The Nonrelativistic Ground State Energy Spectra of Potential Counting

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Mar 15, 2016 - Keywords: Potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms, Noncommutative space .... atom) counting quadratic term potential for the ground.
JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS Vol. 8 No 1, 01021(6pp) (2016)

ЖУРНАЛ НАНО- ТА ЕЛЕКТРОННОЇ ФІЗИКИ Том 8 № 1, 01021(6cc) (2016)

The Nonrelativistic Ground State Energy Spectra of Potential Counting Coulomb and Quadratic Terms in Non-commutative Two Dimensional Real Spaces and Phases Abdelmadjid Maireche Laboratory of Physics and Chemical Materials, Physics Department, Sciences faculty, University of M’sila, M’sila, Algeria (Received 15 December 2015; revised manuscript received 02 March 2016; published online 15 March 2016) A novel theoretical study for the exact solvability of nonrelativistic quantum spectrum systems for potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms is discussed used both Boopp’s shift method and standard perturbation theory in both noncommutativity two dimensional real space and phase (NC-2D: RSP), it has been observed that the exact corrections for the ground states spectrum of studied potential was depended on two infinitesimals parameters  and  which plays an opposite rolls, and we have also constructed the corresponding noncommutative anisotropic Hamiltonian. Keywords: Potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms, Noncommutative space and phase, Boopp’s shift method. PACS numbers: 11.10.Nx, 32.30 – r, 03.65 – w



xˆ  x 

It is well known that the exact energy spectrum, Hamiltonian operators obtained by analytic solutions of the wave equations and corresponding of three fundamental dynamical equations of Schrödinger (SE), KleinGordon and Dirac in the case of (nonrelativistic and relativistic), in commutative and noncommutative spacesphases at two and three dimensional spaces and phases, are possible for some central and non-central potentials [1-45]. Recently new mathematical formulations known by general star product between two arbitrary functions f  x  and g  x  in the first order of two antisymmetric parameters (  ,  ij ) can modified the original postulates of quantum mechanics and gives the new commutators  xˆ , xˆ  and  pˆ  , pˆ  , which are playing funda     mental rolls’ in the non-commutativity geometry of space and phase  c   1 [28-45]: f  x  * g  x   f (x )g(x )  i i      x f  x  x g  x     p f  x  p g  x  2 2  xˆ , xˆ   i and  pˆ , pˆ   i ij          ij

Here, the two parameters

 , 


are equal  12 ,



respectively. In present work, a Boopp's shift method can be used, instead of solving any quantum systems by using directly star product procedure:  xˆ , xˆ   i and  pˆ , pˆ   i ij ij       

mined from the relations in (NC-2D: RSP) [28-45]:



pˆ x  px 

py , yˆ  y 

 2

y and

 2


pˆ y  px 

 2

(3) x

We can prove, that the new two uncertainties x y and px py for noncommutative two dimensional spaces and phases are given by, respectively: x y   and px py  


The motivation of present search is to present and study the deformed (SE) with potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms in (NC-2D RSP) to discover the new symmetries and a possibility to obtain another application to this potential in different fields and to complete our study in our work [37], we want to obtain new expressions for modified energy levels. Our work based on the provirus work [30-41]. The rest of this work is organized as follows. In next section, we briefly review the (SE) with potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms in two dimensional spaces. The Section 3, reserved to derive the deformed Hamiltonians of the (SE) with potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms and by applying both Boopp's shift method and standard perturbation theory we find the quantum spectrum of ground states in (NC-2D: RSP) for studied potential. In next section we resume the global obtained spectrum and corresponding deformed Hamiltonian. Finally, the important found results and the conclusions are discussed in last section. 2.


