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use syntactic annotations to introduce replacement restric- tions aimed at ... Negative integers in local strate- gies can be .... for some rule l ! r 2R, p 2 Pos(t) and substitution . 3. .... is constrained to having no variable position of l covering p.
Termination of on-demand rewriting and termination of OBJ programs Salvador Lucas DSIC, Universidad Politecnica ´ de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n E-46022 Valencia, Spain

e.mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT

Declarative languages such as OBJ*, CafeOBJ, and Maude use syntactic annotations to introduce replacement restrictions aimed at improving termination or eciency of computations. Unfortunately, there is a lack of formal techniques for proving such bene ts. We show that context-sensitive rewriting and on-demand rewriting provide a suitable framework to address this problem. We provide methods to analyze termination of on-demand rewriting and apply them to analyze termination of OBJ*, CafeOBJ, and Maude programs. Keywords

Program analysis, replacement restrictions, term rewriting, termination 1. INTRODUCTION

Eager rewriting-based programming languages such as Lisp, OBJ*, CafeOBJ, ELAN, or Maude use innermost rewriting to evaluate expressions. A frequent problem here is nontermination. Syntactic annotations (i.e., associated to the arguments of symbols) have been used in OBJ2 [8], OBJ3 [11], CafeOBJ [9], or Maude [3] as replacement restrictions to (hopefully) avoid nontermination. They are often speci ed as sequences of integers in parentheses called local strategies (see Figure 1). Local strategies guide the evaluation strategy of OBJ programs1 : when considering a function call f (t1 ; : : : ; tk ), only the arguments whose indices are present as positive integers in the local strategy for f are evaluated (following the speci ed ordering). If 0 is found, then the evaluation of f is  This work has been partially supported by Spanish CICYT and Conselleria de Cultura y Educacio de la Generalitat Valenciana. 1 As in [11], by OBJ we mean OBJ2, OBJ3, CafeOBJ, or Maude.

The following CafeOBJ program (borrowed from [17]): mod! TEST { [T] op 0 : -> T op s : T -> T {strat: op _::_ : T T -> T {strat: op 2nd : T -> T {strat: op from : T -> T {strat: vars X Y Z : T eq from(X) = X::from(s(X)) . eq 2nd(X::(Y::Z)) = Y . }

(1)} (1 -2)} (1 0)} (0)}

associates local strategies to functions s, ::, 2nd, and from.

Figure 1: Example of the use of local strategies. attempted. Negative indices indicate that the corresponding argument is evaluated `on-demand', where a `demand' is an attempt to match a pattern to the term that occurs in such an argument position [5, 11, 18]. For instance, the local strategy for `::' in Example 1 speci es that its second argument is evaluated `on-demand'. A local strategy such as (1) disables the evaluation of 2nd(0::from(s(0))) into s(0), since reducing the second argument of `::' is not allowed. On the other hand, with (1 2), the following in nite reduction sequence is possible: 2nd(from(0))

! 2nd(0::from(s(0))) ! 2nd(0::s(0)::from(s(s(0)))) ! 

The presence of replacement restrictions is often invoked to justify that OBJ programs are able to achieve a lazy behavior that avoids nontermination, even though the underlying execution mechanism is innermost rewriting ([11], Section 2.4.4; [18]). For instance, with our CafeOBJ program, the evaluation of 2nd(from(0)) should produce s(0) without risk of nontermination. Unfortunately, there is no formal analysis available about how a particular choice of replacement restrictions (like those enumerated for `::') modi es termination of OBJ (like) programs. Term rewriting systems (TRSs) provide a suitable computational model for more sophisticated programming languages [2]. Syntactic replacement restrictions can be associated to symbols f of a signature  by means of a replacement map  :  ! P (N) [14] that discriminates the argument positions (f )  f1; : : : ; ar(f )g on which we can

perform rewriting steps. Negative integers in local strategies can be managed using an additional replacement map D containing their absolute values. Example 1. The program in Example 1 is associated to (1) signature f0; s; :; 2nd; fromg, where 0 is a constant, s, 2nd, and from are unary symbols, and `:' is a binary (in x) operator; (2) rewrite rules from(x) 2nd(x:y:z)

! !

x:from(s(x)) y

and (3)  and D given by: (:) = (s) = (2nd) = f1g; (from) = (0) = ?; D (0) = D (s) = D (from) = D (2nd) = ?; and D (:) = f2g:

Context-sensitive rewriting (CSR [14]) provides an operational model for using replacement restrictions speci ed by a single replacement map . In this paper, we prove that CSR suces for modeling computations of OBJ programs specifying local strategies without negative indices. We demonstrate that termination of such OBJ programs can be analyzed as termination of CSR. Termination of CSR has been studied in [10, 13, 19, 20, 6]. Concerning arbitrary local strategies, we introduce on-demand rewriting (ODR , using two replacement maps  and D ) as an extension of CSR . In [10], Giesl and Middeldorp provide transformations of TRSs that are proved correct (and complete) for proving termination of CSR. We extend these transformations to provide correct (and complete) transformations of TRSs that can be used to prove termination of ODR. We apply our methods to prove termination of OBJ programs. For instance, we are able to formally prove that the program in Example 1 is terminating. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives some preliminary de nitions. Section 3 introduces ODR . Section 4 develops two techniques for proving termination of ODR . Section 5 discusses their application to OBJ programs. Section 6 concludes. 2. PRELIMINARIES

Given a set A, P (A) denotes the set of all subsets of A. Let R  A  A be a binary relation on a set A. We denote the re exive closure of R by R= , its transitive closure by R+ , and its re exive and transitive closure by R [2]. An element a 2 A is an R-normal form, if there exists no b such that a R b. We say that b is an R-normal form of a, if b is an R-normal form and a R b. We say that R is terminating i there is no in nite sequence a1 R a2 R a3  . Throughout the paper, X denotes a countable set of variables and  denotes a signature, i.e., a set of function symbols ff; g; : : : g, each having a xed arity given by a function ar :  ! N. We denote the set of terms built from  and X by T (; X ). A term is said to be linear if it has no multiple occurrences of a single variable. Terms are viewed as labelled trees in the usual way. Positions p; q; : : : are represented by chains of positive natural numbers used to address subterms of t. Given positions p; q, we denote its concatenation as p:q. Positions are ordered by the standard pre x ordering . Given a set of positions P , minimal (P ) is the set of minimal positions of P w.r.t. . If p  q, we write q=p to denote the position p0 that satis es p:p0 = q.

