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the spin filter was removed, placed upside down in a fresh tube and spun in a ... a clean glass container and the air was pumped to the measurement chamber through the ... continuously measured by Honeywell HIH-3602-A humidity sensor.
Supplementary data Defined-sized DNA triple crossover construct for molecular electronics: modification, positioning and conductance properties Veikko Linko, Jenni Leppiniemi, Seppo-Tapio Paasonen, Vesa P Hytönen and J Jussi Toppari

1. Fabrication of TX tile constructs Strand 7 with 5’ thiol-modification (5' Thiol Modifier C6 S-S (Disulfide)) was purchased as HPLC-purified from Integrated DNA Technologies, IDT (Coralville, Iowa, USA). All other oligonucleotides were purchased from Biomers GmbH (Ulm, Germany) purified either by PAGE or by HPLC. Strands were diluted to a concentration of 10 µM in 40 mM Tris (pH 8) buffer containing 1 mM EDTA and 19 mM acetic acid. Magnesium acetate was included in the final reaction mixture with concentration of 12.5 mM. Therefore a buffer containing 40 mM Tris (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, 19 mM acetic acid and 500 mM magnesium acetate was prepared and added to a master mix containing the following components: –

5.8 µl 40 mM Tris (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, 19 mM CH3COOH, 500 mM Mg(CH3COO)2 0.8 µl 40 mM Tris (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, 19 mM CH3COOH 23.0 µl 10× T4 DNA Ligase buffer 0.5 µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (10,000 U/ml)

T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, USA) was used to add phosphate groups to the 5’ end of each strand except 5’thiol-modified stand 7. Each strand was modified separately by adding 1.5 µl of master mix to tubes containing 10 µl of strands of tile A (10 µM) or by adding 3.0 µl of master mix to tubes containing 20 µl of strands of tile B (10 µM). This was followed by incubation for one hour at 37 ºC. The strand 7 was diluted to the same concentration (8.7 µM) as the other strands had after incubation with T4 kinase. Then the kinase modified strands and strand 7 were mixed. To achieve appropriate concentration of each tile a two-fold amount (20 µl) of strands 8 – 14 of tile B were used compared to strands 1 – 6 of tile A (10 µl). In addition, three-fold amount (60 µl) of 5’thiolmodified strands 7 compared to strands of tile B were used in order to hybridize them with each sticky end d of tile B. Complexes were formed by heating the mixture up to 90 ºC and cooling it down to 20 ºC at a rate 0.01 ºC/s in a PCR-machine (Biometra GmbH, Goettingen, Germany). After annealing the complexes were ligated using T4 DNA ligase (New England Biolabs) to make the complexes more stable for DEP. 800 units of T4 DNA ligase with T4 ligase buffer were added to the annealed complex: 260 µl of tile B - tile A - tile B -complex 7 µl 40 mM Tris (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, 19 mM CH3COOH 1.0 µl 40 mM Tris (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA, 19 mM CH3COOH, 500 mM Mg(CH3COO)2

30 µl 10× T4 DNA Ligase buffer 2.0 µl T4 DNA Ligase (400,000 U/ml) The mixture described above was incubated for two hours in dark at room temperature (RT, 22 ± 1 ºC) and stored at 4 ºC afterwards. The theoretical concentration of obtained complexes was 0.29 µM of strands 1 - 6 (tile A) and 0.58 µM of strands 8 – 14 (tile B). Table S1. Sequences of strands used in tile A and tile B. Strand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14




Figure S1. DNA strand structure and sequences of tile A and tile B. Sticky ends a, b and c are complementary to sticky ends a’, b’ and c’. Strand 7 is complementary to sticky ends d of tile B. To be accurate, the SH-group indicated in a figure contains also a protection group (5' Thiol Modifier C6 S-S (Disulfide)) to avoid undesired S-S bonding between tiles.

