The Daily Journal's Daily Recipe - Fulton History

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... «/dd I teaspoon soi!it, 1 cup sugar, 1 tublespoou butttv,'. 3 teaspoon# o* cOeW, MJ cup raisins, 1% 'cups flQur, 1 teaspoon bakkig pow der. Bake in a loaf . - •.
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The Daily Journal's Daily Recipe THIS MEDICINE fm

UOOMlWted by Mrs. David Herendoen, Barker 3 teaspoon# o* cOeW, MJ cup raisins, 1% 'cups flQur, 1 teaspoon bakkig pow . - •







Surprise Party Twenty frit>iid* .in.', neighbors plea*:mtiy surprised Mr. a'U.l Mrs.. Arthur Uracey at their .>t>m.> on Maple Rid^e Thursday evening. The evening was spent iu games, musi and singing. A ilelii'iou-t supper w i s served. Mr. und Mrs. Hraeey -will shortly leave Maple liidge for a farm tbey h a v e just pur chased m another section o i Shelby.

r ranee s Willaxd Memorial. :



The W. C. T. U. will observe France?. Willard Memorial Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock-at the home of Mrs. John Raymond, 121 Frank street.


Married at Akron.

Don't wak for tardy Spring to bring you the out-door life and sports you enjoy so much. G o to Florida or the Gun Coast where it's always June— where you can golf, swim, sail, motor and play tennis all winter long. The trip •oath on fast express steamers is a delightful experience in itself. Direct

Miss Marie Labigau and Air. Adderson Overholt, of Akron, were married Wednesday, Feb. 21, at Akron, N. Y.


Honor of Mrs. Oage. Mrs. William Loche very pleasantly entertained a company of ladies at her home o.\ Pearl street Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Gage, of LeRoy.

affording convenient connection for

MIAMI, PALM BEACH, SmmSBURG,HAVANA New Steam* "Hairy JR. M^ory." 11,700 Mat displacement, and«other big vessels in service. WiBejisr Interesting free literature.

A. W. PYE, Passenger Traffic Manager, CLYDE-MALLORY LINES Pier 36, North Bluer, New York • Or any Railroad Ticket Office


• • • • • _ * • "tr • • DATES A H E A D

Feb. 27, Tuesday.—Dinner party for FOB 8ALB-—Ensilige. Enquire Fhoae members, ladies and guests. Alert FUK SALE 86t28xx 983-F-I4. Club, 7 p. m. itively R e l i e v e s t h e Feb. 2o, weauaaaayl-r-Illuatrated lecFOB SALE—Good I rood mare. Good Suffering. ture by *»ev. Charles A. McAtpiae, of worker. Bell Phoae .952-F-3. F2«t£7x FOB SALE—Ths Tiukham homestead, corner West Ave. and Hedley 8t. tmSx Berkley, Calif., on '' Surnkissed CaliMore Convincing Proof. fornia," FOB SALE—Two brood sows, with auspices- Baptist Men's UENKKAL When Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable League. pigs. Call 915-F-2. F23t'MUxx Comiwund was first introduced fta curFeb. 28, Wednesday.—The Parlia•SvepoweTS were doubted vA h a d t a FOB SALE— l'V-ur-tray Vapor Steriliz- WANTED—First- tlass machinist* and' ba proved. Bat the proef came, and mentary Study Club meets with Mrs. tool imikers. Stotdy work, low cost cf S S u a l l y the use of it spread over the -John Parker, West Center street, at 3 er, Katherine Lyaier, Bell 45&-W. 21tf living, amdrploasant surroundings. Adwhole counhry. N o w that hundreds of thousands of women have expeneuced o 'clock. FOB SALE- New uijen cow, with dress, or apply in person to Harrison the most beneficial effects from its use March 1, Thursday.—Loyal -.-Temp- calf by .side. Bull O^-F-15. 20t27xx Radiator Corporation. Lookport, New it# valua has become generally recog-^*Jlars L e „ i o n m e e ti;i York. FHttr at Baptist ehurchnized and it is now the standard roedlMarch 2, Fiidav afternoon.—An- FOB SALE—At a sacrifice, or will ex cine for women's ills. The following letter is only one of the nual convention 31th District O. E. 3. change for small farm, a residence lo- WANTED — Competent bookkeeoa*-; thousands on our files. . cated in Academy district. Address preference given to one who e a n \ do Masonic Lodge rooms, Medina. Dermison, Texas.— " I cannot feel Academy, care Daily Journal. tf26xx typing. Apply i» writing,' te L$i* March 6, Tuesday.—Musiuale at " M . that I have done my duty japtil I teU Box 6tf.' F21ta«x what Lydia E. Pinkham's^Vegetable E. church. Compound has done for roe. I fufrered March 3, Saturday.—Grange Hall, FOB SALE OB BENT—1)32 Gwim from female troubles so I could hardly WANTBT*—Girl for housework. Apdrag around and do my work. I was West Shelby, 7:30 p. u\., Willing. Wora Street; modern,-eight room house, new vary nervous, and haddizzy spells, heat era will present the play, "Valley garage, two acres of laud, fruit trees; ply Mrs. F. L. Wearing, R. F. D. I. 24t*8xx flashes, and headaches until life was a Farm." fine location. James Swart. F19t2tixx burden. My husband brought me a botttT of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable j March 7, Wednesday.—The MARRIED MAN—Of no bad habit?, LOST AiND FOUND Compound and I soon began to improve. I continued its use and am now free I Catherine Ridge-way Co. at the wants wortt by the year an farm. Ad from all pains and aches that made life Cook Auditorium. dress X. Y. Z„ care Daily Journal LOST—Tie strap, between Medina a burden. You may use this letter to -...» — | Dairy and Salt road. Please leave at March 8, Thursday.—Camp Fire iu any way you like for I want the world FOB SALE OB BENT—530 F a t j D a i , v .r o u r » a i office, W» to know what a grand medicine Lydia '!*Cps* Atwuvt Heli?' ••


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