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Welcome to Week Four: Peace of Mind. Video Four: Acknowledgements. If you are an expert at beating yourself up this next Fearbuster Exercise is going to kill.

Welcome to Week Four: Peace of Mind Video Four: Acknowledgements

If you are an expert at beating yourself up this next Fearbuster Exercise is going to kill you. By far this is one of the hardest exercises for some people. There are two types of people in the world: people who blame others and people who blame themselves. Good news! If you blame yourself, you actually have more power, more availability, to change your life quicker because if you blame the world, you don't want to change. You don't necessarily think you have to change. Itʼs everyone else who has to change. Remember our rule: there is never ever ever a reason to disempower yourself or another human. Invest in the life you have, to get the life you want. Let's do our next Fearbuster Exercise. It's called acknowledgments. Just like gratitudes, acknowledgements have specific rules. Acknowledgments are all about giving yourself credit and patting yourself on the back. It's not about acknowledging yourself if you get the results you want or how well you did something. Those are wonderful and a great reason to celebrate. But at the heart, acknowledgements are about movement forward. That's all we are focusing on: movement forward. It's not about doing anything perfectly, or getting it exactly the way you want it, or getting as much as you want. I want you to think of Stretch, Risk and Die Fearbuster Exercise from Week One. Remember the comfort zone? Then, moving into stretch zone, then risk zone, then die? You are going to acknowledge yourself every step of the way, every stretch you take, every risk you attempt and every die you even contemplate. Whenever we are expanding ourselves, whenever we are taking even a tiny step forward, we are building our self-confidence. Remember, we are not focused on how we did it, how well we did it, how perfect it was or whether we got results. Results are not our focus (even though we will achieve them with more grace and ease). Our focus is on moving forward. Acknowledgements literally shift how you feel about yourself. Acknowledgments build self-confidence, build self-esteem, build self-worth and build acceptance. Copyright 2011

Fearless Living Training Program





Fearbuster Exercise: Acknowledgements The rules of acknowledgement. 1. Acknowledgements are about yourself. They are not about anyone but you. Please write them as follows: Today, I acknowledge myself for…. Every single time you take a stretch, risk or die, acknowledge yourself. Any stretch, any risk, any die. Please acknowledge yourself for any shift in thought or any tiny behavior. 2. Just like gratitudes, we are going to frame them in the positive. Focus on what you ARE doing, not what you arenʼt doing. Focus on what you are doing differently in your life. 3. Be specific. “Today, I acknowledge myself for expanding my ability to love by accepting a compliment from my boss Sam regarding project xyz.” I want you to be so specific that you can remember it 2 years, 5 years, 10 years from now. 4. Write five acknowledgments a day. Just like gratitudes Iʼd like you to write them down five times a day and as always, do the best you can. We are not seeking perfection, we are focusing on movement forward. I know some of you are thinking, “I donʼt have time for five a day.” This is up to you and your life. If you want more confidence, more self-acceptance, more self-worth, acknowledgements will give you that. Now, I know that your Wheel of Fear is going to come up. I know it. Itʼs going to tell you that you have to do something big to deserve any acknowledgment. Your Wheel of Fear? Nothing is going to satisfy it. Instead say, “Thank you Wheel of Fear. I appreciate that you want me to have something big to acknowledge and right now, I am just looking for movement forward. Thank you.” Fear might retort: “Well, you know whatʼs gonna happen if you donʼt do big things, youʼre just going to fail.” Reply: ”Thank you Wheel of Fear. I really appreciate your care. I understand Copyright 2011

Fearless Living Training Program





you love me and are trying to keep me safe but I got this.” Your Wheel of Fear might say, “Okay, bad idea.” You just smile back at that Wheel of Fear and say, “I got it.” Because in this moment, you are retraining your Wheel of Fear whoʼs the boss of your life. Your Wheel of Fear isnʼt the boss of you. You are the boss of you. 5. Notice shifts and changes that are occurring for you in your experience.

The only criteria for giving yourself an acknowledgement is: did you make movement forward? Did you move forward, i.e. did you stretch, risk or die? Did you move out of your comfort zone even just a little? Now, you might have run back. You might have had some improvement and then felt like you “slipped back” so you donʼt give yourself credit for the movement forward because you donʼt think you held it. Notice I didnʼt say you have to hold your changes forever. What I said is: Did you move forward? Anytime you move forward, even if in the past the action was easy before but now itʼs not, acknowledge yourself. Acknowledgements are way of fueling and refueling your emotional energy with selfconfidence. If you do them regularly, you wonʼt run out of gas. When you begin acknowledging yourself each and every day, complimenting others as often as possible, accepting compliments with ease and giving up impossible standards of perfection, you will turn that primal fear of not being good enough into a force that sets you free. Congratulations. We are getting to the core concept of the Fearless Living Training Program; the number one tool that you will be able to use to set yourself free time and time again and that is identifying your Core Fear on the Wheel of Fear. You will have a lot of work to do so get ready, get caught up with the Course and keep doing those acknowledgments. I want you to be solid in your confidence and who you are and what your capable of doing so you can dig deep and find that core fear. I will look forward to seeing you at the Wheel of Fear.

Copyright 2011

Fearless Living Training Program





Fearbuster Exercise: INTEGRATION QUESTIONS REFLECT: Ask yourself… Please describe what will be the most challenging aspect of acknowledgements?

REFLECT: Ask yourself… What area/s of your life are you blaming yourself for the circumstances or situation?

REFLECT: Ask yourself… List your top five acknowledgements right now. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. REFLECT: Ask yourself… How could your life change if you wrote down 5 acknowledgements a day for the next 30 days?

REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name the top three insights you have had about you and your life this week? 1. 2. 3. Copyright 2011

Fearless Living Training Program


