Usefulness of CT images for diagnosis of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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To assess the usefulness of CT images for the diagnosis of suspected odontogenic maxillary sinusitis,. 52 patients with maxillary sinusitis who had received CT ...
Original Articles

Usefulness of CT Images for Diagnosis of Odontogenie Maxillary Sinusitis

Tohru KURABAYASHI, D.D.S., Ph.D., Mizue IDA, D.D.S., Ph.D., Norio YOSHINO, D.D.S., Ph.D., Akiko HOSOKAWA, D.D.S., Takehito SASAKI, D.D.S., Ph.D., Junichi ISHII, D.D.S., Ph.D.*, Toyoko KISHI, D.D.S., Ph.D.** and Mikio KUSAMA, D.D.S., Ph.D.** Department of Dental Radiology and Radiation Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan (Director : Professor Takehito SASAKI) *1st Department of Oral and MaxillofaciaI Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan (Director : Professor Teruo AMAGASA) **2nd Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan (Director : Professor Shouji ENOMOTO) (Received : April 17, 1995,

Revision received : July 3, 1995, Accepted : Aug. 4, 1995)

Key Words : Computed tomography, Sinusitis, Paranasal sinuses CT

To assess the usefulness of CT images for the diagnosis of suspected odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, 52 patients with maxillary sinusitis who had received CT examination were retrospectively analyzed. Maxillary sinus ostium was established on coronal CT images in 20 out of 55 lesions in those 52 patients. However, a considerable number of patients who had i n f l a m m a t o r y disease not only in the maxillary sinus but also in o t h e r p a r a n a s a l sinuses (38/55)or in the nasal meatus (34/55) were included in those 52 patients. Concerning the opening of the ostium, the clinical diagnosis is frequently different from the diagnosis made using CT. The CT findings of the maxillary sinus ostium, nasal meatus and o t h e r paranasal sinuses were thus i m p o r t a n t in p l a n n i n g the t r e a t m e n t for p a t i e n t s with maxillary sinusitis in dentistry, as in otorhinolaryngology. Oral Radiol. V o t l l No.2 1995 ( 7 1 ~ 8 0 )

Introduction The goal of treatment of maxillary sinusitis secondary to nasal infections should be the restoration of normal mucociliary

drainage and ventilation t,4). Accordingly, the importance of the diagnosis of ostiomeatal complex such as maxillary sinus ostium, which makes up mucociliary drainage path2~


ways of the paranasal sinuses, was recognized earlier in otorhinolaryngology% considerable





Table 1

Age and gender distribution of the patients Age (yrs) Male Female Total


10 19 20--29 30--39 40--49 5O 59 60 69 70 79 Total

evaluated the usefulness of CT examination in the diagnosis have been reported in the field of otorhinolaryngologya'4'6 ~), and the number of CT examinations for sinusitis has recently markedly increased4'%

2 9 7 3 7 3 1 32

2 15 10 7 10 7 1 52

6 3 4 3 4 20

On the other hand, patients with maxillary sinusitis who consult a dentist or oral surgeon generally have a chief complaint of pain or discomfort in the upper molar region,






and a considerable number of such cases are

sinusitis in dentistry. The result is discussed

suspected to have odontogenic maxillary

with respect to dental treatment planning

sinusitis TM. Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

compared to that in otorhinolaryngology.

is often caused by periapical abscess, extensive marginal periodontitis, and perforation of the sinus floor at the time of dental extractionla-17L In contrast with sinusitis of

P a t i e n t s and m e t h o d s

1. Patients Fifty-two


who received CT

nasal origin, dental treatment is required 16,1r/.

examination in our department from January

However, the disease may extend to occlude

1991 to December 1992 and who were either

the ostium and involve the other paranasal

clinically or pathologically diagnosed with


Dental treatment alone is no

maxillary sinusitis were included in this

longer effective in such cases and treatment

study. Of those patients, 49 had unilateral and

is needed which reestablishes adequate drain-

3 had bilateral maxillary sinusitis (total of 55

age, in a manner similar to sinusitis of nasal

maxillary sinuses).

origin it).