The new four operators xˆ , yˆ , pˆ x and pˆ y are deter-


The two-dimensional stationary (SE) with potential b V  r   ar 2  describing potential containing coulomb r and quadratic terms, depending only on the distance r


 2016 Sumy State University


J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 8, 01021 (2016)

from the origin:

R  r   N2,1 exp  

  b  ar2   n,l,m (r, )  En,l n,l,m (r, )  r  2




1     1  r   r r  r  r 2  2

E0,l 

 n ,l ,m (r , )  Rn ,l  r  exp( im )


The eigenstate Rn,l  r  for coulomb and quadratic terms potential satisfied the reduced radial differential function [1]: d2 Rn,l  r 

1 dRn,l  r  l2  2 Rn,l  r   r dr dr r b   2  En,l  ar 2   Rn,l  r   0 r  2



determined from two equations, respectively [1]:

  2 a     k f ( r )  r anr n n , l   n 0 


The factors an determined from the following relations [1]: a0  0


anr  2






energy Enc  qc , – the last steps correspond to replace the ordinary old product by new star product. Which allow us to construct the modified Schrödinger equitation in both (NC-2D: RSP) as:



Now, we apply the Boopp’s shift method on the above equation to obtain, the reduced Schrödinger equation (without star products): H  pˆ i , xˆ i   r   Enc  qc  r 


This is a translation of a Schrödinger equation for pˆ i

and xˆi with the same complex wave function  r  . As a direct result of the eq. (3), the two operators rˆ2 and pˆ 2 in (NC-2D RSP) can be written as follows [30-41] (16)

Here L  xpy  ypx .It’s important to notice that z the rolls of  and 



Hˆ  pˆ i , xˆi    r  Enc qc  r

rˆ 2  r 2   Lz  2 2  pˆ  p   Lz

by the factors an from the following projection [1]:

a l  1  2lb1

new complex wave function  r ,

In two dimensional spaces, the energy Enr ,l depended

anr 1




 nl  l  2  l2

a  nr  l  1  b


nian Hˆ  pˆ i , xˆ i  ,

2   nr  l  1 an 2  2ban 1


Know, we present some fundamental principles of modified Schrödinger equation in (NC-2D: RSP); applying the important 4-steps on the ordinary quantum (SE) [31-42]: – we replace ordinary two dimensional Hamiltonian operators Hˆ  p , x  by noncommutative new Hamilto-

Where N n , l the normalization factor,  and fn,l (r ) are

Enr ,l 


– we replace ordinary energy En ,l by noncommutative

 r2  Rn ,l  r   N n ,l exp     fn ,l (r ) 2  

an 

 2l 1

– we replace ordinary complex wave function  r (8)

The eq. (7) accepts a solution for a radial function Rn,l  r  , as follows [1]:

2ba0 a1  2l  1


where N 2,1 denote to the normalization constant.


The wave function can be written as [1]:

 r 1 


Where  and En ,l denotes to the reduced mass and the energy respectively, the coefficients a and b are both constants. The Laplacian operator takes the values in polar coordinates:

r2 2

are inversed     . After a

straightforward calculation, we can obtain the three important terms:

The radial part and the energy of (ordinary Hydrogen atom) counting quadratic term potential for the ground state, respectively [1]:


arˆ2  ar 2  a Lz b b b   Lz rˆ r 2r3 pˆ 2 p2    Lz 2m0 2m0 2m0


THE NONRELATIVISTIC GROUND STATE ENERGY SPECTRA... Which will be use to determine the deformed potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms V  rˆ  and the

J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 8, 01021 (2016) and d2 m  


pˆ new deformed kinetic term , in (NC-2D: RSP), re2m0 spectively: b V  rˆ   arˆ2  rˆ 2 pˆ 1 1  2m0 2m0 r

 r

 r r   r1 





L 2m0 z

d 2

The set ( H , J2 , L2 , S2 and J z ) forms a complete of conserved physics quantities and the eigen-values of the spin orbital coupling operator are   1 1 3   k  12  l   (l   1)  l(l  1)   corresponding: 2 4  2  [30-41], then, one can form a diagonal  2  2  matrix,

with non null elements are  H so 11 and  H so 22 for potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms in (NC2D RSP) as: 

terms in both (NC-2D: RSP) as: b   b       a  Lz r   2r 3  2m0 


j  l  12 (spin up) and j  l  12 (spin down), respectively

It is well known, that the angular momentum is perpendicular to area of motion in two dimensional spaces, then the obtained result is naturally, which allow us to obtaining the global potential operator H  rˆ  for potential containing coulomb and quadratic

H  rˆ   ar 2 

 m2m    0

 Hso 11  k  


  2r


It’s clearly, that the two first terms are given the ordinary potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms in two dimensional space while the rest terms are proportional’s with two infinitesimals parameters ( 


    a  if j  l  12  spin up  2m0 

 b    Hso 22  k   3  a   2m  if j  l  12  spin down 2 r   0  

and  ) and then gives the terms of perturbation H  r 


for potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms in (NC-2D RSP) as:

The exact values for energies states E NU CQ and

  b    H r     3  a    Lz 2 r   2m0  



E ND CQ of an electron with spin up and spin down,


corresponding the two operators


We orient the spin to the (Oz) which appear parallel with Lz , which allow us to write, the perturbative term H  r  as follows:

2 2   b    2  H r     3  a   J  L  S    2m0     2r

 H D 22



E ND CQ  E0  ED CQ


energy levels, associated with spin up and spin down at first order of two infinitesimals parameters (  and  ) and by applying the perturbation theory, EU CQ and E D CQ became, respectively

 


2   L  l, j  l  12 , s 

    b p     r   3  a     2r  2m0


angular function    are satisfied the following two equations, in (NC-2D: RSP), respectively for potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms: d 2 Rn,l  r  1 dRn ,l  r  l 2   2 Rn,l  r   r dr dr 2 r b  2 2  Enc  qc  ar   Rn ,l  r  (23.1) r 

E NU CQ  E0  EU CQ

where EU CQ and E D CQ are the modifications to the

2 2 1 2 We have replaced S L by  J  L  S  , this opera 2 tor traduce the coupling between spin and orbital momentum. After profound straightforward calculation, one can show that, the radial function Rnl  r  and the

  b    2    3  a    Lz Rn ,l  r   0 2 r   2m0  


are determined to be, respectively

This can be writing to the equivalent form:   b    H r     3  a    SL  2m0    2r

 HU 11


2   L l, j  l  12 , s   

 p 



  b   r   3  a     2r  2m0


  p  r rdr  

  p  r rdr  




The non-commutative modifications of the energy levels, associated with spin up and spin down, in the first order of corresponding ( E0U and E0D ) are determined using Esq. (11), (22) and (29) to obtain




2l 1


T1  

  b    3  a   2 r    2 r 2  2l 1 r    dr      2m  0  


  

2l 1

T2  a

  b    3  a   2 2 r    2 r 2  2l 1 r    dr      2m  0  

 6  ED CQ  2  k    Ti  2 m0  i 1

 Ti 

T7 


 exp  



i 7

T2  a

 exp  


T3 

b   2  2l  2 


T6  a

2 2l  1

 exp  


r r


2l  3


exp   r 2 r 2l 1dr





 exp  


   T8     2l  2  


T9   2l 1

r r


 exp  


 r 2 r 2l 3dr





Where 

exp  x n dx  


m1 , n

 xn

m 1 , n



,  r2

2 l 3 4


2l  3

b 2  2 ,  r 2l 2 2l  1 2 4


2  2 ,  r 2 l 3 2l  1 2 4



   EU CQ  2  k   T2s  T2 p  2 m 0  


   ED CQ  2  k   T2s  T2 p  2m0  




i 1

i 7


 xn

m 1 n



is the incomplete gamma func-

tion, then we obtains the following results



a l  1  2lb1 

   2  k   T2s  T2 p  2 m 0  

We use the following form of special integral [46] 

2l  3 2

coulomb and quadratic terms in (NC-2D: RSP) produced by the effect of spin-orbital interaction as:

exp   r 2 r 2l  2dr



We conclude, from Eqs. (13.2), (33.1) and (33.2) the total energy of electron with two polarizations spin up and down E NU CQ and E ND CQ for potential containing

2l 1

2 

T2s   Ti and T2 p   Ti

and b T7  2


exp   r 2 r 2l  2dr


Which allow us to obtaining the exact energy of ground state in (NC-2D: RSP) spaces and phases for potential of (ordinary Hydrogen atom) counting quadratic term associated with spin up and spin down in the first order perturbation of  and  as follows

 r 2 r 2ldr

2 


2 2l  b  2 ,r , 2 l 2 2 2 4

T6  a


T5 


 exp  


2 l 2 4

2 2l  4 2     2 ,r T4  a  2 l 4   2l  2  2 4


2l 1

2 

   T4  a    2l  2  b 2 T5   2 2l  1

r r


,  r2




 r 2 r 2l 2dr




2 2l  4 2     2 ,r T8   2 l 1   2l  2  2 4

Where the notations Ti are given by: b 2

2l  2 2


  Ti  i 7 

T1 

2l 1

T9   2l 1

 6   2  k    Ti  2 m0 i  1 



A direct simplification gives: EU CQ

b  2 ,r 2 l 1 2 2 4

2 2l 1 2 b     2 ,r T3    2 l 1  2  2l  2  2 4

  exp   r 2 r 2l 1 

2  k   1  

  exp   r 2 r 2l 1 

 