If p is a position, and Q is a set of positions, p:Q is the set fp:q j q 2 Qg. We denote the empty chain by . By P os(t) we denote the set of positions of a term t. Positions of nonvariable symbols in t are denoted as P os (t), and P osX (t) are the positions of variables. The subterm at position p of t is denoted as tjp , and t[s]p is the term t with the subterm at position p replaced by s. The symbol labelling the root of t is denoted as root(t). The chain of symbols lying on positions above/on p 2 P os(t) is pre x t () = root(t), pre x t (i:p) = root(t):pre x tji (p). The strict pre x spre x is spre x t () = , spre x t (p:i) = pre x t (p). A rewrite rule is an ordered pair (l; r), written l ! r, with l; r 2 T (; X ), l 62 X and V ar(r)  V ar(l). The lefthand side (lhs) of the rule is l and r is the right-hand side (rhs). A TRS is a pair R = (;R) where R is a set of rewrite rules. L(R) denotes the set of lhs's of R. A TRS R is left-linear if for all l 2 L(R), l is a linear term. Given R = (; R), we take  as the disjoint union  = C ] F of symbols c 2 C , called constructors and symbols f 2 F , called de ned functions, where F = froot(l) j l ! r 2 Rg and C =  ? F . A TRS R = (C ] F ; R) is a constructor system (CS) if for all f (l1 ; : : : ; lk ) ! r 2 R, li 2 T (C ; X ), for 1  i  k. A term t 2 T (; X ) rewrites to s (at position p), p written t ! R s (or just t ! s), if tjp =  (l ) and s = t[ (r )]p , for some rule l ! r 2 R, p 2 P os(t) and substitution . 3. ON-DEMAND REWRITING

Given a signature , a mapping  :  ! P (N) is a replacement map (or -map) if for all f 2 ; (f )  f1; : : : ; ar(f )g [14]. The inclusion ordering  on P (N) extends to an ordering v on M , the set of all -maps:  v 0 if for all f 2 , (f )  0 (f ). The lattice (P (N); ; ?; N; [) induces a lattice (M ; v; ? ; > ; t): The minimum (maximum) element is ? (> ), given by ? (f ) = ? (> (f ) = f1; : : : ; ar(f )g) for all f 2 . The lub t is given by ( t 0 )(f ) = (f ) [ 0 (f ) for all f 2 . A replacement map  is aimed at specifying the argument positions which can be reduced for each symbol in . Accordingly, the set of -replacing positions P os (t) of a term t is: P os (t) = fg, if t 2 V and P os (t) = S fg [ i2(f ) i:P os (tji ), if root(t) = f . The following results are used later. Proposition 1. [14] Let t 2 T (; V ), p = q:q0 2 P os(t). Then, p 2 P os (t) i q 2 P os (t) ^ q0 2 P os (tjq ) Proposition 2. [14] Let t; s 2 T (; X ). If p 2 P os(t) \ P os(s) and spre xt (p) = spre xs (p), then p 2 P os(t) ,  p 2 P os (s). The non-replacing positions are P os (t) = P os(t) ?P os (t); we also use Lazy  (t) = minimal (P os (t)) which covers the non-replacing positions of t, i.e., for all p 2 P os (t), there exists q 2 Lazy (t) such that q  p. In context-sensitive rewriting (CSR [14]), we (only) rewrite subterms at replacing positions: t -rewrites to ps, written t ,!R() s (or simply t ,! s or t ,! s), if t !R s and p 2 P os(t). Example 2. Consider R and  as in Example 1. Then we have: 2nd(from(0))



where, since (:) = f1g, 2nd(0:from(s(0))) cannot be further -rewritten.




e µ - replacing


µ - replacing


non- µ - replacing

p redex

non- µ - replacing


non- µ - replacing

non- µ - replacing


Figure 2: Scheme of a possible on-demand step

variable of l

Figure 3: A forbidden on-demand step

,! -normal forms are called -normal forms. A TRS R is -terminating if ,! is terminating (see [13]). Given a pair h; D i of replacement maps  and D , we

de ne on-demand rewriting (ODR ) as an extension of CSR (under ), where we also permit reductions on-demand according to D . Given f 2 , indices j 2 D (f ) are aimed at enabling reductions on a subterm tj of a function call f (t1 ; : : : ; tj ; : : : ; tk ) if they can eventually lead to matching a pattern of a rule de ning f (i.e., l ! r 2 R such that root(t) = f ). After its formal de nition, we explain the notion and give an example. Definition 1 (On-demand rewriting). Let R = (; p R) be a TRS and ; D 2 M . Then, t ,! h;D i s (or simply t ,!h;D i s), if t !p s and either 1. p 2 P os (t), or 2. p 2 P ostD (t) ?P os (t) and there exist e 2 P os (t), p1 ; : : : ; pn 2 Lazy h;D i (t), r1 ; : : : ; rn ; t0 2 T (; X ), l ! r 2 R, and substitution  such that (1) e  p, t0 = t[r1 ]p1  [rn ]pn , t0 je = (l) and (2) for all q 2 P os(l) s.t. spre xtje (q) = spre xl (q), whenever e:q  p, we have that ljq 62 X . Here, Lazyh;D i (t) = Lazy (t) \ P ostD (t). Therefore, given a term t, a rewriting step t !p s is ondemand (w.r.t.  and D ) if either p (i) t ,!  s, or p (ii) t ,!tD s and reducing tjp may contribute to a future -rewriting step at -replacing position e, using some rule l ! r. Such a contribution is approximated by checking whether the replacement of some non--replacing maximal subterms of t would eventually make the matching possible (condition 2(1) of De nition 1). On-demand indices in D determine the positions (in Lazy h;D i (t)) of the subterms of t that can be re ned. Note that p is always covered by some position pi 2 Lazyh;D i (t), i.e., pi  p (see Figure 2). On the other hand, the position p on which the rewriting step is performed is constrained to having no variable position of l covering p (condition 2(2) of De nition 1); otherwise, the reduction at tjp would not improve the matching (see Figure 3). Example 3. Consider R, , and D as in Example 1. Now we have:



,!h;D i ,!h;D i ,!h;D i

2nd(0:from(s(0))) 2nd(0:s(0):from(s(s(0)))) s(0)

2nd(0:s(0):from(s(s(0)))) h;D i 2nd(0:s(0):s(s(0)):from(s(s(s(0))))


since 1:2:2 2 P os(l) and spre xt (1:2:2) = spre xl (1:2:2), but lj1:2:2 2 X (where l = 2nd(x:y:z)).

Note that s(0) could also be obtained from 2nd(from(0)) by using CSR if we let (:) = f1; 2g. However, as shown in the introduction, we have a risk of nontermination which is avoided by ,!h;D i , as shown in Example 3. ,!h;D i -normal forms are called h; D i-normal forms. A TRS R is h; D i-terminating if ,!h;D i is terminating. Thus, ODR seems to provide better opportunities for improving termination than CSR . ODR is also able to achieve useful computations (see Section 5.2). In general, CSR and ODR are related as follows. Theorem 1. Let R = (; R) be a TRS and  2 M . Then, ,!=,!h; i . ?

Proof. It is a consequence of P os (t) ? P os (t) = ?.

P ost (t) ? P os (t) = ?

Theorem 2. Let R = (; R) be a TRS and ; D 2 M . Then, ,!,!h;D i ,!tD . Proof. Immediate, by de nition of ODR .

