing that SFON specifically engages the temporal-parietal cortex. The oscillatory EEG activity while looking at photographs differs in trials from which participants either did not, spontaneously did (SFON trials), or were asked to (Guided Focusing On Numerosity GFON trials) report an exact number of something in the photograph (Hannula, Grabner & Lehtinen, 2009; Hannula-Sormunen, Grabner, & Lehtinen, in preparation). Correspondingly, the fMRI results indicate that participants engage a distinctive frontoparietal attentional network for encoding numerosity as opposed to encoding colour from photographs (Hannula-Sormunen et al., in preparation). These brain imaging methods show that individual differences in SFON are due to differences in the encoding of stimuli.

Positive Relationship of SFON and Numerical Skills

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Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic

Click to view larger Figure 1 Path model of development of SFON and mathematical skills from the age of 3.5 years to the age of 6 years (Hannula and Lehtinen, 2005). Percentages shown refer to the amount of variance explained.

A set of longitudinal studies covering the development of numerical skills from the age of 3 to the age of 12 years have shown that SFON is positively related to the development of cardinality recognition, subitizing, number sequence, and arithmetic skills (Hannula, 2005; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2001, 2005; Hannula et al., 2007, 2010; Hannula-Sormunen., submitted). Follow-up data of 39 Finnish children from the age of 3.5 years to the age of 6 years were analysed with path models of the development of SFON and counting skills (see Figure 1), which indicate a reciprocal relationship between SFON and counting skills (Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). Thus, better early mathematical skills would be associated with a stronger SFON tendency, which in turn would be related to subsequent stronger development in mathematical skills. Hannula and colleagues (2007) showed that children with a strong general long-term tendency to focus on numerosity tended to enumerate by subitizing larger numbers of items and had better verbal-counting skills at the age of 5 years. Mediation analyses based on separate sets of regression analyses showed that children’s better skills to produce number sequence were directly related to a strong SFON tendency also when subitizingbased enumeration was controlled for, while the association between SFON and object-counting skills was significantly mediated by subitizing-based enumeration. A significant Sobel’s test value (z = 2.33 p < 0.05) revealed that subitizing-based enumeration serves as a mediator between SFON and object-counting skill. These results indicate that the associations between the child’s SFON tendency and subskills of verbal counting may differ on the basis of how significant a role the understanding of the cardinal meanings of number words plays in learning these skills. LeFevre and colleagues (2010) found that 5-year-old children’s latency in subitizing is related to object-counting skills, but not to number naming. The skills for object counting develop as a result of the integration of the ability to recognize the first small cardinal numbers and the learning of object-counting procedures (Bermejo, Morales, & deOsuna, 2004; Wynn, 1990). More longitudinal studies on the role of subitizing-based enumeration for substantially later numerical skills are still needed, even though there is already some evidence of a positive correlation between subitizing and numerical skills before school age (Fischer, Gebhardt, & Hartnegg, 2008; Landerl, Bevan, & Butterworth, 2004).

Click to view larger Figure 2 . The partial least squares (PLS) model illustrating significant direct effects (solid lines) and correlations (dashed lines) between subitizingbased enumeration, verbal-counting skills, SFON, and mathematics achievement measured by a standardized test (Hannula-Sormunen, Lehtinen, & Räsänen, submitted).

One such study is a further follow-up of Hannula and Lehtinen (2005) with 36 Finnish children from the age of 5 years to the age of 12 years (HannulaSormunen et al., submitted). It provides unique evidence on how these children’s subitizing-based enumeration, SFON, and counting skills assessed at the ages of 5 or 6 years predict their school mathematics achievement at the age of 12 years (see Figure 2). The results based on partial least squares modelling demonstrate that SFON and verbal-counting skills before school age predict mathematical performance on a standardized test for typical school mathematics in grade 5, even after non-verbal IQ is controlled for. Subitizing-based enumeration skill has an indirect effect, via number sequence skills and SFON, on mathematical performance at the age of 12 years. Non-verbal IQ measured at the age of 12 years did not add any additional variance to the model.