distribution of the patients are shown in




odontogenic maxillary sinusitis" from other



The age and gender




types of sinusitis is important to establish the

obtained by a surgery or a biopsy in 13

treatment plan ~a'm. For the differential diag-

sinuses of 13 patients. Of the 52 patients, 44

nosis, one should ascertain whether or not the

visited the Department of Oral and Maxil-

maxillary sinus ostium, the nasal cavity or

lofacial Surgery of our hospital because they

any other sinuses are involved with inflam-

had a chief complaint of either pain or dis-

matory disease 13,~4,16). In dentistry, however,

comfort in the upper molar region.

there have been few reports in which the

remaining 8 patients were suspected of hav-

usefulness of CT was evaluated for the diag-

ing odontogenic maxillary sinusitis when

nosis of maxillary sinusitis~%

they first visited the Department of Otor-




of no




in which

hinolaryngology. All patients had been pre-

ostiomeatal complex such as the maxillary

scribed antibiotics for at least a week prior to

sinus ostium was evaluated by CT.

CT examination. Twelve patients had chief

The purpose of this study was to assess the usefulness of CT imaging for the diagno22 (72)

complaints of oro-antral fistulas caused by extraction of upper molar teeth.

Fig. 1

Three types of maxillary sinusitis. Type I (A), TypeII (B), and TypeIII (C). upeer : level of the sinus floor Iower: level of the zygomatic arch

2. CT examination


All the C T e x a m i n a t i o n s w e r e p e r f o r m e d w i t h a T C T 60A s c a n n e r ( T o s h i b a Medical,






ostium and p a r a n a s a l sinuses were a n a l y z e d as follows.

T o k y o , J a p a n ) o p e r a t e d at 120 k V p w i t h 200


mAs. B o t h a x i a l a n d c o r o n a l C T scans w e r e


p e r f o r m e d for all patients. A x i a l scans w e r e






W h e t h e r the m a x i l l a r y sinus ostium was

o b t a i n e d p a r a l l e l to the n a s o - m e a t a l line w i t h

opened or o b s t r u c t e d was e v a l u a t e d in all

a slice t h i c k n e s s of 2 m m and at i n t e r v a l s of

p a t i e n t s to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r

4 8 mm.

c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n the m a x i l l a r y sinus

C o r o n a l s c a n s w e r e o b t a i n e d per-

p e n d i c u l a r l y to n a s o - m e a t a l line with a slice

and the m i d d l e n a s a l meatus.




of 2 m m the



intervals portion

of 4 m m



findings c o n c e r n i n g the



F u r t h e r , these ostium


c o m p a r e d w i t h those of the inside of the

o s t i o m e a t a l c o m p l e x , including the m a x i l l a r y

m a x i l l a r y sinus.

sinus ostium

into the following t h r e e t y p e s b a s e d on the





ethmoidal at



t h r o u g h the p o s t e r i o r portion.

of 8 m m

T h e l a t t e r w e r e classified

e x t e n t of soft tissue m a s s in the m a x i l l a r y sinus (Fig. 1).

3. Analysis of CT findings 23 (73)

T y p e I : M a s s is m o s t l y l i m i t e d to the f l o o r of the m a x i l l a r y sinus. T y p e II : M a s s is s p r e a d over the entire m a x i l l a r y sinus f r o m floor to the






r e m a i n s in the sinus. T y p e l I I : T h e m a x i l l a r y sinus is a l m o s t c o m p l e t e l y occupied b y mass. b) Comparison

of C T

findings of the

m a x i l l a r y sinus o s t i u m and clinical diagnosis Opening of the ostium could be clinically d i a g n o s e d for 17 cases, including 12 p a t i e n t s

Fig. 2

Left maxillary sinusitis Coronal CT images demonstrated the communication between the maxillary sinus and the middle meatus. It was proved on the coronal image that the maxillary sinus ostium (arrow) was opened though soft tissue mass (ST) in the sinus. * : middle meatus, ..- : ethmoidal isfundibulum M : middle turbinate