The de nition of ODR follows lazy rewriting of [12]. The more recent de nition of [7] is aimed at dealing with graphs, rather than terms. Moreover, it uses decorations of nodes that incorporate the replacing/non-replacing character of each node inside the syntactic structure of graphs, and reduces such decorated graphs mixing rewriting and relabelling steps. Since our purpose is to give a treatment of termination of ODR by using the standard techniques for proving termination of term rewriting, we prefer to follow the previous, more standard, approach. Also, in both cases, lazy rewriting is de ned by using a single replacement map  and is not well-suited for our purposes. A more detailed comparison is left as a subject for future work.

4. TERMINATION OF ON-DEMAND REWRIT- First, without losing generality, we can assume that positions p01 ; : : : ; p0m satisfy e  p0i for 1  i  m, and that, ING  0

Recently, Giesl and Middeldorp have introduced a transformation which can be used to prove termination of CSR [10]. Basically, their idea is to explicitly mark the replacing positions of a term (by using a new symbol active), since these positions are the only ones where CSR may take place. Definition 2. [10] Let R = (; R) be a TRS and  2 M . The TRS R1 = ( [ factive; markg; R1 ) consists of the following rules in R1 (for all l ! r 2 R and f 2 ): active(l) ! mark(r) mark(f (x1; : : : ; xk )) ! active(f ([x1]f ; : : : ; [xk ]f ))

since e 2 P os (t), by Proposition 1 pi =e 2 Lazyh;D i (tje) for 1  i  m. Since t00 je = 0 (l), by Proposition 2 we have Lazy h;D i (l)  Lazyh;D i (tje). If q 2 Lazy h;D i (tje) ? Lazy h;D i (l), then, since t00 je = 0 (l) there exists q0 2 P osX (l) such that q0 < q. Therefore, by left-linearity, subterm tje:q does not disturb the matching of tje against l. Therefore, we can just use positions in Lazy h;D i (l) instead of Lazyh;D i(tje). Moreover, the same reasoning shows that we de not need to consider positions in P osX (l). Therefore, the conclusion follows.

x ! x where [xi]f = mark(xi) if i 2 (f ) and [xi ]f = xi otherwise.

Unfortunately, left-linearity is essential to ensure Theorem 3.

We give an example of the transformation: Example 4. Consider R and  as in Example 1. Then, R1 is:

! c(a) !b with (f) = f1; 2g, (c) = ? and D (f) = f3g, D (c) = ?. Let t = f(c(a),c(b),a). We have Lazy h;D i (t) = f1:1; 2:1; 3g. Therefore, since

active( )

active(2nd(x:y:z)) active(from(x)) mark(2nd(x)) mark(from(x)) mark(x:y) mark(s(x)) mark(0) active(x)

! mark(y) ! mark(x:from(s(x))) ! active(2nd(mark(x))) ! active(from(x)) ! active(mark(x):y) ! active(s(mark(x))) ! active(0) !x

Remark 1. R1 in Example 4 is proved to be terminating by using Arts and Giesl's dependency pairs technique, i.e., by checking that there is no in nite chain of dependency pairs associated to R1 [1]. It is not dicult to see that more conventional techniques such as Knuth-Bendix, polynomial, or recursive path orderings [4] do not apply to this example.

Given replacement maps  and D , ODR permits reductions on positions that are not replacing (according to ); this is not captured by the transformation of De nition 2. In the following, we extend Giesl and Middeldorp's transformation to deal with ODR . According to De nition 1, given a term t, we need to consider information about the non-replacing positions of t (more precisely, positions in Lazy h;D i (t)) in order to establish the allowed on-demand reduction steps. This is not appropriate for providing a transformation which is based on the shape of the rules of the TRS rather than on each concrete term. The following result allows us to overcome this problem. Theorem 3. Let R = (; R) be a left-linear TRS and p tD (t) ?P os (t), ; D 2 M . If t ,! h;D i s and p 2 P os then there exist e 2 P os(t), l ! r 2 R, p1 ; : : : ; pn 2 Lazy h;D i (l) ? P osX (l), r1 ; : : : ; rn ; t0 2 T (; X ), and  such that e  p, t0 = t[r1 ]e:p1  [rn ]e:pn , t0 je = (l) and for all q 2 P os(l) such that spre xtje (q) = spre xl (q), if e:q  p, then ljq 62 X . Proof. We only need to prove that whenever p01 ; : : : ; p0m 2 Lazy h;D i (t), r10 ; : : : ; rm0 ; t00 2 T (; X ), l ! r 2 R, and 0 are such that t00 = t[r10 ]p1  [rn0 ]pn and t00 je = 0 (l), then there exist p1 ; : : : ; pn 2 Lazy h;D i (l) ?P osX (l), r1 ; : : : ; rn ; t0 2 T (; X ), and  such that t0 = t[r1 ]e:p1  [rn ]e:pn . 0


Example 5. Consider the TRS f(x,x,b) a

t0 = f(c(a),c(a),b) = t[a]2:1 [b]3

matches f(x,x,b), we have that f(c(a),c(b),a)

,!h;D i


However, since Lazy h;D i (f(x,x,b)) ?P osX (f(x,x,b)) = f3g, there is no s such that t[s]3 matches f(x,x,b).

We use Theorem 3 to ensure the correctness of our transformations. Consequently, our methods are restricted to left-linear TRSs. With ODR , an attempt to match a subterm tje (where e 2 P os (t)) against (the lhs of) a rule l ! r can `activate' some position p > e (with p 2 P ostD (t) ? P os (t)) for reductions (possibly involving a di erent rule) that we call (pure) `on-demand' reductions. Since e 2 P os (t), we add a rule

x ! demand(x)

active( )

where demand signals a point under which an on-demand rewriting step may take place: for each rewrite rule l ! r 2 R such that Lazyh;D i (l) ? P osX (l) 6= ?, we add a rule demand( (l)) ! onDemand(l[s(l;p1 )]p1  [s(l; pn )]pn ) where fp1 ; : : : ; pn g = Lazyh;D i (l) ? P osX (l) and  (l) = l[X1 ]p1  [Xn]pn ; with X1 ; : : : ; Xn being fresh variables. On the other hand, s(l; pi ) = mark'(Xi) if ljpi 2 T (), and s(l; pi ) = mark''(l jpi ,Xi) if ljpi 62 T (), where is a new constant symbol and l is l with all its variables replaced by . Symbols mark' and mark'' are intended to `activate' pure on-demand reductions according to the de nition of ODR. Similar to mark, symbol

For all l 2 L(R) such that Lazyh;D i (l) ? P osX (l) j 2  t D (f ) demand( (l)) mark'(f (x1; : : : ; xk )) mark''(t,f (x1; : : : ; xk )) g(x1 ; : : : ; done(xj); : : : ; xk ) onDemand(done(x)) active(x) mark(x)

6= ?, f 2 , t 2 TLh;D i (R), g 2  such that ar(g) > 0, and ! ! ! ! ! ! !

l s l;p1 )]p1   [s(l;pn )]pn ) f x ; : : : ; [xk ]0f )) f u t;f; 1); : : : ; u(t; f;k))) g x ; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk )) x x x

onDemand( [ ( active( ([ 1]0f active( ( ( done( ( 1 mark( ) demand( ) done( )

where 1.  (l) = l[X1 ]p1  [Xn ]pn , where fp1 ; : : : ; pn g = Lazyh;D i(l) ? P osX (l) and X1 ; : : : ; Xn are fresh variables.