Domain Specificity of the Relationship Between SFON and Numerical Skills In a longitudinal follow-up of 139 kindergarteners at the end of 2nd grade, the associations of SFON and contemporaneous cognitive, attentional, linguistic, and numerical skills as well as their spontaneous focusing on location SFOL were analysed (Hannula et al., 2010). By using a set of hierarchical regression analyses it was shown that SFON predicts academic skills, such as arithmetical skills but not reading skills, 2 years later in primary school after controlling for the effects of other predictor variables. Number sequence skills are strongly related to arithmetical skills and share a significant portion of variance with SFON, yet SFON accounts for additional variance even after controlling for not only number sequence skills but also non-verbal IQ, linguistic skills, and focusing on spatial locations. Even though the variance explained by SFON after controlling for cognitive, attentional, and linguistic skills in later arithmetical skills was not large, it is a significant finding. This result corresponds with the results of Hannula-Sormunen and colleagues (submitted) showing that SFON, subitizing, and verbal-counting skills before school-age predict mathematics achievement but not reading skills at the age of 12 years. Controlling for non-verbal IQ did not significantly add explained variance of the model. SFOL was associated with nonPRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 04 April 2014

Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic verbal IQ, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, as well as with later reading comprehension, in addition to mathematical skills. It did not iron out the significant association of SFON and contemporary numerical skills. This suggests that the numerical practice resulted by children’s own focusing on numerical aspects of their surroundings—unlike more general focusing of attention on details such as spatial locations—does not relate to children’s reading skills, but to arithmetical skills.

The Reciprocal Nature of the Development of SFON and Numerical Skills The studies investigating SFON suggest that children’s own spontaneous focusing on numerosity frequently leads them to perceive different numbers of objects or events in their surroundings, and thus they get practice in recognizing and producing numerosity. This, in turn, develops their quantifying skills in several ways: not only by increasing their counting range, but also, along with more developed counting (quantifying) skills, a larger quantity may appear as a possible subject for counting. Moreover, knowledge about the use of enumeration skills in different tasks will increase with practice, so the child may tend to focus on numerosity more often in new, more demanding tasks. It is not only the sociocultural mediation of numerical cognition that develops the child’s skill to focus on the aspect of numerosity and to utilize innate and cultural tools for enumeration, but also focusing on the aspect of numerosity that develops the child’s enumeration skills by activating the enumeration process and thus producing practice in enumeration (Hannula, 2005; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). According to Sophian (1988) children’s conceptual knowledge about numbers is dynamically related to their goal-based numerical activities: conceptual advances facilitate new goals and corresponding activities, which in turn provide the input for further advances in numeracy. Saxe, Guberman, and Gearhart (1987) and Sophian (1988) describe counting development as a reciprocal activity, in which socially structured goals of quantification change along with the development of skills and direct children’s attention to different aspects of numbers and the ways in which others use them. In concert with this, as described earlier in this chapter, the results of the longitudinal study indicate a reciprocal relationship between counting skills and SFON during the age when children learn to enumerate sets by counting, in other words, from the age of 3 to the age of 6 years (Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). When comparing performance of 3- and 4-year-old children in the same SFON task in the studies of Hannula and colleagues (2005) and Hannula and Lehtinen (2005), it becomes evident that when children become older they focus more on numerosity in a certain task situation. Hannula and colleagues (2010) showed that SFON is a domain-specific predictor of arithmetical skills. What could be the developmental mechanisms of the learning of arithmetical skills with which SFON is associated? One potential mechanism could be that a stronger SFON tendency during kindergarten may be associated with children’s stronger tendency to focus on other mathematical aspects, not just on numerosity, in their learning environment. Thus, the children with a strong SFON tendency may acquire more practice also in other numerical tasks than direct enumeration-related mathematical ones, such as the learning of arithmetical operations and number symbols. Thus, SFON tasks may capture a more general mathematically focused tendency than just focusing on numerosity of items or events in the surroundings. Potter (2009) investigated SFON, counting skills, and motivational state and mathematical interest of 4- to 5-year-old children. The correlation of SFON with counting skills but not with motivational state and interest measures suggests that SFON is more strongly associated with cognitive rather than affective factors (Potter, 2009). It could also be that a large amount of practice in cardinality recognition and counting could lead to learning more sophisticated enumeration strategies, such as grouping and adding up the subtotals of the groups. This set of skills could be defined as an arithmetical skill, and it is tightly linked with number sequence elaboration skills. A cross-sectional study of 6- to 11-year-old children (Yun, Hannula, & McCandliss, 2008) showed that during primary school children learn to spontaneously use grouping and adding-up strategies when enumerating items. Children’s spontaneous creation and use of grouping was related to standardized mathematical tests even after controlling for arithmetical fluency (Martin, Hannula, & Schwartz, 2008).