2. Biotin-avidin modification of TX tiles 2.1. Biotin functionalization and streptavidin decoration To study the biotin functionalization with one biotin per TX molecule we ordered the same strands previously used in DNA triple crossover molecules (TX tiles) [S1] except the strand 3 (Supplementary figure S2) with an internal biotin-TEG modification. The strand 3 was purchased from (TAG Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark) and all other strands were purchased from Biomers GmbH. Strands were diluted to 20 mM Tris (pH 7.6), 2 mM EDTA. 12.5 mM MgCl 2 was included in the final reaction mixture and therefore a buffer containing 20 mM Tris (pH 7.6), 2 mM EDTA and 500 mM MgCl2 was prepared. The reaction mixture is thus of the form: 20 µl Strand 1 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 2 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 3 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 4 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 5 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 6 (10 μM) 20 µl Strand 7 (10 μM) 55 µl 20 mM Tris (pH 7.6), 2 mM EDTA 5 µl 20 mM Tris (pH 7.6), 2 mM EDTA, 500 mM MgCl2 TX tile complexes were formed by heating and cooling by the same procedure as described above for the B-A-B complexes. The final concentration of each strand, as well as TX molecules, were 1 µM. TX tile : streptavidin ratio 1 µM : 1µM was used and after adding streptavidin to the annealed TX tiles, the solution was incubated overnight at 4 ºC before AFM imaging. 2.2. AFM imaging A sample of 5 µL of streptavidin decorated TX tiles was incubated on a freshly cleaved mica surface for 3 min at room temperature and the sample was gently dried under nitrogen stream. Then the sample was washed with 10 µl of deionized water and dried under nitrogen stream. AFM imaging was performed by tapping mode in ambient conditions by Dimension 3100 AFM using NanoScope IVa controller (Veeco Instruments, NY, USA).

Table S2. Sequences of strands used in biotinylated TX tiles. The location of nucleotide analog BiotinTEG is indicated by an asterisk (*). Strand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Figure S2. DNA strand structure of a TX tile functionalized with one biotin-TEG.

3. Spin-filtering of annealed TX tile construct solution For filtering and buffer exchange we used Millipore Microcon YM-100 spin filters (MW cutoff of 100 kDa) ( The procedure was performed in the following way: 100 μl of annealed TX tile construct solution was mixed with 300 μl of Hepes/NaOH –based buffer (6.5 mM Hepes, 1 mM magnesium acetate and ~2 mM NaOH, pH ~7). Sample was spun for 12 min at 1000 relative centrifugal force (rcf) at 4 °C. After centrifugation, the eluate was removed and 400 μl buffer was added to the sample. Sample was spun once more for 7 min with 1000 rcf at 4 °C. This procedure left us with ~100 μl of sample retained in the spin filter. Finally, the spin filter was removed, placed upside down in a fresh tube and spun in a microcentrifuge for 2-3 min to collect the solution. We assume that nearly all structures are recovered from the filter membrane, thus filtering does not significantly change the concentration of B-A-B -complexes in solution.

4. Controlling the humidity inside the measurement chamber Humidity in the humidity-tight measurement chamber was controlled by constantly feeding in either dry nitrogen (to dry the sample and environment) or alternatively water vapor-saturated air (to increase the relative humidity). The water vapor was generated by boiling autoclaved DIwater in a clean glass container and the air was pumped to the measurement chamber through the steam. Thus, in both cases there was a constant flow through the chamber and the relative humidity (RH) could be precisely tuned by pumping speed. RH and temperature were continuously measured by Honeywell HIH-3602-A humidity sensor. These values were also recorded to every measurement point.