X if ljpi 2 T () . l j Xi ) otherwise 3. [xj ]0f = mark'(xj) if j 2  t D (f ) and [xj ]0f = xj if j 62  t D (f ). 4. u(t; f; j ) = mark'(xj), if j 2  t D (f ) and either root(t) 6= f or tjj 2 T (); u(t; f; j ) = mark''(tjj,xj ), if j 2  t D (f ), root(t) = f and tjj contains but tjj 6= ; u(t; f; j ) = xj , otherwise. 2. For each 1  i  n, s(l; pi ) =

mark'( i) mark''( pi ,

Figure 4: Rules Sh1;D i of transformation R1h;D i for proving termination of ODR (De nition 3) activates subterms according to both  and D : for each f 2 , we add a rule mark'(f (x1; : : : ; xk )) ! active(f ([x1]0f ; : : : ; [xk ]0f )) where [xj ]0f = mark'(xj) if j 2  t D (f ); and [xj ]0f = xj if j 62  t D (f ). With mark'' we use its rst argument (which represents a part of a lazy subterm of the lhs of the rule l ! r that originates the on-demand reduction) to decide whether it is allowed to get inside the term in the second argument. More precisely, terms t are taken from the following set TLh;D i(R) = fl jq j l 2 L(R);q 2 P os (l); 9p 2 Lazy h;D i (l); p  qg For instance, TLh;D i(R) = f : g for R;, and D as in Example 1. Then, for each t 2 TLh;D i (R) and f 2 , we add a rule mark''(t,f (x1; : : : ; xk )) ! active(f (u(t;f; 1); : : : ; u(t; f; k))) where u(t; f; j ) = mark'(xj) if j 2  t D (f ) and either root(t) 6= f or tjj 2 T (); u(t; f; j ) = mark''(tjj,xj ), if j 2  t D (f ), root(t) = f , and tjj contains but tjj 6= . Finally, u(t; f; j ) = xj in any other case. After an `on-demand' reduction step (that introduces a symbol mark), we should allow the activation of new ondemand reductions. Thus, we add a rule


x ! done(x)

mark( )

to `inform' that a reduction step has been performed `ondemand', and rules f (x1 ; : : : ; done(xj); : : : ; xk ) ! done(f (x1; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk )) for each f 2  such that ar(f ) > 0, and j 2  t D (f ), to propagate symbol done upwards. We could not follow ODR derivations with the transformed TRS without pushing up mark via done. On the other hand, propagating mark (itself) upwards would produce a non-terminating TRS (due to the

other rules of mark). We also add:

x ! mark(x)

onDemand(done( ))

Definition 3 (First transformation). Let R = (; R) be a TRS and ; D 2 M . We let R1h;D i be ( [ f 1 ; active ; done; mark; mark'; mark''; demand; onDemandg; R [ Sh1;D i ), where R1 is given as in De nition 2 and rules in Sh1;D i are de ned as in Figure 4. Example 6. (continuing Example 4) Let D be as in Ex1 1

ample 1. The rules of Rh;D i consist of the rules of R in Example 4 plus the following ones: demand(2nd(x:X)) ! onDemand(2nd(x:mark''( : ,X)))

! active(2nd(mark'(x))) ! active(from(x)) ! active(mark'(x):mark'(y)) ! active(s(mark'(x))) ! active(0) ! active(2nd(mark'(x))) ! active(from(x)) ! active(x:y) ! active(s(x)) ! active(0) ! done(2nd(x)) ! done(from(x)) ! done(x:y) ! done(x:y) ! done(s(x)) ! mark(x) ! demand(x) ! done(x)

mark'(2nd(x)) mark'(from(x)) mark'(x:y) mark'(s(x)) mark'(0) mark''( : ,2nd(x)) mark''( : ,from(x)) mark''( : ,x:y) mark''( : ,s(x)) mark''( : ,0) 2nd(done(x)) from(done(x)) done(x):y x:done(y) s(done(x)) onDemand(done(x)) active(x) mark(x)

The following theorem establishes the correctness of the transformation of De nition 3 for proving termination of ODR . Theorem 4. Let R = (; R) be a left-linear TRS and ; D 2 M . If R1h;Di is terminating, then R is h; D iterminating. Termination of TRS R1h;D i of Example 6 can also be (tediously) proved by checking that there exists no in nite chain of dependency pairs associated to R1h;D i . Thus, TRS R of Example 1 is h; D i-terminating.

For all l ! r 2 R, f 2  such that k = ar(f ) > 0, i 2 (f ), and constants c 2 ) in R2 : active(l) ! mark(r) active(f (x1; : : : ; xi ; : : : ; xk )) ! f 0 (x1 ; : : : ; active(xi); : : : ; xk ) f 0 (x1 ; : : : ; mark(xi); : : : ; xk ) ! mark(f (x1; : : : ; xi ; : : : ; xk ))

c !

proper( ) proper( ( 1 k )) (ok( 1) ok( k )) top(mark( )) top(ok( ))


f x ;::: ;x x ;::: ; x x x


ok( )

! f (proper(x1); : : : ; proper(xk)) ! ok(f (x1; : : : ; xk )) ! top(proper(x)) ! top(active(x))

Figure 5: Rules for transformation R2 of Giesl and Middeldorp (De nition 4) 4.1

A complete transformation

Giesl and Middeldorp noticed that the transformation of De nition 2 is incomplete, i.e., there exist TRSs R and replacement maps  such that R is -terminating but R1 is not terminating (see Example 1 in [10]). Since CSR is a case of ODR and our transformation is an extension of that of De nition 2, the transformation of De nition 3 inherits its incompleteness. Nevertheless Giesl and Middeldorp also provided a correct and complete transformation to deal with termination of CSR. Basically their idea is to permit a single (context-sensitive) reduction step each time. They achieve this by using new symbols f 0 for each (non-constant) symbol f 2  and shifting a single symbol active to (non-deterministically) reach the replacing position where the redex is placed. The application of a rewrite rule changes active into mark which is propagated upwards through the term, in order to be replaced by a new symbol active that enables new reduction steps. After checking that no `strange' symbols remain uncontrolled (using a symbol proper such that proper(t) reduces to ok(t) if and only if t is a ground term of the original signature), a rule top(ok(x)) ! top(active(x)) enables a new reduction step (see [10] for a more detailed explanation). Definition 4. [10] Let R = (; R) be a TRS and  2 M . The TRS R2 = ( [ ff 0 2j f 2  ^ ar(f ) > 0g [ factive; mark; ok; proper; topg; R ) consists of the rules in

Figure 5.