Fig. 3

Left maxillary sinusitis The left maxillary sinus is occupied by soft tissue mass and its ostium was considered to be obstructed because soft tissue mass is seen in the region of the ostium and infundibulum. Conversely, the right maxillary sinus ostium (arrow) is proved to be opened on the image. * : middle meatus, ... : infundibulm, M : middle turbinate

with o r o - a n t r a l f i s t u l a and 5 p a t i e n t s who u n d e r w e n t m a r s u p i a l i z a t i o n of the m a x i l l a r y sinus soon a f t e r C T e x a m i n a t i o n . In those cases,the ostium w a s c o n s i d e r e d to be opened if l e a k a g e of i r r i g a t i n g solution w a s o b s e r v e d into the n a s a l c a v i t y when injected into the m a x i l l a r y sinus t h r o u g h the fistula.


solution w a s injected with a g r e a t c a r e not to i n c r e a s e the pressure. A l t h o u g h the injection p r e s s u r e 5) w a s not m e a s u r e d , the solution could flow b a c k w a r d to the oral c a v i t y while being injected to the m a x i l l a r y sinus. c ) E v a l u a t i o n of i n f l a m m a t o r y disease in the other p a r a n a s a l sinuses and the n a s a l cavity T h e presence of i n f l a m m a t o r y disease w a s e v a l u a t e d n o t only for the e t h m o i d and sphenoid sinuses, b u t also for the middle and s u p e r i o r m e a t u s of the nose into which those sinuses drain. Results


Evaluation of the maxillary sinus ostium M a x i l l a r y sinus ostium w a s c o n f i r m e d to

be open in 20 of 55 c a s e s on c o r o n a l C T i m a g e s (Fig. 2). In the o t h e r 35 cases, the ostial o b s t r u c t i o n w a s s u s p e c t e d b e c a u s e a soft tissue m a s s occluded the r e g i o n of the ostium a n d e t h m o i d a l infundibulum (Fig. 3). Conversely, it w a s difficult to e v a l u a t e the

24 (74)

Table 2

Relation between CT findings of maxillary sinus and the ostium (Number of Cases) Ostium Maxillary sinus Opened Obstructed Total Type I 15 4 19 Type II TypelII Total

Fig. 4

5 0 20

4 27 35

9 27 55

Table 3

Comparison of CT findings and clinical diagnosis of the maxillary sinus ontium (Number of Cases) CT findings Clinicaldiagnosis Opened Obstructed Total Opened Obstructed Total

3 0 3

9 5 14

12 5 17

Left maxillary sinusitis A, B and C are the coronal images of the same patient serially scanned with a slice interval of 4 mm. The ostium of the left maxillary sinus was considered opened based on clinical findings, but it was considered to be obstructed on the images because toft tissue mass was seen in the region of the ostium, infundibulum and midde meatus. arrow : ostium, * : middle meatus, ... : infundibulum, M : middle turbinate (contralateral side)

ostium on axial C T images and only one case

in which the status of the ostium could be


clinically diagnosed.

confirmed to



using this

modality. T h e r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n C T findings of the

T h e result is shown in

T a b l e 3. T h e ostial o b s t r u c t i o n was suspected on c o r o n a l C T images in 9 of 12 cases in

m a x i l l a r y sinus and the ostium is shown in

which it was

T a b l e 2. T h e ostium was c o n f i r m e d to be

opened (Fig. 4).

opened on coronal C T images in 79% (15/19) cases, and 0% (0/27) of the TypelII cases.

3. Evaluation of inflammatory disease in the other paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity

2. Comparison of CT findings and clinical diagnosis of the maxillary sinus ostium

m a x i l l a r y sinus alone in 17 of 55 sinuses. In

C T findings of the ostium were compar-

the other 38 sinuses, the ethmoid a n d / o r

ed with the clinical diagnoses for the 17 cases

sphenoid sinus was involved in addition to the

of the T y p e I cases, 55% (5/9) of the T y p e I I

clinically considered to be

T h e i n f l a m m a t o r y disease involved the

25 (75)

Table 4

Relation of the inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses and the nasal meatus Inflammatory disease in the meatus Inflammatory disease in paranasal sinuses Middle meatus Superior meatus + + Anterior Ethmoid Sinus

+ -

38 17

Posterior Ethmoid Sinus

+ -

8 47

Sphenoid Sinus


7 48

6 28

1 20






34 4 0 17 (x 2 36.1 : p