5. Charging induced hysteresis in DC measurements The hysteretic behavior observed in the measurements of the IV -characteristics at high humidity conditions is explained by currents due to charging of the total capacitance of the sample formed by the capacitance of the electrodes, parasitic stray capacitances and the capacitance of ions gathering on the electrodes. Most of these contributions yield negligible short time constants, i.e., not visible as hysteresis in our DC measurements. However, the polarization effect happens by the ions (i.e. ionized water molecules and counterions Na+, Mg++) gathered on the electrode, and this process has a quite slow timescale. This effectively causes a large parallel capacitance to the sample resistance, and is probably the main origin of the hysteresis seen in most of the DNA and reference samples (capacitances measured for completely clean samples, i.e. no salts, lead to time constants that would not be visible as hysteresis in the results). The amount of hysteresis varies from sample to sample and this is likely to be due to the slightly different salt concentrations and washing procedures applied from sample to sample. In addition, since our measurements are performed with very low DC voltages (0.3 V maximum), the reduction-oxidation processes of the ions at the electrodes are strongly suppressed. In measurements, the DC bias voltage was changed in equal steps and after each step the sample was let to stabilize for m ~ 0.5 s before recording the current. In this case, one obtains for the measured current (1) where n means the nth IV-point measured and Vn is the corresponding bias voltage. Other parameters are: R the resistance of the sample, I0 the maximum charging current at bias voltage transients (depends on the resistances of the measurement instruments) and = exp(− m/ ) the exponential of the ratio between the stabilization time, m, and the time constant of charging, . Figure 3(a) of the main paper shows this formula fitted to the measured data. The obtained resistance of the sample was 20 G in that case, and time constants, , were typically of the order of 70 s.

6. AC impedance spectroscopy (AC-IS) of B-A-B -complexes To take the environment of the trapped TX tile construct fully account, the following procedure was carried out in the AC-IS measurements: 1) The self-capacitance and the leakage current of the measurement setup were determined by measuring the impedance of an empty sample (only electrodes) in a dry environment. The obtained data was fitted with an equivalent circuit containing the resistor and one constant-phase element (CPE, ZCPE = 1/[Q(iω)n], where ω is the angular frequency of the signal) in parallel. The leakage resistance is simply described by the resistor (Re ≈ 0.3 TΩ) and all stray capacitances of the setup can be incorporated into one constant-phase element [S2], which in fact turned out to be an ideal capacitor (n = 1, Q =: Ce ≈ 7 pF). These values were kept constant during other data analysis and thus they were not free parameters in the fittings. 2) The control samples were measured (3 in total) and fitted with the equivalent circuit model (figure 4(b) in the article, black components). The equivalent circuit model was the same as in ref. [S3], i.e. a modified Randles circuit, where an additional diffusive element Wdiff (Warburg impedance ZW = 1/[W(iω)1/2]) was added in parallel to the resistance Rs) [S2, S3]. This parallel

combination describes the area between electrodes, i.e., the resistance of “electrolyte” and the diffusive element due to ions migrating and diffusing along the SiO2 surface. The other components describe so-called double-layer part, which is comprised of a double-layer capacitance Cdl (formed by ions on the electrode-“electrolyte” interface) and the charge-transfer resistance Rct (charge moving through the double-layer via e.g. redox reactions) [S2, S3]. During the fitting Wdiff and Cdl were replaced with general CPEs but it was found out that the exponents of CPEs converged to n = 0.5 for Wdiff (pure Warburg impedance) and n ≈ 1 for Cdl (almost ideal capacitor). According to the fittings, the resistance of “electrolyte” was typically 1-4 GΩ and the charge-transfer resistance 20-30 GΩ. The sum of these two resistors roughly corresponds to the observed DC-resistance, and the high resistance of the charge-transfer process through the double-layer explains the poor DC-conductivity. These obtained parameters were also kept constant during the fitting of the TX tile samples. 3) The samples containing a single B-A-B -complex (3 in total) were measured and compared to the control samples. The charge-transfer resistance Rct was kept constant during the fitting of the equivalent circuit shown in figure 4(b) in the article. In reality, the Rct can slightly change when a TX tile construct is present, but it has a negligible contribution to the ac-conductivity since the impedance is large compared to other impedances parallel to it. Thus, all the other components were fitted including RDNA, the resistance of the TX tile construct, which is located in parallel to the Rs and Wdiff. The resistors Rs and RDNA in parallel were considered as a single resistor Rs||DNA during the fitting. Other fitted components were Wdiff and Cdl (explained above) and additional components Rc (resistor) and Qc (CPE). The latter two components together describe the modification of the double-layer and thus appear in parallel to the double layer part (for more details see ref. [S3]).

References [S1] [S2] [S3]

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