This transformation is more involved than the previous one as the following example (that can be compared with Example 4) shows: Example 7. Consider R and  as in Example 1. Then,

R2 is:

active(2nd(x:y:z)) active(from(x)) active(2nd(x)) active(from(x)) active(s(x)) active(x:y)

2nd'(mark(x)) from'(mark(x)) s'(mark(x)) mark(x):'y proper(2nd(x)) proper(from(x)) proper(x:y) proper(s(x))

! mark(y) ! mark(x:from(s(x))) ! 2nd'(active(x)) ! from'(active(x)) ! s'(active(x)) ! active(x):'y ! mark(2nd(x)) ! mark(from(x)) ! mark(s(x)) ! mark(x:y) ! 2nd(proper(x)) ! from(proper(x)) ! proper(x):proper(y) ! s(proper(x))

proper(0) 2nd(ok(x)) from(ok(x)) ok(x):ok(y) s(ok(x)) top(mark(x)) top(ok(x))

! ok(0) ! ok(2nd(x)) ! ok(from(x)) ! ok(x:y) ! ok(s(x)) ! top(proper(x)) ! top(active(x))

Extending this transformation to ODR is not dicult now. Again, we add a rule

x ! demand(x)

active( )

to activate on-demand computations. The semantics of symbol demand is similar to the semantics above: for each l ! r 2 R and p 2 Lazy h;D i (l) ? P osX (l), we add a rule demand( (l)) ! onDemand( (l)[s(l;p)]p ) where s(l; p) = active'(X ) if ljp 2 T (), and s(l; p) = active''(l jp ,X ) if ljp 62 T (). In both cases, X =  (l)jp . Similar to De nition 4, symbols active' activate subterms according to both  and D : active'(f (x1; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk )) ! f 0 (x1 ; : : : ; active'(xj); : : : ; xk ) if f 2  is such that ar(f ) > 0 and j 2  t D (f ). With active'', we use term t to know whether it is allowed to get inside a term: for each t 2 TLh;D i(R), f 2  such that ar(f ) > 0, and j 2  t D (f ), we add a rule active''(t,f (x1; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk )) ! f 0 (x1 ; : : : ; u(t; f;j ); : : : ; xk ) where u(t; f; j ) = active'(xj) if either root(t) 6= f or tjj 2 T (), and u(t; f; j ) = active''(tjj,xj ), if root(t) = f and tjj contains but tjj 6= . In order to perform reductions below the on-demand position, for each l ! r in the original TRS R, we need to add rules

l ! l !

active'( ) active''(X, )

r r

mark( ) mark( )

to enable reductions activated by active' and active''. The symbol mark should be pushed up through replacing indices in  t D rather than just . Thus, for each f 2  such that ar(f ) > 0, and j 2  t D (f ), we complete the rules of De nition 4 with rules f 0 (x1 ; : : : ; mark(xj); : : : ; xk ) ! mark(f (x1; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk ))

For all l ! r 2 R, p 2 Lazy h;D i (l) ? P osX (l), t 2 TLh;D i (R), f 2  such that ar(f ) > 0, and j 2  t D (f ):

l ! l !

active'( ) active''(X, ) demand( ( )) active'( ( 1 j k )) active''( , ( 1 j k )) 0 ( 1 mark( j ) k) onDemand( ( )[mark( )]p) active( )

r r

mark( ) mark( ) onDemand( ( )[ ( )]p ) 0 ( 1 active'( j ) 0( ( )

l !  l s l;p f x ;::: ;x ;::: ;x ! f x ;::: ; x ; : : : ; xk ) t f x ;::: ;x ;::: ;x ! f x1 ; : : : ; u t; f;j ; : : : ; xk ) f x ;::: ; x ; : : : ; x ! mark(f (x1; : : : ; xj ; : : : ; xk )) l X ! mark( (l)) x ! demand(x) where  (l) is as in De nition 3, X =  (l)jp , and 1. s(l; p) = active'(X ) if ljp 2 T () and s(l; p) = active''(l jp ,X ), otherwise. In both cases, X =  (l)jp . 2. u(t; f; j ) = active'(xj) if either root(t) 6= f or tjj 2 T (), and u(t; f;j ) = active''(tjj,xj ), if root(t) = f and tjj contains but tjj 6= .

Figure 6: Rules Sh2;D i of transformation R2h;D i for proving termination of ODR (De nition 5) We also add rules

 (l)[mark(X )]p ) ! mark( (l)) for each l ! r 2 R and p 2 Lazy h;D i (l) ? P osX (l), where X =  (l)jp . onDemand(

Definition 5 (Second transformation). Let R = (; R) be a TRS and ; D 2 M . We let R2h;D i be ( [ ff 0 j f 2  ^ ar(f ) > 0g [ f ; active; active' ; active''; demand; mark; ok; onDemand; proper; topg; R2 [Sh2;D i ), where R2 is given as in De nition 4 and rules in Sh2;D i are de ned as in Figure 6. Example 8. (continuing Example 7) Let D be as in Example 1. The rules of R2h;D i consist of the rules of R2 in Example 7 plus the following ones:

! ! ! !

active'(2nd(x:y:z)) mark(y) active'(from(x)) mark(x:from(s(x))) active''(X,2nd(x:y:z)) mark(y) active''(X,from(x)) mark(x:from(s(x))) demand(2nd(x:X)) onDemand(2nd(x:active''( : ,X))) active'(2nd(x)) 2nd'(active'(x)) active'(from(x)) from'(x) active'(x:y) active'(x):'y active'(x:y) x:'active'(y) active'(s(x)) s'(active'(x)) active''( : ,2nd(x)) 2nd'(active'(x)) active''( : ,from(x)) from'(x) active''( : ,s(x)) s'(active'(x)) x:'mark(y) mark(x:y) onDemand(2nd(x:mark(X))) mark(2nd(x:X)) active(x) demand(x)

! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! !

The following theorems establish correctness and completeness of our transformation w.r.t. proofs of h; D i-termination. Theorem 5. Let R = (; R) be a left-linear TRS and ; D 2 M . If R2h;D i is terminating, then R is h; D i-


Theorem 6. Let R = (; R) be a TRS and ; D 2 M . If R is h; D i-terminating, then R2h;D i is terminating.

5. APPLICATION TO OBJ PROGRAMS Algebraic languages, such as OBJ2 [8], OBJ3 [11], CafeOBJ [9], or Maude [3] admit the speci cation of local strategies

associated to function symbols. A local strategy for a kary symbol f 2  is a sequence '(f ) of integers taken from f?k; : : : ; ?1; 0; 1; : : : ; kg which are given in parentheses (see Figure 1). Symbols without an explicit local strategy are given a default one whose concrete shape depends on the considered language2 . A mapping ' that associates a local strategy '(f ) to every f 2  is called an E -strategy map [16, 17]. Given ' and f 2 , in OBJ2 or Maude, only nonnegative numbers are allowed in '(f ); in OBJ3 and CafeOBJ, arbitrary integers can be used. Local strategies serve to completely guide the evaluation strategy or E -strategy (see Section 1). Given an E -strategy map ' for ', we associate a pair h' ; 'D i of replacement maps ' ; D 2 M as follows: for each f 2 , ' (f ) = fi > 0 j i 2 '(f )g and 'D (f ) = f?i j i 2 '(f ) ^ i < 0g, where notation i 2 '(f ) means that index i appears somewhere within the list '(f ). Note that we drop null indices 0 2 '(f ) and that, since we use sets of indices rather than lists, we lose the information concerning repeated indices and the order of reductions. This is because, in our setting, we are mainly concerned with the analysis of (nondeterministic) reduction relations rather than with (deterministic) reduction strategies. Given ', if 'D = ? , we say that ' is a positive E -strategy map. We will drop superscripts ' from ' and 'D if no confusion arises.