SFON as a Mechanism of Self-Initiated Practice in Early Number Skills The present study addresses the role of children’s spontaneous, i.e. self-initiated, practice in utilizing exact enumeration in the development of counting. Thus, those children who more readily recognize and utilize exact number without guidance to do so in situations that are not explicitly numerical gain more practice in enumerating than their peers who less readily do so. These individual differences in enumeration experiences may explain SFON tendency’s positive association with developmental trajectories of early numerical skills. Ericsson and Lehman (1996) show that experts seem to be capable of ‘seeing’ multiple possibilities to practise their skills in everyday situations, and this has been an essential part of their development from a very early age. In both formal and informal learning situations natural number is not always the most mathematically relevant aspect that a person could utilize. More mathematically advanced aspects, such as quantitative relations, may often be more appropriate for a situation. Those who become experts in a domain seem to search for opportunities to master more and more demanding skills (Ericsson, 1996). This suggests that increased practice with enumeration, through a stronger SFON tendency, may be only one step in the progression of skills needed to be practised for the long-term development of numerical skills. At later points in development, it may not be sufficient or even productive to solely focus on exact number in some situations. Therefore, the investigation of children’s tendency to focus on more mathematically advanced aspects of a task, such as quantitative relations, is warranted. Recent cross-sectional investigations of 5- to 8-year-old children’s spontaneous recognition and focusing on quantitative relations (McMullen, HannulaSormunen, & Lehtinen, 2011,2013, in press) have started to shed light on the role of spontaneous focusing of attention in the development of quantitative relations, such as relations of numbers. The first results of the project show substantial individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition of quantitative relations in tasks that can be completed by focusing on exact numerosity, non-numerical aspects of the tasks, and on relations of quantities in the task. Furthermore, the results of McMullen and colleagues (in press) indicate that it is possible to isolate an attentional component of quantitative thinking, referred to as Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR), and that SFOR is positively related to both symbolic and non-symbolic arithmetical skills. PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy). Subscriber: Oxford University Press - Master G ratis Access; date: 04 April 2014

