Teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes - Semantic Scholar

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Nov 20, 2006 - Xi-Kuan Chen,1,2 Shi Wu Wen,1,2,3* Nathalie Fleming,1,2 Kitaw Demissie,4 ... trend, with age at menarche declining at a rate of 2–3 months.
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Teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a large population based retrospective cohort study Xi-Kuan Chen,1,2 Shi Wu Wen,1,2,3* Nathalie Fleming,1,2 Kitaw Demissie,4 George G Rhoads4 and Mark Walker1,2,3


20 November 2006

Background Whether the association between teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes could be explained by deleterious social environment, inadequate prenatal care, or biological immaturity remains controversial. The objective of this study was to determine whether teenage pregnancy is associated with increased adverse birth outcomes independent of known confounding factors. Methods

We carried out a retrospective cohort study of 3 886 364 nulliparous pregnant women