Programs with positive E -strategy maps

Semantics of OBJ programs under a given E -evaluation map ' is usually given by means of a recursive evaluation function eval' rather than specifying the concrete rewrite steps leading to computed values [5, 18]. Nakamura and Ogata describe the evaluation strategy eval' for positive E strategy maps by using a reduction relation on pairs ht; pi of labelled terms t and positions p [17]. Their formalization is based on Nagaya's [16]. Let L be the set of all lists consisting of natural numbers. By Ln we denote the set of all lists of 2 For instance, in Maude, the default local strategy associated to a k-ary symbol f , is (1; 2; : : : ; k; 0), see [5].

natural numbers not exceding n 2 N. We use the signature L = ffL j f 2  ^ L 2 Lar(f ) g and labelled variables XL = fxnil j x 2 Xg. An E -strategy map ' for  is extended to a mapping from T (; X ) to T (L ; XL ) as follows:  =x2X '(t) = xf'nil(f ) ('(t1 ); : : : ; '(tk )) ifif tt = f (t1 ; : : : ; tk ) On the other hand, the mapping erase : T (L ; XL ) ! T (; X ) removes labellings from symbols in the obvious way. Then, given a TRS R = (; R) and a positive E -strategy map ' for , eval' : T (; X ) ! P (T (; X )) is de ned as eval' (t) = ferase(s) 2 T (; X ) j h'(t); i !' hs; i 2 NF!' g, where NF!' is the set of normal forms of the binary relation !' on T (L ; XL )  N+ de ned as follows ([17], De nition 2.2; [16], De nition 6.1.3): ht; pi !' hs; qi if and only if p 2 P os(t) and either 1. root(tjp) = fnil , s = t and p = q:i for some i; or 2. tjp = fi:L(t1 ; : : : ; tk ) with i > 0, s = t[fL(t1 ; : : : ; tk )]p and q = p:i; or 3. tjp = f0:L(t1 ; : : : ; tk ), erase(tjp ) is not a redex, s = t[fL(t1 ; : : : ; tk )]p, q = p; or 4. tjp = f0:L (t1 ; : : : ; tk ) = (l0 ), erase(l0 ) = l, s = t[('(r))]p for some l ! r 2 R and substitution , q = p. Note that the rst three cases yield completely deterministic steps, whereas the non-determinism of the fourth one (only) comes from the possibility of choosing di erent rules that apply to the same redex. The following theorem establishes a very close connection between !' -reduction and ,! -reduction. Theorem 7. Let R be a TRS and ' be a positive E strategy map. Let t 2 T (L ; XL ), and p 2 P os(erase(t)). If ht; pi !' hs; qi, then q 2 P os (erase(s)) and erase(t) ,!= erase(s). Proof. We consider the four cases of the de nition of

!' .

1. For the rst case, we have t = s and p = q:i; since the set of -replacing positions is closed under pre x and t = s, we have q 2 P os (erase(s)) and erase(t) = erase(s). 2. For the second case, tjp = fi:L (t1 ; : : : ; tk ) with i > 0, s = t[fL (t1 ; : : : ; tk )]p and q = p:i. Then, since p 2 P os (erase(t)) and, byde nition of , i 2 (f ), it follows that p:i 2 P os (erase(t)). Since erase(t) = erase(s), we have q 2 P os (erase(s)), 3. For the third case, we have erase(t) = erase(s) and q = p 2 P os (erase(s)). 4. For the last case, since p 2 P os (t), we have that p erase(t) ,! erase(s) and q = p. Since we have that spre xerase(t) (p) = spre xerase(s) (p), by Proposition 2, we conclude q 2 P os (erase(s)).

As a consequence of Theorem 7, computations with OBJ programs that use positive E -strategy maps can be completely modeled as context-sensitive rewriting computations.



Let P be an OBJ program with positive E -strategy map ', and RP and  be the TRS and replacement map associated to it. According to the previous de nition of eval' , we can say that P is terminating if, for all t 2 T (; X ), there is no in nite !' -rewrite sequence starting from h'(t); i. Therefore, we have the following. Theorem 8. An OBJ program P with positive E -strategy map ' is terminating if RP is -terminating.

Proof. Assume that P is not terminating. Then, there exist a term t 2 T (; X ) and an in nite sequence A : h'(t); i = ht1 ; p1 i !'   !' htn ; pn i !'  . Since p1 =  2 P os (t), by Theorem 7 there exists an in nite sequence erase(t1 ) ,!=  ,!= erase(tn ) ,!=  . Since lists associated to E -strategy maps are nite, the number of reduction steps that corresponds to items (1) to (3) of the definition of !' is also nite. Hence, since R is -terminating, we can assume that erase(tn ) is a -normal form (for some positive integer n) and that erase(tm ) = erase(tn ) for all m  n. Therefore, the only !' reduction steps on terms tm for m  n correspond to items (1) to (3) of the de nition of !' . Since the number of such reduction steps is nite, this contradicts that A is an in nite !' -reduction sequence. Example 9. The following OBJ3 program: obj EXAMPLE is sorts Sort . op 0 : -> Sort . op s : Sort -> Sort . op _::_ : Sort Sort -> Sort [strat: (1 0)] . op from : Sort -> Sort . op sel : Sort Sort -> Sort . var X Y L : Sort . eq sel(s(X),Y::L) = sel(X,L) . eq sel(0,X::L) = X . eq from(X) = X::from(s(X)) . endo

speci es an explicit (positive) local strategy for the list constructor `::'. By using the methods developed in [20], it is possible to prove that the TRS associated to this program is -terminating (for  obtained from the E -strategy map of the program). Hence, we can say that the program is terminating.

