structural relaxation in ferromagnetic metallic glasses - Hal

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Jan 1, 1980 - can be studied by monitoring the time dependence of some structure sensitive property at different tem- peratures. ... point /T / ageing is used quite frequently for this. C purpose ... accuracy. Only indirect evidence is available for the exis- ... atoms involved in the rearrangement the CSRO would result in a ...
CoZZoque C8, suppl6ment au no 8, Tome 41, aoiit 1980, page C8-878



** , I.W.

T. ~ e m & n ~ + A.S. , Schaafsma and F. van der ~ o u d e * ~

*** , H.A.


*** , B.


YY,Y I. Vincze


+ Central Research I n s t i t u t e for Physics, Budapest, Hungary.

**Solid State Physics Laboratory, MateriaZs Science Center, University o f Groningen, Melkweg 1 , 971 8 EP Groningen, The Netherlands. %**Department of Metallurgy, University of Sheffie ld, Grande Bretagne


Abstract.- The dependence of the Curie temperatures on heat treatment measured by DSC and ~assbauereffect in different metallic glasses [(Fe, N i ) B , Fe40Ni40P14Bb, F ~ N ~ C ~ P is B ] correlated to the change in the iron hyperfine field distribution. The results suggest the occurence of compositional short-range ordering in the structural relaxation. One of the most significant features of the glassy

be observed because it is within the experimental

state is its deviation from thermodynamic equili-


brium. It is clearly manifested in its relaxation

Only indirect evidence is available for the exis-

behaviour, i.e. the time dependence of different

tence of CSRO [7] which is a change In short range

physical properties below the glass temperature. In

correlation among the different atoms due to the

the rapid cooling process involved in the fabrica-

annealing. Depending on the number and kind of

tion of the metallic glasses the solidification in-

atoms involved in the rearrangement the CSRO would

dicates the loss of thermal equilibrium of the un-

result in a distortion of the shape of p(H)

dercooled melt. The quenched-in excess energy and

of the change in the number of iron atoms with dif-

volume can be reduced by annealing. Besides by di-

ferent local neighbourhoods. In the present paper


rect experiments [1,2] the details of the process

the flrst observation of this effect will be repor-

can be studied by monitoring the time dependence of


some structure sensitive property at different temperatures. The investigation of ferromagnetic Curie point /T / ageing is used quite frequently for this C purpose [3-81. In this paper the TC changes determined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry are correlated with the results of Mossbauer spectroscopy




in order to characterize the changes in compositio-

/ 590 K

nal and/or topological short range order on annea-




In principle, the iron hyperfine field distribution,

610 K



can provide information on the two dominant

mechanisms of the structural relaxation, namely on


the decrease in excess free volume and on composi-








log t [ min]

tional short-range ordering (CSRO). The decrease in free volume is manifested in a sharpening of the

FIG. 1. The effect of isothermal annealing on the T

peaks of the pair distribution functions [1,2],

of amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6.


an increase of the density [9] by about 0.5% which

The meaning of the clo-

sed symbols is explained in the text.

results in better defined atomic positions. The smaller scatter of the atomic positions would cause

The Curie point change of an Fe40Ni40P14B6

a narrowing (and perhaps some shift) of p(H)




as received = 510.5



1 K) is shown in fig.

its shape would remain unchanged. Unfortunately,

1. The main characteristics are in good agreement

the expected change is smaller than 1% which cannot

with the general trend of other investigations: upon annealing TC increases, but with increasing an-

*on leave from the Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest.

nealing temperature the relaxation becomes faster

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at

but results in a lower-Curiepoint. The closed sym-

According to Chen et al. [5] in general the change

bols indicate the reversibility of the TC changes.

in TC increases with decreasing metalloid content

The notation T1/T2 refers to a sample heat treated

and increasing number of the alloy constituents.

for approximately 1000 minutes at T1 followed by an

This trend agrees quite well with our expectation

appropriate annealing at T2. In the two examples,

based on the similarity of the local neighbourhoods


is 570 and 610 K, the fact that the T


in the glass and in the relevant TM3B intermetallic

2 correspond to the T2 curves shows the reversible na-

compound [lo].

ture of the relaxation, in agreement with the re-

rounding is identical in the "stoichiometric"

In this model the chemical local sur-

sult of Egami [7].

