Training in innovation and entrepreneurship in

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Nov 30, 2017 - studies 1 and 2 follow a qualitative research methodology. In the .... of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset at Primary Education. As stated in ..... educación primaria, la educación secundaria obligatoria y el bachillerato.
Training in innovation and entrepreneurship in Primary Education Sara González-Tejerina

Maria-Jose Vieira

EVORI Research Group, Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy, University of León Campus de Vegazana, s/n, 24071 León, Spain [email protected]

EVORI Research Group, Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy, University of León Campus de Vegazana, s/n, 24071 León, Spain [email protected]

ABSTRACT In recent years, entrepreneurship has been included in educational curricula from Primary to Higher Education, thus being a novel aspect that very few professionals know how to address in the education system. This doctoral thesis will be composed of a compendium of three studies. On the one hand, studies 1 and 2 follow a qualitative research methodology. In the first study, a Systematic Literature Rewiew is conducted in order to clarify and compare the concept of entrepreneurship and its development in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. In the second study, good educational practices to promote entrepreneurship will be analyzed both nationally and internationally by means of documentary analysis and interviews to key stakeholders. On the other hand, study 3 will follow a survey methodology in order to analyze the perceived training needs for promoting entrepreneurship in Primary Education in the province of León and provide contextualized recommendations for a training proposal aimed at Primary Education teachers and tutors.

CCS CONCEPTS • Social and professional topics

KEYWORDS Entrepreneurship, Primary Education, educational practices, sense of initiative.



ACM Reference format: S. González-Tejerina and M-J. Vieira. 2018. Training in innovation and entrepreneurship in Primary Education. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. TEEM'18, October 24–26, 2018, Salamanca, Spain © 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6518-5/18/10…$15.00


Multiculturality (TEEM 2018) (Salamanca, Spain, October 24-26, 2018), F. J. García-Peñalvo Ed. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.

1 CONTEXT AND MOTIVATION THAT DRIVES THE DISSERTATION RESEARCH The inclusion of the entrepreneurial mindset in all stages of education has been the subject of debate in the international context for many years [1, 2]. The OECD, and especially the EU, have long recommended that its member states and other parties involved should act in this area. Currently, there are very relevant documents and recommendations for action, and call on public authorities, business associations, schools, NGOs and other interested parties to promote the entrepreneurial initiative in education. The Oslo Agenda of 2006 is the most important document in this regard, since it contains numerous concrete proposals and systematizes them in such a way that they are an ideal point of reference. In Spain, the basic national legislation on education (the Organic Law on Education) includes among its aims to ensure that students develop an entrepreneurial mindset. In Spain, the Organic Law on Education 2/2006 [1, 2] opened the door to advances in this area, which is already officially introduced in the Royal Decrees on Minimal Teachings. In addition, in the region of Castilla y León where a study of this PhD will be contextualized, education and training play a key role in health and social care and for demographic change and well-being, the thematic priority of the regional research and innovation strategy for an intelligent specialization of Castilla y León, to which this doctoral thesis is ascribed. This was recognized by the Council of the European Union [1, 2] in the Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training for 2020 (2009/ C 119/02). Specifically, this framework contemplates four strategic objectives, two of them are subject of study of this doctoral thesis: (1) making lifelong learning a reality; and (4) increase creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. The union of these two objectives, ongoing training and increase of creativity, innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset, is in line with the priority line cited above, since this thesis promotes, on the one hand, an improvement in the quality of life of the educational community by offering specific training for in-service teachers and tutors, and on the other, the promotion of the

Training in innovation and entrepreneurship in Primary Education entrepreneurial mindset and creativity of the citizens who in the future will be responsible for the economic and social development of our society.