A more interesting (and complicated) example is the OBJ3 program for computing with prime numbers using the Sieve of Erasthothenes, that exempli es how laziness is obtained with OBJ programs, in Appendix C.5 of [11]. A similar version of such a program (represented as a TRS with a replacement map) was used by Giesl and Middeldorp in [10] to exemplify the (successful) application of their methods to prove termination of CSR . 5.1.2

Computing (head-)normal forms

As remarked in [11, 18], computations with programs that use replacement restrictions may not directly compute normal forms (i.e., terms without redexes), but rather normal forms w.r.t. the reduction relation that is used for implementing computations (e.g., !' ). Terms returned by eval'

are called E -normal forms (ENF s). We prove that they are, in fact, -normal forms, under the following restriction on ': for all f 2 F (i.e., for de ned symbols), '(f ) ends in 0 (see [5, 16] for a discussion about the interest of such a requirement). Theorem 9. Let R = (C ] F ;R) be a TRS and ' be a positive E -strategy map such that for all f 2 F , '(f ) ends in 0. If s 2 eval' (t), then s is a -normal form. Proof. Analogous to the proof of Theorem 6.1.12 of [16]. As we restrict our result to -normal forms, we do not need to use Nagaya's additional hypothesis that '(f ) contains all indices 1; : : : ; ar(f ). Theorem 9 does not hold for programs whose de ned symbols have local strategies ended with positive indices. Example 10. Consider the following TRS (from Example 6.1.5 of [16]): g(b,x) f(a)

! !

b c




and the strategy map ' de ned by '(f) = (0; 1), '(g) = (1; 0) and '(a) = '(c) = nil and '(b) = (0). Consider the term t = g(f(b),b). Then we have that eval' (t) = fg(f(a),b)g. However, g(f(a),b) is not a -normal form, since we have: g(f(a),b)



which is a -normal form (note that 2 62 (g)). According to Theorem 7, the formalization of !' above could be seen as the description of a context-sensitive rewriting strategy [15] which is speci ed by means of local strategies. Computations yielding partially evaluated results can also be used to achieve full evaluations: if a term t has a (possibly in nite) normal form, it can eventually be computed by rst obtaining a head-normal form s = f (s1 ; : : : ; sk ) of t (i.e., a term that cannot be reduced to a redex), and then recursively normalizing si for 1  i  k. Therefore, a quite elementary requirement for a restriction of rewriting is that it is (at least) able to compute head-normal forms of an input term (whenever they exist). With CSR we have such a useful property whenever the replacement map  is less restrictive than the canonical replacement map can R which, for a given TRS R = (; R), is the most restrictive replacement map (in M ) ensuring that the non-variable subterms of the left-hand sides of the rules of R are replacing, i.e., the minimum -map  such that 8l 2 L(R); P os (l)  P os(l) [14, 15]. Then, we have the following. Theorem 10. [14] Let R = (; R) be a left-linear TRS and  2 M be such that can R v . Every -normal form is a head-normal form. Conditions on ' for ensuring that eval' yields head-normal forms (i.e., terms that do not reduce to a redex) and normal forms using positive E -strategy maps have been studied in [16, 17]. Theorems 9 and 10 can be used to ensure that the E -strategy is able to compute head-normal forms. Corollary 1. Let P be an OBJ program with positive E strategy map ' such that RP is left-linear and for all f 2 F , '(f ) ends in 0 and can RP v . If s 2 eval' (t), then s is a head-normal form.

This result is also given in [17] (Theorem 3.6) with the same conditions we have imposed here3 ; however, we are able to see this as an immediate consequence of computational properties of CSR. For instance, E -normal forms of the OBJ3 program in Example 9 are head-normal forms4 . By using the results in [14], we can also prove that a term such as sel(s(0),from(0)) evaluates to the value s(0) with the OBJ3 program in Example 9 (without risk of in nite computations). Note that, in contrast to [16, 17], we do not need to assume that each local strategy '(f ) for each f 2  contains all indices 1; : : : ; ar(f ) (but we need to consider some type information). 5.2

Programs with arbitrary E -strategy maps

Ogata and Futatsugi have provided an operational description of the on-demand evaluation strategy used in OBJ3 and CafeOBJ, where negative integers are allowed in local strategies [18]. Nakamura and Ogata [17] have described the corresponding evaluation mapping eval' by using a reduction relation. Unfortunately, such a description is recursive and the de nition of a single reduction step on a (labelled) term t may involve the application of more than one reduction step on subterms of t (see De nition 4.4 of [17]). In fact, the de nition of a single rewriting step may depend on the possibility of evaluating some arguments of the considered function call. This implies that the one-step reduction relation proposed by Nakamura and Ogata is not even decidable (in general). Therefore, associated notions such as normal form (w.r.t. their reduction relation) are also undecidable. We believe that this is not the best framework for implementing and studying OBJ computations. In fact, in Section 6 of [17] (in contrast to the situation for positive E -strategy maps, see [16, 17]), Nakamura and Ogata show the diculties in formulating conditions to achieve complete normalizations with arbitrary E -strategy maps. They conclude by saying that a `meta-operation' that uses partially evaluated results (e.g., E -normal forms) would be necessary for obtaining normal forms. However, their E -normal forms would not be decidable in general and such a meta-operation becomes unfeasible in practice. Normal forms can be obtained by successively computing -normal forms and shifting computations to maximal nonreplacing subterms when a -normal form has been obtained (normalization via -normalization, [15]). Hence, we need to decide whether a term is a -normal form. Normal forms w.r.t. CSR , or ODR, are clearly decidable for nite TRSs. On the other hand, Proposition 4 below justi es that this `layered' approach to normalization is possible with ODR . The proof uses the following immediate result. Proposition 3. Let R = (;R) be a TRS, ; D 2 M , and C; t; s 2 T (; X ). If p 2 P os (C ), and t ,!h;D i s, then C [t]p ,!h;D i C [s]p.

Proposition 4. Let R = (;R) be a TRS, ; D 2 M , and t 2 T (; X ) be a h; D i-normal form. If p 2 P os (t), then tjp is a h; D i-normal form. 3 See http://www.jaist.ac.jp/ masaki-n/correction.html for a corrigendum of the published version of the paper that concerns this theorem. 4 Actually, this depends on the form of default strategies for OBJ3 programs. In [11], they are described in such a way that are compatible with the canonical replacement map of the program.

Proof. By contradiction. If tjp is not a h; D i-normal form, then tjp ,!h;D i s for some s 2 T (; X ). Then, by Proposition 3, t is not a h; D i-normal form. Proposition 4 (or Proposition 3) does not hold if p 62 P os (t). Example 11. Consider the TRS R: f(g(x,a))









Let (f) = ?, (g) = f1; 2g, D (f) = f1g, and D (g) = ?. Term t = f(g(c,b)) is a h; D i-normal form: rst, no replacing position of t corresponds to a redex. On the other hand, f(g(c,b))

6,!h;D i


since 1:1 2 Lazy h;D i (t), but f(g(c,a))j1:1 2 X . However, tj1 = g(c,b) is not a h; D i-normal form: since 1 2 P os(g(c,b)), we have:

,!h;D i g(a,b) Note that 1 62 P os (t). g(c,b)

Proposition 4 suggests the following normalization via h; D inormalization procedure (that can be thought of as the `metaoperation' needed to obtain normal forms): given a h; D inormal form s obtained from t, we split s as s = C [s1 ; : : : ; sn ] where C [ ] is the maximal replacing context of s, i.e., the part of s whose positions are -replacing in s (see [15]). Then, we continue the evaluation of t by (recursively) normalizing s1 ; : : : ; sn . Note that this normalization procedure does not go back to previously h; D i-normalized pre xes of terms, i.e., after moving computations into terms s1 ; : : : ; sn , C [ ] remains untouched. In order to guarantee correctness of this procedure (i.e., that we actually obtain a normal form at the end), we need to ensure that restricted normal forms are head-normal forms. As Theorem 10 shows, this is true for -normal forms, whenever can R v  and R is left-linear. With ODR , we have a similar result. Theorem 11. Let R = (;R) be a left-linear CS and ; D 2 M be such that can R v  t D . Every h; D i-

normal form is a head-normal form.