TM75B25 glass and in the TM3B compound: in other

The annealing behaviour of amorphous (Fe 33Ni67)75B25 and (Fe25Ni75)80B20 can be investigated in a wider

words all the TM-atoms occupy the TM-sublattice-

temperature range due to the large difference be-

neighbours (Here, TM assumes the possibility of more

tween Curie point and crystallization temperature

than one kind of transition metal atoms). While,



400 K, Tcr Q 700K). Besidesthe featuressimilar

sites, which have mainly metalloid atoms as nearest

chemically, the TM75B25 glass is a nearly ordered

to the previous case, one can observe an approxima-

phase, disorder is introduced when the B-content

tely linear increase of Tc with the logarithm of

is lowered. For example, in the off-stoichiometric

heat treatment time at lower temperatures. This de-

TMsOBZO glass part of the TM-atoms occupy metalloid

pendence may be characteristic for the slow relaxa-

sites, which results in an increased number of close

tion towards the metastable local energy minimum

contacts between the TM-atoms. This will enhance the

corresponding to the given temperature. Fig. 2 sum-

possibility of CSRO among the TM-atoms of different kinds. In the case when there is only one type of TM atom present, e.g. Fe80B20, we expect only a small AT C as it is observed [8]. The results of Fig. 2, namely that ATC is larger for the glass with 25 at.% B than for 20 at% B apparently contradict the above-discussed trend. However, the p(H)

distributions in Fig. 3 clearly show

FIG. 2. Comparison of (Fe,Ni)B glasses as a function of annealing temperature and time.

marizes the similarities and differences of TC ageing od these two Fe-Ni-B glasses with comparable TC but different metalloid content. It is apparent that the increase in TC is more pronounced in the glass containing 25 at% B. In all of the above cases the iron hyperfine field distribution remained

FIG. 3. Iron hyperfine field distributions for (Fe,

the same, no change in p(H) was observed for the

Ni)B glasses measured at 5 K.

different annealings. In part this is due to the mentioned insensitivity of p(H)

for the expected

small change in the topological short-range order

that this is not the case. The p(H)

of (Fe33Ni67)75

B25 is broader than that of (Fe25Ni75'80~20 which

and to the insensitivity of the iron hyperfine

indicates that the distribution of Fe atoms is bet-

fields to the Ni neighbours: the total change is

ter "ordered" in the latter case (most of the Fe

about 15% for the complete dubstitution of Fe by Ni.

atoms occupy a particular off-stoichiometric



site, while in the stoichiometric case we have ap-

positions of the maxima in the p(H)

proximately equal numbers of Fe atoms with 2B and

(fig. 4) are indicated. The separated lines 2 and 5

3B neighbours) [11]

. Since this


were obtained using Vincze's method [13].


glasg is quite "ordered" already in the as-received state no important compositional short-range orde-

se in the intensities of the low- and high-field

ring is expected during the structural relaxation.

components and the maximum-probability field increa-

Thus the anomalous ATC behaviour of (Fe,Ni)B glas-

ses (Fig. 5).

Neglecting the possible small contri-

ses gives an indirect evidence for the occurrence of CSRO. lore direct support for the presence of CSRO was obtained from the study of the Fe32Ni36Cr14P12B6

As received Annealed l2months 520K)


2826 A) alloy. In this case the Curie temperature

[T~ (as-rec.) = 270 K] is strongly reduced by the presence of the Cr atoms [3,12] which also have a strong influence on the Fe hyperfine fields. A long time (2 months) annealing at low temperature (520 K) results in a significant increase of TC (AT = C 45 K) and a definite change of the Mossbauer spectra (Fig. 4). These changes correspond to an increa-

FIG. 5. p ( H ) distributions for as-received and annealed MG 2826 A fFe32Ni36Cr14P12B6), resulting from a fit to the spectra shown in fig. 4. bution pf the small homogeneous decrease of the interatomic distances upon annealing %0.12% for this alloy [4] shape of p(H)



which is

the distortion in the

can be attributed t.o a change in the

CSRO. The number of Fe atoms with a smaller and larger number of Cr neighbours has increased due to this annealing. The kinetics of Curie-temperature ageing (Fig. 6) indicates that at least two processes are present (the slope changes at ATC % 25 K). According to Chen L3] the low temperature structural relaxation involves both topological and chemical short-range ordering. Although these processes overlap, the T kinetics of Fig. 6 strongly suggests C that above ATC 2 25 K the CSRO is considerably enhanced.



We are grateful to Prof. A.J.

Dekker for stimulating discussions. This work forms part of the research program of the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOY) with financial support from' the Netherlands Oeganization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).



FIG. 4. M'dssbauer spectra (upper two) and separated

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[2] Y. Waseda and W.A. Miller, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a)

ceived, b) annealed for 2 months at T


520 K. The

49, K31 -



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