The politics of inadequate - NCBI

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The politics of inadequate registers. SIR,-Inaccuracy in address data is a serious weakness of population registers that undermines their usefulness for research, ...
The questions raised by Dr Cruickshank concern achieved blood pressure in individual patients. We obtained a stable reduction in diastolic blood pressure to below 90 mm Hg (treatment target) in 30 of the 41 patients receiving antihypertensive treatment. The following patients had a diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg: five of the nine patients with uraemia; two of three patients with myocardial infarction; and four of the 27 patients who survived. These figures indicate that seven of 14 patients who died durirr the studv had a sustained raised blood pressure despite antihypertensive treatment. tIANS-HENRIK PARVING EVA HOMMEL

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in the proportion of addresses with faults. The variation was not random (X =360, df=9, p