Proof. Let t 2 T (; X ). We proceed by structural induction. If t is a variable, it is obvious. If t is a constant c, then, since  2 P os(t), it must be c 2 C which is a headnormal form. If t is not a head-normal form, then there >  (l) for some l ! r 2 R and exists a derivation A : t ?! substitution . Therefore, root(t) = root(l). By Proposition 4, tjq is a h; D i-normal form for all q 2 P os(t) and, by the induction hypothesis, root-stable. Therefore, we can write (l) = t[r1 ]p1  [rn ]pn for fp1 ; : : : ; pn g = Lazy h;D i (t), where ri = (l)jpi for 1  i  n. Since t is a h; D i-normal form, it is not a redex. By leftlinearity of R, if t is not a redex, there exists a minimal q 2 P os(t) \ P os(l) such that q 6= , spre xt (q) = spre xl (q), root(tjq ) 6= root(ljq ). Since R is a CS, tjq is not a headnormal form; hence root(tjq ) 2 F . By the induction hypothesis, tjq is not a h; D i-normal form. Hence, by Proposition 4, q 62 P os (t) and there exists a redex position p in tjq such that p 2 P ostD (tjq ). By Proposition 1, q:p 62 P os (t). Since q 2 P os (l), and can R v  t D , it follows that q 2 P ostD (l) and by Propositiont2, q 2 P ostD (t). Hence, by Proposition 1, q:p 2 P os D (t), i.e., tjq:p is a

 t D -replacing redex of t. Since ljq 62 X , for all q0  q, ljq 62 X . Thus, t ,!h;D i t[s]q :p for some s, which contradicts that t is a h; D i-normal form. 0


In general, Theorem 11 does not hold for TRSs that are not CSs. Example 12. Consider R and t as in Example 11. Remember that t = f(g(c,b)) is a h; D i-normal form. However, t is not a head-normal form, since we have: f(g(c,b))



and f(g(b,a)) is a redex.



This problem was already noticed in [17] for the on-demand evaluation strategy of CafeOBJ. Left-linearity cannot be removed from Theorem 11 as the following example shows. Example 13. Consider the following TRS R: f(x,x) a

! !

c(x) b

which is not left-linear, and let (f) = ?, (c) = ?, and D (f) = f1; 2g. Note that can v  t D . Term t = R

f(c(a),c(b)) is

not root-stable:






Note that 1:1 2 P ostD (t) ? P os (t), 1 2 Lazyh;D i (t) and f(c(a),c(b))[b]1:1 is a redex of f(x,x) ! a. However, since f(x,x)j1 62 X , t is a h; D i-normal form.

Finally, using pairs h; D i such that can R 6v  t D does not work even with left-linear CSs. Example 14. Consider the TRS c









and ; D given by (f) = (h) = ?, and D (f) = f1g. Let t = f(a,d). Note that t is a h; D i-normal form, but it is not a head-normal form.

Therefore, we propose using ODR for implementing OBJ computations. Further work should be done to express the evaluation function for OBJ programs that use arbitrary local strategies as reductions issued by an on-demand reduction strategy, i.e., a further restriction of ODR where the evaluation order introduced by the list structure of local strategies would be taken into account. This means that ODR is only a general framework for expressing OBJ computations (in this sense, the formalization of [17] tried to exactly capture what OBJ programs do), ODR brings us the advantage of being suitable for providing a standard termination analysis, as we have proved in this paper. Thus, according to our analysis, we could say that if the on-demand reduction relation associated to an OBJ program is terminating, then the OBJ program is terminating. For instance, after our analysis of termination in Section 4, we can say that the CafeOBJ program of Figure 1, which is modeled as a TRS with replacement restrictions in Example 1, is terminating. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We have introduced on-demand rewriting (ODR) as a generalization of context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) which is inspired by lazy rewriting [12]. ODR provides a computational

model for TRSs equipped with a pair h; D i of replacement

maps, where  is aimed at restricting reductions, and D is aimed at overcoming replacement restrictions `on-demand'. We have provided two transformations that can be used to analyze termination of ODR as termination of rewriting. Our transformations are correct for left-linear TRSs. Thus, it is possible to analyze the termination of ODR by using the standard methods for proving termination of rewriting [4]. Moreover, our second transformation is also complete thus showing that proving termination of ODR is equivalent to proving termination of rewriting (for left-linear TRSs). We have shown that CSR and ODR can be used to implement and analyze computations with OBJ programs. CSR suf ces for modeling computations of OBJ programs that use positive local strategies. Therefore, all results on completeness and termination of computations with CSR [6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20] apply to such OBJ programs. On the other hand, ODR can be used with arbitrary OBJ programs. In this case, our results can be used to prove termination of OBJ programs and to ensure completeness of computations aimed at normalizing initial expressions. Termination of ODR (or CSR ) is not a closed topic. We have based our research on Giesl and Middeldorp's approach to termination of CSR. Their techniques are based on marking the replacing subterms that can be rewritten. In spite of the good achievements obtained with this approach (especially by providing a complete analysis of termination of CSR), other approaches to termination of CSR such as [13, 19, 20] are still promising from the practical point of view. For instance, -termination of R in Example 1 can easily be proved by using the TRS RZ obtained by Zantema's transformation [20], which is based on marking the non-replacing arguments of function symbols. According to [20], RZ is: 2nd(x:(y:'z)) from(x) from(x) a(from'(x)) x:y a(x:'y) a(x)

! ! ! ! ! ! !

a(y) x:from'(s(x)) from'(x) from(x) x:'y x:y x

where :', from', and a are new symbols. RZ can be proved terminating by using an rpo with precedence > such that 2nd

> a > from > :; from'; s > :'

As noticed in Remark 1, this is not possible with Giesl and Middeldorp's techniques. Moreover, the use of an automatic tool for proving termination of TRSs such as Contejean and Marche's CiME 2.0 system 5 (that implements polynomial orderings rather than rpo's) shows that, whereas termination of RZ can be proved in a few seconds, the termination of R1 in Example 4 could not be proved after three days of execution. Thus, an interesting topic for future work is to extend/adapt Zantema's transformation to ODR. Acknowledgements.

I thank Yoshihito Toyama for pointing [16] out to me. I also thank Masaki Nakamura for his remarks on a previous version of this paper.

5 Available

at http://www.lri.fr/~demons/cime.html.


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