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N.vanAlphenandJ. A.Loog. 1235 SucroseGradientCsntrlhigationSedimentation. Standards:A SiniplilledTechnique. CharlesJ. Grossman,PatriciaL Vebel,LeonJ.
Volume 26 Number 8 July

llflii Journal of the American

CLCHAU 26(8), 1119-1240(1980) ISSN 0009-9147


for Clinical Chemistry

1182 Assayfor Erythrocyte porphyrinogenI Syn. 1119 Creatlnine:A Review Sheshadri Narayanan andHaroldD. Appleton thase Activity, with Porphobllhlogenas Sub1127 IdentIficationof FluorescentPseudomonas skate RoddeyE. Ford,Citing-NanOu,andRalphD. Elletson DennisC. Shelly,J. N. Quarles,and lsiah N. 1186 Radlolmmunoassayof Free ThyroxineIn Warner 1133 Use of Soluble and StaphylococcusaomusSerumComparison withCihilcalFindingsand ImmobilIzedSecondAntIbodyComparedhi a Results of Conventional Thyroid-Function Radloimmunoassay for HumanAlpha-FetoproTests tom MonikaF. BayerandI. RossMcDougall FrankE. Ruch,Jr.,andGeorgeJ. Knight 1193 2-Mlcrog4obulln Clearance as Measuredby 1137 Effect of Catlonson the HumanCreatlneKIRadloimmunoassay nasaisoenzymes JannieWoo, MichaelFloyd,MaryAnn Langley, DanielA. NealonandArthurR. Henderson andDonaldC. Cannon 1140 Rarilolmmunoassay of ThyrotropinandThyrox- 1198 FkrorometdcMicromethodforDetermination of Ins In DriedBloodby Useof Staphylococcus ArginaseActivity hi DriedBloodSpotson Filter au.eusContaining“Protein A” Paper MarvinL Mitchell,JohnJ. McKenna, andJames AdamP. Orfanos,EdwinW. Naylor,andRobert Mctver Guttwie 1143 EstrogenRadloimmunoassay Suitablefor the 1201 QuantitatIveAnalysisfor Tricyclic AntidepresMonitoringof OvulatIonInduction sant Drugsin Plasmaor Senmiby GasCivoC. DennisAshby,HalC. Danzer,andRonaldS. matopapliy-chemlcal4onlzation MassSpecSwerdloff konwby 1147 SImultaneous Measurement of Lecithin,SphlnDennisN. Chlnn,ThomasA.Jennison,DennisJ. gomyeIlnPhosphatidylglycerol,PhosphatidyllCrouch, Michael A. Peat, and G. William noeltol, Phospiiatldylethanolamlne, and PtiosThatcher phatldylserinehi AmnioticFluid 1205 hllmunonephelometrlcAssay of HumanApollPennellC. Painter poproteinhi 1152 Muscle Protein Analysis, IL Two-Dimensional Maria F. L Lopes-Wella,GebrielVirella, a Eiectrophoresls of Normal and Diseased Evans,S. B. Nalenkos,andJ. A.CoIwell HumanSkeletalMuscle 1209 Improvementshi HemoglobinA1Determination C. S.Giometti,N. Barany,N.J. Danon,andN.G. by RapidCation-ExchangeChromatography PhilipG. RandandChristineNelson Anderson 1156 An Interlaboratory Evaluationof the IFCC Methodfor AspartateAnilnotransterase with Useof PurifiedEnzymeMaterials Eric J. Sanli,son,VirginiaS. Whitner,Carl A. Burtis,SarahS. McKneally,Douglas N. Fast,and CASE CONFERENCE DavidD. Bayse 1165 Effect of SerumpH on StorageStabilIty and ReactionLagPhaseof HumanCreatlneKhiase 1213 ColorectalCarcinomaand Carclnoenibryonlc Amigen(CEA) DanielA. Nealon,SabinaN. Pettit,andArthurR. Jack H. Ladenson,Jay N. McDonald,Michael Henderson Landt,andMortonK. Schwartz 1170 Gas.Clwomatographlc Determinationof UrInary Oxalate KiY. ParkandJohnGregory 1173 Use of the ConjugatedPolyene Fafty Acid, Parinaric Acid, In Assaying Fatty Acids In SCIENTIFIC NOTES Serumor Plasma CharlesB. Berde,JohnA. Kerner,andJohn0. Johnson 1178 Turbldimetryof lnorganl#{224} Sulfate,EsterSulfate, 1221 Two New Non-BarbiturateBuffersfor ElectroandTotalSulfurIn Urine phoresisof SerumProteinson CelluloseAcePer Lundquist,JohannesM#{226},lensson, BoSdrbo, tate Membranes andStenOtiman JeffreyAmblerandMartinRodgers

1224 Two-SitehiimiaiofluorometrlcAssayfor Pregnancy-Specificfi1.Giycoproteln(SP1) AnneSykesandT. Chard


1227 Commenton UnearModelsArticle N.J. R. Healy (Reply) StanleyN. DemingandStephenL Morgan 1228 Responseto Letter on CIS-SorlnCcrtlcotroplo Kit SamGonzales 1228 Serum Collected with Lithium lodoacetate Is Unsuitablefor Electrolyte and Lactate Dilly*ogenase Measur.msnts E. ArthurRobinson,RuthA. Chesler,andRonald J. Elm 1229 DruginterferencesIn Reactionsfor Detecting HythogsnPeroxideby Meansby Peroxldase Francesco ZoppiandDomenlcoFenill 1230 ClinIcal Appitcationof Agarose-GelElectrophoreelsin IdentifyingAbnormalHemogloblns StephenE. Vernon 1231 Radlolmmunoassay of Free Certisolwith Antiserum-coatedTubesand 125l4jli4 Certisol MariaGrazlaDel Chicca,AMa Clerico, Marco Ferdeghini, GollianoMarlani,AntonioBoidrino, andCarloCipolloni 1232 bugroved Ion-ChromatograplilcMethodfor DiterminingMg24 2+ In Serum SelwynJ. Rehfeld,Hans F. Lolcen,FrancisR. Nordmeyer,andJohnD. Lamb 1233 An Improved Automated Method for Serum E. B.N. deJong,H. N. J. Goldschmklt, A. C. C. N. vanAlphenandJ. A. Loog 1235 SucroseGradientCsntrlhigationSedimentation Standards:A SiniplilledTechnique CharlesJ. Grossman, PatriciaL Vebel,LeonJ. Sholiton, Nathan

1237 THE CLINICAL J. StantonKing


CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 26, No.8, 1980
