Vision & Reading Difficulties Part 2: Optometric ...

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Wilkins AJ, Evans BJW, Brown J, Busby A, Wingfield AE, Jeanes. R et al. .... Stuart GW, McAnally KI, Castles A. Can contrast sensitivity functions in dyslexia beĀ ...
Vision & Reading Difficulties Part 2: Optometric Correlates of Reading Difficulties Dr Peter Allen Prof Bruce Evans Prof Arnold Wilkins References 1. Evans BJW. Dyslexia and Vision. London: Whurr, 2001. 2. Edwards JD, DeLeon J, Bearden WH, Rumble ME, Girkin CA. Is reading disability likely to interfere with glaucoma screening of adults using frequency-doubling technology perimetry? Am J Ophthalmol 2003;135:816-20.

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