The C The C City of Dubli City of Dubli - Dublin, Ohio, USA City of ...

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City of Dubli nstruction of. – Coating Rep. Dublin Ohio 4 ll bids will be. City of Dubli ixty days afte. Road Water way Water Ta ost estimate f s of the Contr they are ...
INVIT TATION FOR R BIDS Projec ct Name: Avery A Road Water Tan nk Wet Inte erior Repaiint & Blaze er

Parkw way Water Tank – Co oating Repa air Projec ct No. 14-00 08.0-CIP

The City C of Dubliin Ohio will reeceive sealed bids for the m materials and d labor necesssary for the construction of the Avery Ro oad Water Tan nk Wet Interio or Repaint & Blazer Parkw way Water pair. Bids sha all be received d by the City of Dublin at 5 5800 Shier-Rings Tank – Coating Rep Road, Dublin Ohio 43016 4 until 10 0:00 a.m. loccal time on Thursday, Mayy 1, 2014, at w which time all bids will be opened and read aloud.

The City C of Dubliin may choose to not awarrd the bid—annd bidders shhall hold bids open— until siixty days afte er the bid ope ening. The wo ork for which bids are invitted consists o of:

Avery Road Waterr Tank – We et interior re paint and m miscellaneouss repairs. Blazer way Water Ta ank – Exterio or steel coatting repair. Parkw The co ost estimate for f the Projectt is $425,000 .00. nts are on file at 5800 Shie er-Rings Road d, Dublin, Ohio o 43016, Copiess of the Contrract Documen where they are available for insp pection by pro ospective bidd ders between n the hours off 8:00 o 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m m. to 4:00 p.m m. (local time), Monday thrrough Friday. Paper a.m. to copies of the Contra act Documentts are availab ble for a nonre efundable cha arge of $75.0 00. e make any ch heck payable to the City off Dublin. Doccuments are a also available online at Please http:///dublinohiousa nd-requests-fo or-proposals//. When down nloading bid docum ments from on nline you must register as a plan holder to receive an ny addendums that may be issued. b is required to furnish h with its pro oposal a Bid G Guaranty in acccordance witth Section Each bidder 153.54 4 of the Ohio Revised Code e. Bid securitty furnished in n Bond form shall be issue ed by a surety company or corporation liicensed in thee State of Ohio to provide said surety. p mustt contain the full name of tthe party or p parties submittting the prop posal and Each proposal all persons intereste ed therein. Each E bidder m must submit evvidence of itss experience o on s and comp plexity. The o owner intendss and requires that this pro oject be projectts of similar size comple eted by November 31, 201 14. All con ntractors and subcontractors involved w with the projecct will to the e extent practiccable use Ohio products, p materials, service es and labor i n the implem mentation of th heir project. Payment of Prev vailing Wagess is required for f this Projecct. The City of Dublin reserves r the right r to accep pt or reject an ny or all bids, to waive anyy malities or irreg gularities in th he bidding prrocess and to enter into a ccontract with the inform bidderr whom, in its opinion, offe ers the lowestt and best bid d. b must ensure e that alll employees aand applicantss for employm ment are not Each bidder discrim minated against based on race, r color, reeligion, sex, o or national origin. der of the Cou uncil of the CIITY OF DUBLIIN, OHIO By ord Publish h dates: April 17, 2014 and d April 24, 20 014