  1  

J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 8, 01021 (2016)



a  l  1  2lb1 

. (35.2)    2  k   T2s  T2 p  2m0   On another hand it’s possible to writing the corresponding non-commutative Hamiltonian H NC1 as fol-



J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 8, 01021 (2016)

lows: H NC1  H  Hso.

1  H NC 2CQ 11   2m



Where H and H so. are determined from, the following

ar 2 

relation, respectively:  1 1  2 b  1 0 H   r   r12  2  ar 2     r r  r  r 0 1  2m0 (37) 0    b     k H so     3  a      2m0   0 k    2r


  B

And we ordinate the magnetic field B  Bk to (oz) axis,  and  are two infinitesimal real proportional’s

constants, the magnetic moment   1


and quadratic terms corresponding ground state in (NC-2D: RSP), its sufficient to replace the three parameters: k ,  and  in the eq.(35.1) by the following new parameters: m,  and  , respectively: (40)

With l  m  l , which allow us to fixing ( 2l  1 ) values for discreet number m . 5.


We want to construct the complete NC Hamiltonian from Eqs. (37) and (39), which allow us to deduce the following diagonal matrix H NC  2CQ for the coulomb and quadratic terms potential in (NC-2D: RSP) as   H NC  2CQ  11 H NC  2CQ    0 

   H NC 2CQ 22  0

Where the two elements  H NC CQ 11 and


 H NC CQ 22

are determined by the two explicitly physical form

1  r r

r r   r1 




 (42.2)

Finally, the modified spectrum for ground states E NU GCQ and E ND GCQ corresponding fermionic particle with spin up and down produced by modified potential containing coulomb and quadratic terms can be deduced from the partial results (35.1), (35.2) and (40): ENU GCQ 


a  l  1  2lb1 

   2  k   T2s  T2 p   2 m 0      2  mB  T2s  T2 p    2m0  


and END GCQ 

The above operator represents modified fundamentals interactions between spin and external uniform magnetic field (containing ordinary Zeeman Effect).To obtain the exact non-commutative magnetic modifications of energy Emag-0 for potential containing coulomb

   Emag-0  2  mB  T2s  T2 p    2m0  

 (42.1)

  b b    ar   k    3  a    r 2 r  2m0   

terms in (NC-2D:RSP) as:



and S B 2 denote to the ordinary Hamiltonian of Zeeman Effect, we obtains the modified new modified Hamiltonian H m for potential containing coulomb and quadratic   b    Hm     3  a    BJ  S B   2r 2 m0   



  b b     k    3  a    r  2m0    2r

1  H NC 2CQ 22   2m

  b   b        BL   3  a    Lz     3  a   2 m 2 m0  (38) 2 r 2 r   0      and

r r   r1 


Furthermore, if we apply the three-following steps:

  B

1  r r

  b       3  a   BL   2r  2m0  


a  l  1  2lb1 

   2  k   T2s  T2 p   2 m 0      2  mB  T2s  T2 p    2m0  


If we consider the limits  ,    0,0  , the above spectrum reduces to the ordinary spectrum in two dimensional spaces which obtained from the reference [1]. 6.


In this work, we have applied both Boopp's shift method and standard perturbation theory to obtain the exact energy spectrum for ground state with coulomb and quadratic terms potential in noncommutative two dimensional real spaces and phase’s spaces. We shown that the ordinary ground state in two dimensional spaces changed and replaced by degenerated new states, corresponding two polarized states spin up and spin down as it’s observed in ordinary Dirac equation at high energy, thus our study replaced the ordinary nonrelativistic spectrum by a new relativistic spectrum valid at height energies. ACKNOWLEGMENTSA This work was supported with search laboratory of: Physical and material chemical, in university of M'sila, Algeria.



J. NANO- ELECTRON. PHYS. 8, 01021 (2016)

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