2 STATE-OF-THE-ART The competence of sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset is essential for young people to succeed in modern society and in their personal lives [4, 5]. Thus, it can be defined as the ability or capacity of an individual to turn ideas into actions, innovate, make decisions, solve problems, be creative and have initiative [6, 7, 8]. Training in entrepreneurship has been included in the Compulsory Education curriculum of several countries, being Spain one of them and, especially, Finland with a wider development and tradition in the promotion of this competence. However, in most European countries, this competence is not included in the curricula because the participation of students is limited, not all teaching methods are effective, the practical element is missing, it doesn´t link to any particular subject and finally, the teaching staff lacks the relevant training [3, 4]. Specifically, in Spain creativity and innovation was introduced for the first time as a key competence in compulsory education with the Organic Law on Education 2/2006 [1, 2], which subsequently, with the modifications that the LOMCE 8/2013 [3, 4] established, was renamed as sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset, covering aspects such as selfknowledge, self-esteem, creativity, initiative and proactivity in social and private life (Order ECD/65/2015) [5]. There are very few studies that address the key competence of sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset, so important in today's society [6, 7]. Among the reasons why this competence is underdeveloped in Primary Education, it is highlighted the fact that this competence it is not specific to any particular subject/area, but transverse to all of them. For this reason, the development of this competence rests mainly with the tutors, who need ongoing training on how to encourage this competence and support of specialized personnel to facilitate the preparation of resources. This function of advising teachers on teaching methods and strategies rests with the counselor, an agent of special relevance to improve in-service training at schools [2, 8]. In Castilla y León, the counselors of public schools come from the Educational Guidance and Psychopedagogical Teams, which are assigned to schools on a part-time basis, so that, the same counselor may have assigned several schools and a large number of students, which makes it extremely difficult for them to exercise an effective and efficient counseling and training function for tutors, as provided for in Order EDU/987/2012 [3, 4] that regulates them. Therefore, the global objective of this PhD is to explore the concept and the introduction of entrepreneurship in Primary Education at international level in order to provide a training proposal adapted to our educational system. The purpose of this paper is to present the research plan associated to the PhD research based on 3 interrelated studies.

TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain The research plan is addressed in the following sections. Firstly, problem statement, research objectives and methods for each of the three studies are presented. Secondly, preliminary results of study 1 based on a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) are shown. Finally, we provide information about the dissertation status and current and expected contributions of the research plan as a whole.

3 HYPOTHESES OR PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statement of this PhD research focuses on the need to address the lack of specific training of the competence sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset at Primary Education. As stated in previous sections, despite recommendations by EU to member states on the need to promote entrepreneurship in all stages of education and its inclusion in the Spanish curricula since 2006, the development of this competence remains underdeveloped at Primary Education in Spain. The PhD research presented in this paper, intends to address this problem by means of three interrelated studies. Studies 1 and 2 follow a qualitative research methodology, what means that hypothesis are not tested. On the contrary, hypotheses or answers to research questions emerge in an inductive process form the research data and findings. Up to now, the main hypothesis that has emerged form preliminary results of study 1 is that entrepreneurship is an umbrella concept that includes a range of different concepts (creativity, proactivity, initiative, self-determination, accounting skills, problem-solving, amongst others). Consequently, the competence sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset has not been made operational to support planning, training and assessment. Due to the operational difficulty associated to the concept of entrepreneurship, the survey method planned for study 3 is still on the phase on converting the goals of the research into research questions. Hence, null hypotheses have not yet been established.

4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objectives to be achieved will be divided into general and specific objectives. In the first place, the general objective of this doctoral thesis is to analyze both the concept of entrepreneurship and good practices at national and international level in order to design a training proposal aimed at Primary Education in-service teachers and tutors to foster the sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mindset of Primary Education students. Second, the specific objectives that have been established are: • Study 1: To analyze the concept of entrepreneurship in Primary Education by means of SLR of national and international academic articles and compare this information with the levels of Secondary and Higher Education. • Study 2: To identify and analyze good educational practices at national and international level designed to promote entrepreneurship in Primary Education.


TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain •

Study 3: To analyze perceived training needs for promoting entrepreneurship in Primary Education in the province of León and, based on the results, to develop contextualized recommendations for a training proposal aimed at in-service teachers and tutors to promote entrepreneurship in Primary Education.