Spontaneous Focusing On Numerosity and its Relation to Counting and Arithmetic

Possibilities of Promoting SFON Tendency It is tempting to speculate on the origins of SFON tendency, whether it is innate, or purely or partially culturally based. No matter what the nature of the very first appearance of focusing on numerosity is, what seems to hold true in later phases of numerical development is that culturally based activities and support of more experienced others play a crucial role in supporting children’s development in SFON. The joint processes of children and adults directing children’s attention to relevant aspects of tasks helps children acquire the culturally based numerical tools necessary for living in a society. These joint processes also help children understand the purposes of the tasks and certain cognitive strategies embedded in a variety of everyday activities (Gauvain, 2001; Gibson & Spelke, 1983). Our quasi-experimental study on SFON (Hannula, Mattinen, & Lehtinen, 2005; Mattinen, 2006) was aimed at encouraging day-care personnel to support children’s numerical focusing by deliberately directing children’s attention towards variation in small numbers of objects or incidents. The idea of making children more aware of the aspect of number by using deliberate variation was based on the proposal of Marton and Booth (1997). According to them, to learn something means to become capable of experiencing various aspects of the set of items in a certain, specific way. Thus, ‘twoness’ is experienced against the background of a potential variation in the aspect of number, against ‘oneness’ and ‘threeness’, for instance (Marton & Booth, 1997). In this way, children’s implicit knowledge about small numbers can become a more explicit target of intentional focusing, and children could learn the affordances of numerical aspects in a variety of everyday activities. During a 4-week training period, day-care personnel observed and kept a record of incidents when each child spontaneously focused their attention on numerosity while also purposefully guiding children’s attention to exact numbers involved in everyday behaviour such as during eating, picking up toys, and outdoor activities. In addition, they played numerosity matching games with children and had a board of variable numbers of animal figures on the wall of the play room at the day-care centre. Adults secretly changed the number of animals on the board when children were away several times a day, which was deliberately used to promote children to look at how many animals there were on the board. All materials that were used, as well as all numerosities of everyday actions that were used for adult-guided numerical focusing, included only very small numbers of items, ranging from 0 to 3. Counting was not practised, just noticing small numbers of items everywhere in the surroundings of the children, being it two fire trucks driving on the street next to the playground, three similar T-shirts, or spoonfuls of cereal. It appeared that similar objects or colours in the set of items made it easier for the children to focus on numerosity. The moment of placing ready-made cookies on the plate, for example, made a 3-year-old girl notice the aspect of exact number spontaneously for the very first time. ‘Two cookies’ she spontaneously reported when seeing the two next to each other. Another child herself noticed that exactly two papers fell on the floor from a copy machine. The results of the experimental study show that it is possible to enhance children’s SFON tendency by means of social interaction and it even can be an enjoyable, fun activity for 3-year-old children. There was an experimental long-term effect on SFON tendency and subsequent development in cardinality related skills from pretest to delayed post-test 6 months after the 1-month enhancement programme for the children with some initial SFON tendency in the experimental group. Hence, it is possible to increase children’s tendency to transfer their existing number skills to new situations. Focusing attention on the aspect of numerosity, wearing ‘mathematical lenses’, and having the abstract idea of numerosity seem to be important factors in producing the transferable number skills. Learning to focus on numerosity may be one significant step for young children on their way to learning to adopt mathematically meaningful perspectives on perceiving the world around them. Related to this, Goldin-Meadow, Alibali, and Church (1993) have proposed that children’s first counting attempts are one of the first significant, easily noticeable signals for adults to start providing guidance in quantitative skills. SFON enhancement could be a necessary part of programmes for preventing and overcoming of mathematical difficulties.

Conclusion The studies reviewed in this chapter suggest that the use of number skills, such as exact number recognition, in natural surroundings is not an automatic act—the amount of practice young children acquire in using their early number skills may differ substantially according to how frequently they focus on numerical properties (Hannula, 2005; Hannula & Lehtinen, 2005). The resulting differences in the amount of self-initiated practice children acquire in using their numerical skills may help explain developmental differences in numeracy from early childhood to the end of primary school. Differentiating specific attentional processes that trigger the use of number skills allows us to capture more exclusively all of the relevant subprocesses that are needed for the exact number recognition taking place in everyday surroundings. These number-related, domain-specific attentional processes are related to more general attention, such as focusing on tasks or inhibition of off-task behaviour, yet they are a part of number-related activities. Substantial individual differences in SFON tendency during the early childhood years suggests that the uncovering and modelling of focusing of attention on numerical aspects at an early age can make children more apt to practise and use their numerical skills in their everyday surroundings. This could be an efficient tool for promoting young children’s mathematical development. Future studies should investigate whether the enhancement of SFON tendency together with other numerical skills could prevent later learning difficulties in mathematics.

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Notes: (1) Huttenlocher, Jordan, and Levine (1994) presented a child with a non-verbal number recognition task within the number range 1–5 with instructions like ‘Make your mat like mine’, which may remind the reader of SFON imitation tasks. However, in their task, if the child did not respond or placed the wrong number of disks on the mat, when the experimenter placed one disk on her mat, the child was corrected and the item was repeated one more time. The same demonstration procedure was used with two disks. Only after this guidance to focus on the numerosity of disks on the mat, the testing of quantity matching skills started, ranging in numerosity from 1–5. Minna M. Hannula-Sormunen Minna M. Hannula-Sormunen, University of Turku, Finland

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