5 METHODS The doctoral thesis that will be the final product of this research will be made by compendium of publications through 3 articles linked to the three specific objectives proposed following the methodology, shown below, for each of them: • Study 1: The concept of entrepreneurship in Primary Education. A SLR of international and national academic articles on the concept of entrepreneurship in Primary Education, in comparison, with Secondary Education and Higher Education will be developed. In order to register the information of the academic articles, references are retained in Mendeley referencing software and collected data has been included in a database using Microsoft Excel. For the content analysis, an inductive approach has been followed coding the approach of the article towards entrepreneurship on the objectives, results, discussion or conclusions sections. • Study 2: Analysis of good educational practices. To approach this study, qualitative methodology by means of documentary research of educational practices at national and international level designed to encourage entrepreneurship in Primary Education will be performed following these phases: (1) Identification and selection of good practices. Documents selected will correspond to journal articles and grey literature (e.g. conference proceedings, government and institutional reports, theses & dissertations). After identification of good practices, semi-structured interviews will be conducted to the promoters or to people in charge of the development of a selection of good practices. These interviews will focus on recommendations for practice and suitability to introduce them in the context of the Spanish education system; (2) Content analysis. Using the MAXQDA program for content analysis and categorization, the following broad categories are intended to be considered: on the one hand, the description of each practice in detail (context, duration, aims and learning outcomes, stakeholders, developers, procedure, materials and assessment) and, on the other hand, the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will be the base of proposals for the implementation of entrepreneurship training in Primary Education. • Study 3: Analysis of perceived training needs for promoting entrepreneurship in Primary Education and recommendations for a training proposal aimed at inservice teachers and tutors to promote 1018

S. González-Tejerina and M. J. Vieira entrepreneurship in Primary Education. This research will follow a survey methodology by means of administering a questionnaire to the management team, counselors and tutors of Primary Education schools of the province of León in order to identify perceived training needs for promoting entrepreneurship in Primary Education. Next phases will be followed: (1) Questionnaire design (based on studies 1 and 2, and expert validation by university professors, secondary education teachers, educational counselors, as well as primary education teachers. (2) Pilot testing the questionnaire (3) Questionnaire administration: it is intended to administer the questionnaire following a snowball sampling, a nonprobability sampling technique where existing study subjects that have the characteristics of the target group recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances within this group. (4) Data analysis: the statistical package SPSS version 24 will be used for descriptive statistics and differences analysis. (5) Results interpretation and recommendations for a training proposal.

6 RESULTS TO DATE AND THEIR VALIDITY The results that have been obtained up to now, are focused on the study 1. In this way, as it has been observed in previous sections, for the realization of the study 1 a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been carried out as a means of reaching a basic knowledge about the concept of entrepreneurship. The SLR protocol is the following: scientific articles were searched in the databases Scopus, Dialnet, ERIC and Web of Science. Keywords and search equation are the following: articles without time limitation: TITLE-ABS-KEY (entrepreneurship AND "primary education") TITLE-ABS-KEY (emprend* AND “educación primaria”). After the search of scientific articles, the PRISMA 2009 flow diagram was made, where the number of records identified by databases, number of records after eliminating duplicate citations, number of records screened, number of excluded records and number of articles was in the final selection are included, as can be seen in Fig. 1. If the flow diagram of PRISMA 2009 is analyzed, it is observed that the total of articles identified taking into account the inclusion criteria and Booleans are 50, of which 8 are duplicates, leaving 42 articles. In the following phase, a total of 27 articles are excluded since they focus on the university environment, entrepreneurship in other groups, business success, institutional impact and/or educational policy, educational issues different from the development of entrepreneurship and other issues that have no relation to any of the previous ones. Therefore, the total of scientific articles selected to carry out the systematic review are 15.

Training in innovation and entrepreneurship in Primary Education

TEEM 2018, October 2018, Salamanca, Spain Table 1. Example of main characteristics of the articles.

Source: self-made

Source: self-made Figure 1. [1, 2] Flow Diagram about entrepreneurship in Primary Education Bearing in mind that no limitation of time has been included in this search, the fact that only 15 articles have been found is an indicator of the situation of the development of entrepreneurship in Primary Education, being a novel concern for educators and for the scientific community. In fact, the oldest article is from 2007 and the most current from 2018. After having selected all the articles, we proceeded to request those that were not in full text, mainly using the facility of Researchgate for requesting articles to the authors. After getting all the selected articles, we proceeded to analyze in depth each one of them observing its type of article, authors, date, affiliation of the authors and journal, as can be seen in Table 1. Thus, we can conclude that the articles are published in a period of 11 years, the affiliation of the authors are university professors, teachers and directors of companies and usually belong to the field of economic and business sciences, education, technology and engineering. They are from different countries such as Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Uganda and Argentina. Finally, the journals where the articles are published are usually from social sciences, education, information technology, economics and technology and the type of article is usually descriptive-comparative and interventionbased.

Finally, we are now in the process of establishing the system of categories by means of an inductive process. For that, we have proceeded to analyze each of the articles according to their content, distinguishing in an Excel, the descriptive-comparative articles from the intervention ones. On the one hand, categories that have been included in the intervention articles are: the name of the project, country or city, promoter, objectives, methodology, participants and phases. On the other hand, categories considered in the descriptive-comparative articles are: methodology, objectives and conclusions, as can be seen by way of example in Fig. 2.

Source: self-made Figure 2. Example of the categories of intervention articles

7 DISSERTATION STATUS Actually, we are conducting the first study, where a SLR will be carried out. Therefore, we are reviewing the categories identified in the Microsoft Excel program on the most important aspects of each of the articles, and subsequently, we will begin to identify the criteria that will be used in the contributions of each of the articles, which finally, they will become the corpus of the final work. The phases that must be carried out next are the synthesis where the most important characteristics of each article are represented in a synthetic way and, on the other hand, the analysis in relation to the description and overall assessment of the results found. In addition, since the beginning of the doctoral studies, other activities developed by the doctoral student in order to comply with the requirements of the training activities of the Doctoral Program on Educational Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of León are the following: 1019

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Presenting the Research Plan required (in May) that will be defended in the month of September 2018 and evaluated by the Academic Committee. Preparing a proposal for the 2018 ECER Conference (European Educational Research Association). The proposal has been accepted under the communication format and will be presented from 4th-7th of September in Bolzano (Italy) Submission of an article to the Spanish Journal of Counseling and Psychopedagogy (REOP, Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía). It has been accepted by the editors and it is now in the review process. Meetings with the thesis advisor to ensure adequate guidance, mentoring, planning, monitoring, design and implementation of the content of the doctoral student's record of activities and the annual research plan. Meetings of the doctoral student with the EVORI research group (Assessment, Guidance and Educational Policies) to facilitate the interchange of ideas and participate as a member in the projects of the EVORI group Management of scientific research through the application for scholarship calls at institutional, regional and national levels (ULE, Junta de Castilla y León and FPU). Participate as member of the EVORI research team in the coordination of the TEAVET project: Developing teacher competences for a comprehensive VET system in Albania, supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program (Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Action Type: Capacity Building in higher education). So far, the doctorate student has participated in the organization of the kick-off meeting that took place on 29th-30th November 2017 in León and in the Learning Visit that took place in the University of Turku (Finland) in the month of April 2018. Assistance to training courses related to the development of a systematic literature review, introduction to statistical analysis with SPSS, scientific publication from the point of view of the editor, search for scientific information in the areas of humanities and social sciences and scientific divulgation.

S. González-Tejerina and M. J. Vieira

Elaboration of 3 scientific publications, 1 referenced in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) and at least 2 with indexes or impact factors of high quality in Scopus (or similar indexes).

REFERENCES [1] [2] [3]

[4] [5] [6]

[7] [8] [9]

[10] [11]

[12] [13]

[14] [15]

At present, the doctorate candidate is developing study 1, so current contributions are scarce. Contributions expected in the long term are the following:




This research work has been carried out within Educational Psychology and Education Sciences PhD Programme of the University of León. It is supported by the University of León (Spain) under a predoctoral fellow contract.


1 International day of doctoral students.

Realization of 4 presentations to congresses with external evaluation.



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